
i think this video might have made me bisexual. this bieber kid looks so much like an adorable lesbian that it's making me want to make out with him. if he were a girl. does that make sense?
i don't want to take a controversial stance here but i don't think this guy is very talented at all, and i highly doubt he has any kind of future as a professional musician/performer.
we should plan a bay area monster meet up, doy!
i am amazed you were able to even understand that sentence. is english my first language?
i think that show stinks, too. just so you know. i'll also probably wait for it to be over and then power through the whole thing, in hopes of belatedly seeing the point, but my expectations are the lowest because i hate all the characters so much.
agreed, so hard, katydid. i want to kiss all my vforvgummie militants straight on the mouth because i love them so much AND i think this whole "revolt" is fucking ridiculous and elitist and mean-spirited. love bugs, who said that every comment needed to meet your individual seal of approval? who said that every comment HAD to be funny and insightful? yeah, we tend to get a higher caliber of comment than just "lol duuuuuuuuude!!!!!!" but if that's the way i wanted to contribute to the vgum community, i would absolutely be allowed to do that, because this is a FUCKING ENTERTAINMENT BLOG. whether or not any individual commenter enjoys a comment, or even any attractive and hilarious GROUP of wildly sexy commenters enjoying a comment, matters not a whit. no one here needs to suit their commenting style to anything other than entertaining themselves and not being wildly, purposefully offensive. the fact that we all tend to amuse each other and enjoy the contributions of each other is incredibly fortuitous but not at all required. to assume that anyone, or any group of ones, need to edit themselves to please the taste of a bunch of crotchety 20 year olds is really, really presumptuous. katydid's point about blocking comments that aren't funny is exactly what i was thinking, too. i'm not a Star Commenter. i have never been even close to being in the monsters' ball. whatever, as some really old guy said, "they also serve who only stand and wait." i don't really bring the lolz, i just hang and soak up the vibe, mostly. what if everyone got really annoyed with people who aren't all that hilarious? what if the site got TONS more popular and the people reading it and commenting on it became a little more mainstream and less with the rapier wit? would we start banning commenters who can't "bring it?" i can absolutely relate to grouchiness about change when it happens to something that you liked a lot PRE-change. but this is a website, not the french language, so it doesn't need anyone's permission to change, aside from gabe, who i suppose is playing the role of that committee that decides which words are allowed in the french language each year? i dunno. i'm losing my thread... ANYWAY. not to be all Your Mom about it but let's ALL try to remember that the world doesn't revolve around us and that being bugged by something does not automatically make that buggative something a problem for everyone in the world, 'kay? and maybe try to be a bit less "the gum is half-full" vs. "the gum is half-empty" and more "yay, there is a gum! sometimes it is half-full and sometimes it is half-empty but it is that it is here at all is totally tits!"
SHUT YOUR FACES YOU ARE SO CLOSE TO ME. as i said above, i'm in petaluma. bridge and tunnel!
i'm in petaluma. nor cal monsters are hyphy, right? (am i doing it right? i'm very old.)
i have a shiba (he's actually from the first puppy cam litter! my own little haley joel osment!) and he is an awesome dog, but it's true that shibas often end up big jerks. when breeders are choosing puppies to show and/or breed, they choose the pushiest, brattiest, most sassy puppies, which has created basically the bossiest dogs in the world. we joke that our dog has very good self esteem, and it's really true. from the time he was a weensy puppy, he never met another dog of any size who he didn't feel like he was an even match for. it requires some serious hands-on, "I'M THE BOSS OF YOU, YOU JERKY LITTLE DOG!" ownership techniques. they need huge amounts of socialization with people or they'll get cliquey and just spend all their time protecting their people from strangers, which sucks for friends and family and mailmen and neighbors. but they're so cute that when you're out and about w/your fluffy little foxy puppy everyone dies of cuteness and wants one, too, and no one wants to hear about how they're not a great breed for most people. you just have to dog whisper the crap out of them. there is one down the street from us who is a snarling, barking, crazy-eyed hellbeast! but our handsome little gentleman is a total ambassador and can smooch away any bad experiences you might have had with bad shibas. do not hate the players, hate the game. and also the coaches, who let the players become evil little tyrants. (whoops, i'm a dog nerd.)
