
If I'm on a first name basis with the person, I rarely say goodbye. I just kind of picked it up from my family. We hang up on each other a lot.
Interesting you mention Louisiana. Throughout the first season of Treme I had to rewind repeatedly to fully understand what the characters were saying. The British I generally have no problem comprehending. Now Scottish on the other hand...
Many senior citizens rely on closed captioning.
Hey, Prius!
Things I learned: If you gon' steal, steal right.
I see your Brian Wilson and raise you a Ryan Dempster
Some of my favorite moments came from the rise of commenter tophersuxbutts, from scores of downvotes to eventual embrace. It is just one example of the power of this community to neutralize a seemingly would-be troll by magically turning into a beloved site gimmick.
Monsters in the Ball Exchanging upvotes, Wandering 'round the Ball What were the chances We'd be three years old Before the springtime's through? Something made me laugh Was it your comment 'Bout Rebecca Black Or were you saying I miss Coppercab, Wonder what he's up to? Monsters in the Ball Such funny people Laughing in the ball I've never been but I am sure that is is swell I could never tell A joke that makes the masses cheer 'Least I know my friends are near I can share your joy Don't comment often 'Cause I'm such a busy boy Perhaps this summer I could make all you guys smile With puns so lame yet sweet Monsters in the Ball Here every Friday Dancing in the Ball What could be a better way to place A cherry on the sundae of the week? ...dooby dooby do...
...Bright, bright, sunshiney day!
Congrats (future Dr.) Friday!
Is it OK to refer to Snooki as a nappy-headed ho?
Very well put, Gabe. There's a reason it's called the 'idiot box' or the 'boob tube.' But sometimes idiots and boobs are OK, right? I think you get my point.
I've got to say, this doesn't look that bad. Not that I plan on watching this, but I don't see it being any worse for an 8-12 year old's cartoon than any of the crap I watched as a kid. I know it's cool to profess an undying love for Transformers, TMNT, Thundercats, and other shows that have become retroactively cool for hip 20-somethings, but those shows were patently ridiculous. That being said, the Black Eyed Peas song takes it down about 10 notches.
Is it a coincidence that I rode a horse for the first time on what turns out to be Pony Day? Awesome.
Bruno S. forever and ever. That movie is perfect.
Apparently Charlie Sheen also has the power to separate Africa from the Eurasian continental landmass. And the Earth seems thrilled about this. I'm worried about the Earth, you guys. (aren't we all)
I refuse to refer to them as members of any "tea party." To me they will always be Teabaggers.
"As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be an F-18, bro."
"Parts of Soylent Green are Dennis Hopper!"
"Losers always whine about giving their best. Winners go home and get embarrassed. From the prom queen."
Almost worth it for the Hogan.
I enjoy this feature immensely and I always read through them even though I've usually never seen any of these films. I guess I just feel like I miss out on the camaraderie and collective catharsis that results from recalling that one awful time when the only movies on the flight were The Lake House or Valentine's Day. I do think the hunt serves both purposes, though. Some truly appalling films are reviewed, saving my eyes and ears from having to endure the pain, and Gabe gets to make funnies about disposable celeb fodder and we keep making those trusty LOLk deposits, regardless of whether or not the film in question is truly "the worst of all time." I think it's win-win.
I'm not attempting to come off as any sort of movie snob, but it's another week, another movie I didn't see. I can honestly count on one hand the number of WMOATs that I've seen. Can I just sense the worstness that these things exude? Thereby avoiding the pain and ughs? Or am I the one wasting my weekends at Bergman and Antonioni parties when I could be having a good MST3K chuckle with like-minded snarkies watching Johnny Mnemonic? P.S. Johnny Mnemonic is in my Netflix queue thanks to Gabe's review.
Jesus Jones, he has to weigh like 60 lbs more after all that lead. They'll need a bulldozer to move the corpse.
It's good to see Survivor still getting work.
I see y'all in the Ball havin' fun but when I ask for upvotes (poof) I get none.
Doing it. Been waiting all week.
In high school my friend threw an epic party in his wealthy subdivision. A bunch of jerks showed up and left bottles and cans in the neighbors' yards with his father's business card nestled within. Those guys were jerks.
Well, we didn't burn the house down while Gabe was away. In fact, I think we spruced it up quite nicely. Congrats to all guest bloggers! I got Flaming Lips tickets! WOOHOO!
4 centerfolds? That's not a magazine, that's a brightly-colored jail cell key.
So vitamin deficiency is comparable to a "cracked-out" psychedelic experience. Got it.
Werttrew's faux reviews read like James O. Incandenza's filmography.
"Rosebl-bl-bl-bl-bl-blud" - Charles Foster Kane.
I know it's shadenfreude, but watching other people get unbelievably bent out of shape over something as inevitable and timeless as THE WEATHER is my favorite part about snow. That, and cocoa, toddies, toboggans, etc. Hell, give me snow nine months of the year. I look awful in a bathing suit anyway.