
if we are returning to the "original" comment flow (which rarely happens in the videogum comments) my point was that i have no problem with this looking like the original poster....nothing about the social implications of either, ya'll brought that into discussion
i want to upvote this 1000 times...we are allowed our opinions and its cool if everyone hates this...but i'm with you on the "special category of thing that should not be represented on film" idea.
upvoted for your honesty without social commentary and no snide comment about "liberal college"
so i'm now confused by all your comments...are women who are raped supposed to just sit there and cry about it? having taken many feminist perspective/lit classes while i was in college (oh yes i too went to college...didn't see that coming did you?), i find the concept of taking charge and regaining the power in a situation to be an uplifting thing...the main character is shown to be even more brutal than her attackers more than anything horror movies are about power dynamics and what happens when small evils spread and infect others because of changes in status i just don't get why people are upset over this If anything ya'll should have a problem with every other horror movie for the female characters not stepping up to become the chief power symbol....
"It's date night" - revenge girl i'm excited for this one...i like the original and i have no problem with the poster resembling the previous one trailer for the new one =
i loved Disaster's the only one of those parody movies that i found funny
? it's not the racism i'm commenting on...who cares about that? i'm saying i love when people get angry over stuff that happens to normal a failing relationships...unless the rest of you have never had a failed relationship that ended with heated arguments with both parties shouting offensive insults that have no context
Predators a.k.a. Maybe it's Asia. No it's the Amazon THE FILM i was really let down by it...45 minutes of "I think we're not sure why we're here in this vaguely familiar yet totally unknown jungle place." Followed by 45 minutes of "Non-gore off screen deaths and improbably defeating invisible monsters who (though super intelligent) are unable to see massive plots holes leading toward Adrien Body as boring action hero." uggggggg
worst beat dropping ever...i think we should elect him mayor of yellow-page-dj's-ville
i actually like that some of these celebrities are total nut-jobs who don't care about being politically correct when yelling at their hated exes...proves they are just like the rest of us...oh and i find clinically insane people to be more fun than attention seeking boring lame-os (i.e. non hate mongers)
agreed...cgi bieber has a time machine and is 25/30 years older... Bieber in Reservoir Dogs remake anyone?
somehow i left out PRINCE in that second "sentence" and therefore my joke has failed :(
"omglolz" as the kids these days say...i think must have seen this video when he made his claims that the internet is over...cause i don't see how the internet can top this one, lets pack it up "doods" also, i seriously enjoyed this the 3 times i've watched it
atticus ross is working with him on the score...the guy made ghosts 1-4 a return to form for an aging trent
maybe this one will have 3 endings too, one which makes sense (but was too "not epic" for paramount), one that pretends to be all "we know not what we do" and 1 which the studio goes "lets use visual effects to ruin a movie with a hollywood ending that doesn't follow the story progression"... if you can't tell i'm still bitter about big studio reworks
if arnold was elected because he pretended to shoot guns, then this girl outta be the next secretary of death...i mean she's better her than some liberal scientologist actor
i just say practice what you preach or get out of the kitchen...that's how that saying goes right?of course you can make a youtube video without those things...use rocks, a crayon, and an oil soaked pelican
that Sticthing on his jacket must be giving him hives...i bet his other clothes are taped in awkward places, cause Sewing is for terrorists (as are Seams)
am i the only that finds it hysterical that the headphones, mic and computer (both recorded on and watched on by the viewer) used to promote anti-oil ideas are plastic products dependent on and made from oil in industries that can't survive without it? it's like anti-abortionists using dead babies instead of bricks to break the windows of abortion clinics (also known as dark alleys) death is lulz
"ON A PIZZA" not "IN" do not put things in a pizza, though you can put things in a calzone...WHICH IS NOT A PIZZA and lets hire this editor for the next nic cage can feature megan fox as a pizza delivery robot and have a cameo from the fish in this video
i guess we're living on Planet Kyrah (by antichrisis)... or maybe this Planet Kyrah by the band Kyrah, who takes their name from that first Planet Kyrah kyrah ain't the only confusing kyrah in town...
"Mentally-challenged high jinks and hilarity surely follow." that's a quote on imdb about The Ringer...a film which heigl is in starring johnny knoxville as a dude pretending to be mentally we know the truth about that is actually referring to heigl, not knoxville
awesome! thanks for posting this... i really like the slow building intro and the gravely chorale, and the wind-down electronic outro i think i like this track more than any other on addicts...great move towards the drone/psych/dark post-rock elements that can add depth to the new breed of black metal groups
are the adult women in this doing it because: a. it's cute? b. they want to be internet stars? c. they are being held captive? d. they are really 4 year old with genetic disorders and growth hormones? also, i think the chick at 1:41 must have called her parents "i gotta close-up!!!" also pt.2...was i the only one that noticed that one of the kids is sitting on a toilet while on the phone??? how is this okay?
this track is killer, and this album is shaping up to be the best beat heavy album of 2010
"he ran away" is actually Shaggy2Dope referring to Violent J...VJ starts the story, but S2D finishes with a description of VJ fear of birds...(i think i've watched this too many times)
there are sooooo many horrorcore acts that this void will never dry..."Boondox" will probably speak for the kidzzzz
normally they are fantastic live (i saw them with Architecture in Helsinki and New Buffalo back in '05), but for some reason his voice doesn't have the range in this clip it normally does on the studio works...i feel like he's holding back or getting sick or something...just not the diversity he usually has...oh well the new album is good...speaking of new things, the new Sally Seltmanm (used to be New Buffalo) is gonna be excellent
this looks like the "In The Army Now" of terrorism movies...
the music alone makes this the best tea related commercial in the history of mankind
first, i really enjoyed Belus and all history aside am glad to have Varg making music again... secondly, i must say i find his honesty admirable...anyone who openly admits their prejudices and stands by their opinion deserves respect for staying true to themselves...i found his answer to the last question to be interesting and worthwhile information for fans and haters alike thirdly, i like the fact that he feels that the music is just the music, nothing big and ultra meaningful and not full of social commentary, but just good tunes for rockin out thanks for this
i'm underwhelmed...after all the comments about how mind blowing this was, i was expecting something original and unique...i felt it was pretty much a bunch of matured indie dudes paying pretty boring music...but then again i'm a jaded noise fan who needs things to sound like something new, not just early 2000's rehashed adult contemporary