my friend is a waitress at a restaurant that tina fey and her husband frequent regularly and they are not jerks at all and are very nice, in fact. i said 'hi' to jason segal on the fox lot while he was hanging out on a break from filming, and while he didn't comment on my painfully adorable and very charismatic dog, he did smile and say 'hi' back in a non-jerky way.
i'm the same way. when me and mr. caringiscool got together, i warned him about my excessive movie crying, and how there are certain types of movies i just don't see because it'll be embarrassing for everyone, but he didn't really *get* it until he rented 'the pianist' and i only made it through about 15 mins. those nazis pushed that old man out of his wheelchair, off a balcony! I'M NOT MADE OF STONE! 'saving private ryan'? 'titanic', with the old people spooning as the ship sinks? please. anyway, i cry all the time, loudly, at every movie/tv show/commercial with a swelling score. much to my chagrin, i cried during the preview for the celine dion concert movie the other day. i'm a totally normal, well-adjusted, emotionally healthy person. i just have easily accessible heart-strings and they are very susceptible to tugs.
there's room in this yogurt cup for two.
"these things happen." - that bad mom do they, bad mom? do they really? i am not sure that this can be covered with that platitude.
way to be a class act, buddy. no sarcasmo.
that's you! i recognize that facial expression from twitter! you snuck a self-portrait into a regular comment thread!
i know sometimes people tease you about your enthusiastic cataloging of gum trivia, but i just think it's charming. you're an anthropologist, keeping track of the things that make up our little subculture and i'm thankful you're doing it.
i unironically enjoy topher grace. i thought he did a great job in 'in good company.' i didn't see that 'tad hamilton' movie, but i imagine he's adorably tophery in it.
i'm in sonoma county, but willing to schlep a little bit.
we aren't enemies! i am just sorry for your eyes and brain, because you are probably filling them with stuff that sucks because maybe you're not good at telling the difference? the "romance" between colin farrell and gong li? barf-in-your-mouth gross and chemistry-less and ridiculous! colin farrell's face/hair/costumes? ridiculous! jaime foxx and colin farrell's lack of chemistry? ridiculous! the pacing for that movie, which turns what is supposed to be an action drama into a slow, boring slog through poorly lit night scenes? ridiculous! the whole movie was garbage! but we are not enemies. i'm all about the love.
that lady on the right is very pretty! (i was acquaintances with a girl whose claim to fame was having slept with the pretty lady faced lead singer. fame!)
i bet That One was just "wow"-ing because kate spade bags are kinda low budge for carrie bradshaw and she only rolls with gucci or fendi or something else even more ridiculously expensive.
clare, that is CLEARLY a small sloth. stan is a sloth. that's his whole schtick. stan is a handsome young male sloth, and that is perhaps a baby picture of him.
nor cal, whatwhat! should we be scheduling something?
you guys, please, would someone else see miami vice? i feel like if people saw it, they would know it was the worst and we could build some momentum on it, you know? the only thing keeping it from the contest is that i am the only person who saw it. in my defense, i enjoy michael mann projects sometimes and was in love with don johnson when i was 8.
a dubious title i will accept with mingled trepidation and pride.
holmes went to ye olde sally hershberger salon for a wash and style. you know, normal 19th century stuff.
i can't believe you'd get so many down votes for stating what is a truth that is acknowledged by everyone in the world with ears that work correctly. queen is terrible. so terrible. but the muppets are pretty amazing and this song reminds me of "wayne's world' which brings back good memories. probably for you, too, huh, sprout? you weren't even born when that movie came out!
oh man, whole-heartedly agree. that movie was so depressing. i have a slowly hardening soft spot for mike meyers (so i married an axe murderer! wayne's world! the first austin powers!) and, though he's rumored to be a big douche in real life, i went in hopeful and left so sad and mad and grossed out. ben kingsley ought to be ashamed of himself.
