
Nerd school, school full of nerds
Kind of wish some lances would hit my eyes right now! This reminds me of high school so hard. Everyone had just "discovered" Plath and Faulkner and were slowly realizing how tragically beautiful writing about self-inflicted wounds in run-on sentences was. Can't wait for Franco to go through his Neutral Milk Hotel phase!
Oops. This is what I get for trying to use an image for the first time. Never again!
Haha, that phone is so big! It is TOO big! You can't talk on that phone!
How do you feel about Thomas Kinkade? He is my favorite! Sorry, Chuck!
I'm afraid of what might be in the box and I don't want to look, so can you please just tell me instead?
Kenny seems to like it. It stays. Maybe i will make a conscious effort to be less of a perpetual e-asshole. Then again Kenny seems to like that too....
You guys I was just kidding about Godsauce stealing my #calmmoviequote. That was just a test to see if everyone would knee-jerk downvote me for a really minor thing and guess what, you all passed!
That is almost verbatim what I wrote on Twitter. Maybe this is more Great Minds than plagiarism. I trust you Mr. Sauce!
"I realize this is terrible timing, but you should know that I'm responsible for your choking on a screw in the tuna." #calmkenanandkellines (Because Godsauce stole my only decent #calmmovieline.)
Eh I don't know, everyone seems to have a supernatural power at this point right? Like Hurley can talk to ghosts, Miles can communicate with the dead, Kate has a supernaturally annoying way of destroying every life she touches. Seriously she is the King Midas of life-ruining. It is so unfair that Juliet died and Kate didn't, and I didn't even like Juliet. What was I even saying before this, who knows, all that matters is Kate is just the worst.
I also noticed this. Shannon is Veruca Salt!
Dangerously close to the b-hole there.
Oh man. If my sense of humor were like half as sophisticated as everyone else's I would have totally thought of that.
One might even say he had a SPLIT-P(ersonality). What? That is not even a pun. Oh well pressing submit anyway
The syntax of that sentence is so dubious to me, I am going to dedicate the rest of my night to figuring out why.
In what every pre-teen at the Kids Choice Awards agreed was ultimately a pretty unnecessary display of political symbolism, P-Diddy shocked everyone as he announced he was officially joining the Green Party. (NAILED IT)
Also a thief of 30 minutes that could have been spent eating tacos. Everyone does that right? Just sits down and eats tacos for 30 straight minutes?
Why does he look freakishly young here? Is it the photoshopping? Seriously he looks like Walt from season 1 of Lost. Don't worry, I voted for you President Walt! Hope you don't make my pet bird kill itself for reasons that will never be explained!
Oh man. I'm from Nashville as well...It is weird that she said getting into Patterson House "requires some work"--it's literally first come first served like any other normal place. Wouldn't be hip enough though if you could just sit down after a short wait like any other dive for plebs. Anyway a lot of what she highlighted that wasn't deliberately yuppie were tourist spots that natives never go to, at least I don't. (Only tourists buy cowboy boots on Broadway!) Why am I getting so upset over this? I don't even know! Get out of my city, weirdo!
Just so you know, I am not protesting the inclusion of this on Videogum because I think it's important to talk about...but is the "video element" of this post the Vote For Pedro shirt/Napoleon Dynamite reference?
That is me, which makes KP's confession up there even more awkward. Just kidding, it's Chuck Close.
Well this whole thing certainly happened.
I love how yall managed to get ?UESTLOVE, but no green light as yet on the snacks. Snacks must have a super hardball agent!
?UESTLOVE, WHAT IN THE. Oh my god I absolutely can't get to NYC that day. IRREVOCABLYSADGUM.COM.
I think the intention is not for us to think they are hip and cool, but to put astronauts/space teams back in the context of epic figures and cultural heroes who appear, to us, wrapped up in some unfathomable drama of space and technology and science. I feel like Americans used to think of astronauts this way, back when space exploration was maybe newer and more novel and felt like a dream, but now technology pervades life in this ubiquitous, inescapable way so nothing really feels very new or exciting anymore. What Americans respond to emotionally are movie protagonists who have to deal with forces bigger than themselves and somehow win it for the greater good. Perhaps NASA wants Americans to feel more emotionally invested in NASA programs/endeavors via a renewed idealization of them, in an almost cinematic way. Popular interest/investment in NASA programs = more funding...see Katydid's comments on decreased federal support of those initiatives. "Relax, Carrie." -everyone
This is all really adorable. I loved reading all of that! I would not hate it if you managed to slip in NASA fun facts wherever applicable!
Was too distracted by the MOSS hanging out of his breast pocket to focus on the jokez.
Phew, so glad they didn't sexualize the female astronaut in a really obvious and pandering way. If they had done that, that would have just been the worst.
Haha. This comment is so great. What NASA needs is more delightfully bafoonish but ultimately charming men leaning playfully against a beautiful but frustrated woman looking at him askance with her arms crossed. It is just what the people want.
Why is Ashton's coat so terribad? That pocket is too big! The whole thing is just ill-fitting! And put your collar and lapels back down you ragamuffin, you don't look fly! This is so upsetting.
Astrid this comment is in no way a reply to you, I just wasn't sure who to reply to because the ones I want to reply to don't have reply buttons after their comments for whatever reason. (Wow, perfectly executed sentence Carrie, there is just no possible way to improve upon the arrangement of those words.) ANYWAY. You guys, gifs suck. I'm sorry. They're flashy and impressive but they slow down my page significantly and 9 times out of 10 don't make any point that couldn't be made more effectively with words. As visual metaphors sometimes they work! But you know what, I remember that moment when Locke punched Claire or whatever, because I saw it on the actual show, that is why I'm reading the review of LOST and all the comments, and I don't want to see it on loop OKAY? It's like a gif-off half the time here. Those referencing "Old Vgum" are not being ridiculous. There was a time when it was possible to have a widely appreciated comment based on the arrangement of thoughts therein and not because their gif had the best 80s movie reference or was the gayest moment from last week's "Glee." I love the Vgum "community." I've been here over a year and because I've been more or less absent for several months the "new" "generation" probably don't even recognize my name or avatar. And okay, whatever, that literally doesn't even matter to me. New blood is fine. This is a website. But GOD can there be one thread of Seriousgum without someone falling all over themselves to congratulate everyone for posting comments? I want to talk about how much I hate the lists. I hate them. Every time a new joke gets added I feel like I can't use it anymore. To me that list is a list of jokes that are forthwith dead to me. I want to go on for paragraphs about this but I also really, really don't want to because I just truly adore and value Werttrew and his good intentions. And the last thing in the e-world I i-want is to alienate him. Gabe, this was a great post. You don't deserve vapid Glee gifs and you don't deserve this absurd over-considered bullshit deconstruction of your own website by anonymous Internet people who probably should be thinking about other things in the world than how much moving pictures in comment boards just annoy them so much, like how virtually none of the billions of dollars being funneled into Haiti are being dispersed to the people who need it the most because the very infrastructure of their government, what's left of it, is inherently corrupt but no one on the outside who matters cares and no one on the inside knows how to go about changing that internally. I wanted to contribute my own 9/11 vignette to this thread, because everything about 9/11 is so interesting to me. I just watched "Man on Wire" and it was the most beautiful and poetic filmic response to 9/11 that I've seen yet. I've thought about it every day for almost two weeks now. But I won't talk about that because I'm talking about this. I guess what I am trying to say, really ineffectively, is just BE MORE THOUGHTFUL OKAY? Okay, you guys? V for Vgum.
"Sawyer, your motivation is: 'fucking.'" Also WHOA with the gifs, guys. I SAW it last night, I know that those things happened.