
Gilligan is played by John Oliver. In season 4 they manage to escape Rhode Island but through GIlligan's wacky antics end up on... Long Island!
"Hollywood Harry Crane": Set in 1970s Los Angeles, Harry Crane rises through swingin' LA as an ad man but slowly gets pulled into moonlighting as a PI. Pete Campbell joins in season 2 as his partner and the two go on to solve all of Hollywood's unsolved mysteries.
Better Call Aaron Paul: Basically, Aaron Paul says "Yea, bitch!" and "Science, bitch!" a lot in this reality show about his life.
It's weird they build up dramatic tension about how Hank's career would be over if he revealed all he knows to the DEA but that seemed to go by the wayside in the last few eps? Also I'm making a strong guess that Gomez is dead, Hank is probably dead or dying (he had better cover behind the vehicle) and Jesse ran away given his reaching for the door. Whether he will make it far depends on Walt, I believe. If Walt says only Hank & Gomie were there then perhaps Jesse escapes - if not I can see a situation where Jesse is forced to cook for the white power guys (White power - haha) and Walt goes free because they don't need him anymore?
Kelly, it's almost as if you have a thing for Jesse. I'm gettin' some strong vibes from your column this week.
Walt simply needs Hank to back off, and it worked (for now). I even believe Walt had this whole storyline planned out for months, or maybe even since the Fring incident occurred, as a contingency. Walt knows it would seem far more plausible that Hank could be a crooked cop and force his genius-chemist brother to cook meth than that Walt would assemble a drug empire on his own. Plus, linking Hank to Fring was brilliant: now Hank's insistence that the DEA investigate Fring would seem more like trying to bring down a partner with whom he was having difficulties than an innocent hunch. Of course all this comes tumbling down if Jesse decides to talk... but I'm not sold that is what will occur.
Thanks! I appreciate the kind words. I love Breaking Bad and politics, so being able to combine the two was awesome for me, besides being linked on Videogum!
I dunno, an Amy's Baking Company tshirt would go pretty well with my collection of Anthony "Carlos Danger" Weiner and Camp Hunger Games tees. Funny, and timeless.
I have been reading this site and commenting for 4.5 years, and through that time I've received my PhD, run for office twice, loved much and lost some, and saw the world change many times over. Through it all I have turned to Videogum, and really Gabe's writing, not just because it was an interesting take on pop culture and the news, but because the editorial tone he struck was reasoned, thoughtful, and at heart humanistic. You knew at center of this website was someone who cared deeply about his polemics and deeper analysis of our society - it wasn't all Double Rainbows and Keyboard Cats (though we've had plenty of those, too). So Gabe, your writing got me through bad times and good, but it also made me think - and as someone paid to think about weighty academic matters I liked being able to visit this site on a regular basis and come away from it with a new perspective on the world. If your next endeavor is as good as this - then the sky's the limit, as they say. Break a leg Gabe; I am sad to see you go but happy for you and hope to continue to be entertained and enlightened by your writings in the near future. If I ever get to LA, let me grab you a beer for all the enjoyment I've gotten out of this site in the last half decade. And, join us here in the Monsters section from time to time - we'll be glad you did. Sincerely, Bubbles "So, five-card stud, nothing wild... and the sky's the limit."
Yep. I don't get it at all (granted I am a straight man). I have a number of female friends who are bonkers over Benedict Cumberbatch and I simply cannot understand what it is that generates their love for him. And I mean like, the majority of their posts on Facebook are about him (and we're not talking 14 year olds here). He just looks, well, average, and I've seen him in films - his acting is fine, not superb. So what is it, exactly?
Do you think she'd be anything more than a minor character? She has an invisible jet (where she is totally visible!) and a lasso. These do not an interesting character make, male or female. The problem is less Wonder Woman and more that comic writers rarely create strong female superheros/villains.
As someone who's a candidate for a local city council this year, I approve this commercial.
If Mad Men wins I get to see a friend of mine, who is a co-producer, take the stage, which is about as good as I can get to vicariously hanging out with the cast. Huzzah!