i feel like going from being an actor who is MAYBE recognized every once in a while to being so popular and famous that you are unable to leave your hotel room safely and are constantly mobbed by insane kids/adult ladies would be fucking terrifying. is he supposed to just be 'whatevs' about it? wouldn't most people find the entire thing overwhelming and terrifying and maybe more than they bargained for? obvs the HIV concern is basically irrational, but maybe if he had bleeding gums and was laughing or smiling toothily and a crazy fan with squirting blood splashed him in the face...? i dunno. i just think we're being very hard on my boyfriend. love, mrs. caring is pattinson
i am an unapologetic robpattzhead and now i have another reason to swoon over him bc his singing OMGZ! (oh man, adulthood is not what i expected.)
i've thought about that, too. i'm 31 and find 17 year olds nearly intolerable (aside from napoleon complex, natch), so the idea that a 100 year old would experience true love with a 17 year old is far-fetched. (hahaha, like THAT'S the part that's hard to swallow.) the kinda try to make bella a very mature 17 year old, but still. she's pretty sulky and uncomfortable, which seems like classic 17 to me. the books make it sound like all the other vampire couples do is hump all the time, so poor edward is probably tired of his permanent case of whitesparkly-balls.
i've thought about that, too. i'm 31 and find 17 year olds nearly intolerable (aside from napoleon complex, natch), so the idea that a 100 year old would experience true love with a 17 year old is far-fetched. (hahaha, like THAT'S the part that's hard to swallow.) the kinda try to make bella a very mature 17 year old, but still. she's pretty sulky and uncomfortable, which seems like classic 17 to me. the books make it sound like all the other vampire couples do is hump all the time, so poor edward is probably tired of a new permanent case of whitesparkly-balls.
okay, a couple of things. the ham-handed insertion of romeo and juliet was in the books. it was equally painful and obvious and forced, but we can't blame the movie when it was in the cringey source material. i didn't feel like the book was so much anti-feminism as it was anti-rational humansism. no man or woman should love another person so much that they feel compelled to commit suicide or sink into a months long black depression or put up with obvious cock teasing and mixed messages. everyone in the movie is totally spineless, male and female. yes, getting dumped is very hard. loving someone who may love you but isn't giving you clear messages is hard. being given false information from your malicious vampire foster sister, based on a mistaken viewing from your other psychic vampire foster sister is hard. so hard! but let's all just take a deep breath, go to the gym, have some movie nights with our besties, read some self-help books...SOMETHING. let's get ahold of ourselves and stop placing all out self-worth on another person's shoulders. men and women in twilight land need to love and respect themselves a good deal more. i also think a LOT of the craziness that happens in the book is chalked up to this bizarre, unfair idea of supernatural MEGA love, which is more powerful than real love and is the most important thing in the world. in twilight land, it's okay that your new werewolf boyfriend rips half your face off because he is a baby werewolf and everyone knows they are prone to violent outbursts and you should've probably thought of that before you talked back. it's okay to become basically catatonic for half a year when your boyfriend of less than a year leaves you because it's not just love is supernatural MEGA love, so duh you're empty inside without him and no one else understands. it's okay to be best friends with a girl who is clearly just using you to make herself feel better after being dumped and doesn't like you nearly as much as her abandoning ex but MIGHT want to kiss? or maybe not? whatever, it's normal that you put up with her being such a jerk because you supernatural MEGA love her, so self-esteem isn't a factor. every bad decision they make is justified by this once in a lifetime epic supernatural MEGA love that generations of girls will be expecting to experience now. i feel like that's the most unhealthy aspect of the entire series. basically normal love is for lame-os and supernatural MEGA love, where you'll die for it and get your face ripped off, is the only thing that's "real" love. i'm not previewing or proofing this so i hope it makes sense. living on the edge!
i applaud your courage. i think i need to just admit to myself (and apparently videogum too) that i hatelove the series. the books were ridiculous, the movies terrible and rushed and hilarious. AND YET talking about them and laughing and eye rolling is harmless fun, totally like hate watching a bad show. also, team edward DUH because jacob is a child and his face is unwatchable.
a) renesme is easily the ugliest, stupidest name ever, and i think stephanie meyer owes all the future real life renesmes a blanket apology. b) that is a fun game! my name would be evelouise or louiselyn (evelyn+louise). fun!
i keep trying to explain that to my husband, but i don't think i'm making any progress at all.