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Computer nerds should really stop taking their style ques from Hackers
Computer nerds should really stop taking their style cues from Hackers.
Oh, so that's how you train a kitty bomb.
I second... Brittany the perfect is a much better dancer then Brittany my tramp stamp.
This is my first post in three months. I think I'm going deeper then last time.
Did you see that one where Bill Paxton was a mean?
Did anyone see him on the Daily Show? John Stewart couldn't stop giggling like a school girl the whole time. It was kind of hard to watch. He would laugh before Louie actually said anything funny. Awkward
And Chelsea Lately just squirted her Belvedere filled water bottle all in her hair.
Oh God, DERP has 36 definitions on Urban Dictionary... it's like the RUN or GO of the troll dictionary.
What's that one movie where Demi Moore looks like she's 27?
I can't wait for some TrueBlood. I have the thirst and need an O+ fix right now. Seriously has anyone watched the minisodes? I didn't think any of them were good, but that trailer has me in a tizzie. Where's Bill? And Who is that guys Tara is talking to? And more Jason Stackhouse. P.S. In a perfect world Jason Stackhouse would be dating Brittany from Glee.
"I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to __________ it."
You want a ____? I can get you a ____, believe me. There are ways, Dude. Hell, I can get you a ____ by 3 o'clock this afternoon... with nail polish.
Today we celebrate our __________ Day.
Yeah... monsters ball, time for me to feel like a looser.
Fifth Element... Anyone... anyone?