LaBeouf, there he is!
Or for the SuperVideogumFans, Lindsay.
Ted does his work and manages to run the creative department competently. His interpersonal relations are fine except for with Peggy. I don't think he's "the worst" like Don, he's just a far less interesting person who needed Don to give him the California job in order to save his marriage. He's a milquetoast and with Peggy a total manipulator... but Don has done that 100+ times with many women and is a shitty person to everyone. Ted is just.... lame.
I'm wagering that Don's career at SC&P really is over, and that he has to move on from the world of advertising in order to put his life in order. He can't continue to be an ad man - with the illusions and falsity of that world - and a good person. Seemingly everyone involved in SC&P is corrupted by the business, Don perhaps most of all. They may try to pull him back when they really need his expertise, and maybe it is Don's new wholeness that reacts negatively to the ad world, which will bring him to a fateful decision in the finale. I'm not saying we're going to get another ambiguous ending like The Sopranos, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's less than the closure we want. I have a friend who's been with the show since the beginning who won't tell me any plot details so I have to keep guessing like the rest of youse... oh well. Other predictions about next season: - Sally goes to Woodstock - Sal turns up at the Stonewall Riots - the LA subplot is really shortlived, and Pete ends up back in NYC, but not Ted Chaough, who's essentially been written off the show - Megan & Don are dunzo - Don actually takes time to not be in a relationship/screw around with anyone
Ser Davos has absolutely become my favorite. Completely unafraid to do the right thing even facing certain death, and remaining loyal to Stannis even though Stannis can no longer see right from wrong. Freeing Gendry and then the scene where he stands up to Stannis... "What is the life of one bastard boy against a kingdom?" "Everything."
I loved Tennant as 10 more than I did Smith as 11, but I did really enjoy the Matt Smith era. They're two different show tones: Tennant/Davies was more goofy Sci-fi and the Doctor was definitely an alien, while the Smith/Moffat era is more horror/drama and the Doctor comes off as a whimsical faerie creature like Peter Pan. I'm curious to see what happens with the 12th.
One of my favorite channels on digital cable is Palladia, which I believe is a VH1/MTV collaboration where they show live music 24/7. I can only hope that MTV collapses under the weight of its own excess and that somehow Palladia and more channels like it flourish in the future.
Can we call her Brown Betty instead of Fat Betty now?
Rye, not Rhine (though there is a Rhinebeck, NY further up the Hudson).
Stannis. Yes. The man is pure power politics and fanaticism incarnate, and for some reason I've really started to like his role, which is to show how twisted the world of power politics really is when you take honor, law and combine it with insatiable lust to rule. Jamie Lannister and The Hound are similar characters who could care less about the rules of honor and bend them to their advantage, but they pale in comparison to Stannis Baratheon's chilling awesomeness. Also, Ser Davos is becoming a lot like Frank Lapidus, an unexpected favorite from someone who hasn't read the books.
Harold and Maude. But really, I wanted to comment because this movie was shot in Schenectady, NY, the town right next to me, last summer, and I had a bunch of friends who essentially stalked Ryan Gosling while it was being filmed. Plus plenty of cool Capital District (NY) shots in the trailer. 518 represent!
Is that where he literally says "I drink your milkshake, I drink it up?" Good lord, I hope so.
John Hodgman. Or, failing that, Patton Oswalt.
My girlfriend broke up with me for the second time in two weeks. Huzzah.
"You see in this world there are two kinds of people: those who love trampoline accident videos, and those who don't."
Is this, um, is this MTV's updating of "The Hipster Handbook" or something? Please tell me it's ironic, because if it isn't... gah.
Um yes, JEM and the Misfits FTW, LBTales.
It's Always Sunny was amazing last night! - Sean Combs as "Dr. Jinx" with Dennis saying "That's the name of a cat, not a man." - Charlie's mom faking cancer, copying Charlie from season 1? - Frank enticing his kids to dig up their mother's grave! - Dennis: "I feel too much!" - "Beef, Beer, and Jesus"