
What annoys me is that with every teen sex storyline it's the biggest deal ever and they almost always end up having sex and it doesn't always have to work like that. And they treat teenage pregnancy storylines even worse on tv, it actually enrages me. This show is so horrible. I'm so glad I never watched it but I do enjoy reading these recaps so I can keep up with the kidz.
"not message board freaks, jk, I love them" REALLY? You love the people from fishbiscuitland? You are a saint.
I'm not upset or anything but don't you think that by being annoyed by these injokes and starting this V4V thing (I am lazy as fuck if I don't type that) you started your own...inthing...?
His made the WMOAT list! My favorite list.
I just want those fucking cookies. And to punch that girl in the mug.
I am very new here (even though I've been reading for a while but to be completely honest posting comments were a BITCH and I was a wee 17 year old applying to college etc this story doesn't matter) and the whole vforvgum thing was weird to me. I guess I understand people's complaints and everything but we're all adults (and for those who aren't adults but read videogum same thing? idk) so it seems workout-able. Downvote if you must.
In the next segment: purple drank.
Well in that case I can't wait to have children I can drag to the dentist, get them hopped up on laughing gas, then tape them with their shenans because that is probably more than I will make in a lot of years/ever.
Totally forgot about the Buster Bluth cameo.
That impression was on. point.
or yesterday yeesh so many comments from me
Also, usually I do not like April but I found her really funny tonight. I'm warming to her.
Dare I watch? I figure I need something to kind of replace Lost.
In case none of you saw Parks and Recreation this is what we call a joke. I was "forced" to see Avatar with my parents in Vegas. Very difficult experience.
Have you guys seen Avatar? I wanted to read the book first but then I realized it wasn't a book. It exceeded my expectations.
I said What's Up With Topher Grace in a rl conversation. REAL LIFE, GUYS. It was embarrassing.
I have school. This would be completely possible if my school wasn't in Connecticut because I'm coming back to NJ tomorrow. Ugh, I am very upset that I am missing questo. I follow him on twitter and once I shouted at him that he knows my uncle! (Once again Asher Roth was wrong. I hate college.)
Seriously dogs are expensive as hell. Stay strong to the cause, ok.
I have ears finely tuned to like hip hop and r 'n' b but that was a lot of autotune even for T Pizzle
2 - how do you know this? I think Lil Wayne was like 12. How do I know this? ):
Omg I am :3 facing all over the place irl
If I could have a dog that didn't come with all the work (feeding, walking, taking them out etc) I would totally get one. As I'm not emotionally mature enough yet I'll just keep on complaining that I want one and can't take care of one.
This looks really great, can't wait to watch it. (It doesn't and I can.)
I was half expecting Liz Lemon to break out in cheesy blasters song.
The photoshopping on Kutcher's poster is awful.
As a black person who was not homeless on the streets and taken in by a nice white lady but instead was privileged and was raised by two parents, I would never go to Ole Miss. That school frightens me. Anyway, thank you now I don't have to watch either. Of which I had no urge to anyway.
I like this comment a lot. Also they always wear white. WHY. IT'S STUPID.
Most of these comments are very gross. I kinda like the ad because no I don't want to fucking frolic on a beach or go swimming with my boyfriend in a white bikini, either. Also, this is the design nerd in me but Kotex rebranded! How nice.
No he is horrible.
It's sad when one character in Gossip Girl is about as annoying and awful as Jack or Kate. That's a lot of terrible to cover.
In Sweet Valley High there is a party in literally every book. Gossip Girl reminds me of of that.
Um this sounds really fun and innovative, sign me up. I'll watch it right after 16 and Pregnant.
I don't know that many 16 year old girls, that's weird.
All the 16 year old girls I know hate me for seriously disliking this movie. I guess it's probably because I watched it during my senior year and was too busy focusing on college than this three hour movie about a man-child, literally. And the love story was very creepy and weird and those accents. About as good as True Blood accents (which we all know are very good.)