
"At this point I think even Rush Limbaugh is mostly confused by everything that leaves his mouth, unless it's cigar smoke or ham-flecked spittle." ...or cock. So much cock.
Wait! Are you saying he's been serious up till now?
2-D in selected cinemas? Aren't all movies in 2-D?
Janice Dickinson took part in the British version last year, although I suppose any advantage that buys her is handicapped by her personality making her oh-so-vote-outable.
I nominate Hallam Foe. Long story short: If your mother kills herself, stalk and then have sex with a woman who looks just like her and everything will be fine.
Christian Bale's career should be renamed 'we get it, you really like Jack Nicholson'.
I know and this doesn't even have Jeremy Piven naked to recommend it.
I guess I forgot to include the link there didn't I?
Whoever decided that it needed only one for one shoulder strap to be removed before being rendered instantly masculine is a genius. Also everyone looks like a Flintsones character at a swingers convention.
No, because Kevin James is a scorching hot piece of man candy.
Easiest game of 'one of these things is not like the others' ever.
I'm looking forward to his first embarrasingly bad toupee in 5...4...3...
It's too bad they're gay because if they were oposite (Thank you, Carrie Prejean) incest enthusiasts they could have had themselves a little flipper baby and really worked that 'good at swimming' angle.
Wouldn't that be a real film taboo. Making a film about UGLY gay brothers...? Or even just ugly gay men who are not related but still naked a lot of the time?
I like Kate Gosselin's haircut. It makes her looks like a lesbian who can't decide whether to be butch or femme.
This is crying out for an Onion Headline - 'Bill Cosby's comedy persona hides the fact that he's actually been an obnoxious asshole for the last 40 years'. But shorter. What crap does the old bastard have to come out with before people stop acting like he's an hilarious character?
You want food Bill? Try shaking down Raven back there. There's no way she left the house without an emergency bucket of chicken wings under one of her boobs. Also I have never gotten the point of Bill Cosby. At. All.
Why does it seem that Jude Law picks his roles based on their tendency to let him wear a hat as much as possible?
This feels like a D-Listed 'Hot Slut Of The Day' right here.
Eh. Get back to me when one of the contestants is the brother her parents gave up for adoption before she was born and that she never knew existed until the morning after.
I am going to have to seriously consider dropping Joe The Plumber as my Man Crush.
I know! It's not like they're even real people with real personalities or characteristics that you might miss once they're dead. They're all basically the same. Just poop out another one and move on.
I've only ever read two books in my life - Blink by Malcolm Gladwell and The Road by Cormac McCarthy so I am thrilled that they have now both gotten shout-outs on Videogum. Now promise never to mention any other books here again. I have no intention of reading another one just to keep up.
I don't get the whole Lady Gaga thing. The songs all sound like Britney and the videos all look like Britney. When did that become avante garde? Is it the tea cup? It's the tea cup, isn't it? To me she just seems like a really plain jewish girl from Long Island who's never going to get by on her looks so dresses up as a 1950's idea of what alien prostitutes look like in order to draw attention to herself/away from how deeply conservative and dull she really is. That's just my guess though.
I'm sorry but was that supposed to be the same Princess in both clips? Does milk give you good hair and no PMS but leaves you with the memory of a retarded goldfish so that you - Duh Duh Duh - dont even remeber to drink your milk?
Is no one going to make a 'WHEN The Wild Things Are' comment?
Thanks a lot Videogum/German bank dudes! Now I can never again say that I've never seen the queen going at it doggie style.
I second that. Awful, just hatefully bad. I was halfway through it before Ithe penny dropped "I get it, everyone is at least 15 years too old to be playing these characters" (And not in a "By the time you're old enough to understand Hamlet you're too old to play him" kind of way). Also I made the mistake of going on the IMDB message board for it and it was full of pompous wankers proclaiming that anyone who didn't like it obviously just didn't get it. Strangely none of them seemed too keen on explaining what there was to get. Oh and the annoying whispering at the end like they think they're in Lost In Translation? I don't give a monkey's nut what she said, it could never make me not regret wasting an hour and a half of my life watching it.
I think this was also the last screen appearance of Meg Ryan's original human face.
Me too. If Larry David tries and fails to shoot himself afterwards (Before hooking up with his ex-wife's sister) in this one then Woody Allen is dead to me. Which sucks because I'll have to change my dogs name.
Didn't he do that exact same "I'm dying...someday" routine on that exact same staircase in Hannah and Her Sisters?
God that was hard to masterbate to. Hard, but not impossible.
Probably because they both ate cats.
Uh huh, so by "traveling around the world" you actually mean "only in North America"? You are tearing me apart, Lisa!
That or no-one noticed until post production that the alien's face looks exactly like a vagina.
"I state that Stevia is the 'missing link' for Cold Fission that Einstein couldn't find. And if he couldn't find it, no one probably could." Until Dan Quinn came along? This thing isn't going to stop until people start Dan Quinn has replaced Chuck Norris in those terrible one liners, is it?
For the love of Moses PUT A SHIRT ON. Your body is terrifying ('your body' = ''everything about you').
I think my favourite thing about this is Amanda Holden's "look what a beautiful and sensitive snowflake I am that I can be so moved by the power of the human voice" which would be so much more affecting if she weren't a mid-level averagely talented telly actress with a grubby private life. Other than that, well done for turning the tables on the audience by reversing the whole 'she's a bit odd looking so she must be a talent graveyard' stereotype that you invented crappy TV talent shows. Oh and your singing was lovely Ms Boyle.