
47 seconds pretty much rules out provocative pillow talk, doesn't it? =(
Lil wig for a lil guy
There's this clause in the Terms and Conditions where VG and SG can require minors to get parental permission to see content. And that needs to be exercised more. Letting our younger readers see this kind of insidious garbage is negligent and terrible. DONT WATCH, LIL MONSTERS! TURN YOUR EYES TOWARD THE RIGHTEOUS LIGHT OF GOD
You want your douchebag to douche you good, but no matter how hard you squeeze or how long you fumble, they always seem to get stuck in the car door! WHAT A HASSLE!!! Introducing the Douchebaggy(TM), the world's first douche designed to keep your cavities super douched without getting in the way. Simply attach the douchebaggy to your leg and it douches you HARD all day. Douche at work, on the go, or even in the comfort of your own home. The Douchebaggy is available in clear, link pink but mostly clear, AND designer leopard. As a bonus, you'll also receiver our light-up key chain/butter wand.
His name is James Bowers:
Werttrew should make a list of VG storied history of double posts and the monsters who love them.
'I'll list things 'til you love me, faggot" -Werttrew's Tombstone
'I'll list things 'til you love me, faggot" -Werttrew's Tombstone
Sarah: Do you want me to order a mystic pizza in case there are dead people? Mathias: Whatever, I don't care. Sarah: I already ordered a mystic pizza. Mathias: Swords! You think about everything.
Interestingly, "Mystery Box!" is what you yell out in an exciting game of football 500 when the point value is unknown until the catch. It was also a pet name for my ex-girlfriend.
I did that too. My first one was unsatisfactory, so i clicked again. Ungrateful Americans
My research has turned up this much: Across the Universe - Worst Musical of All Time Driven - Worst Sports-based action movie of all time Elizabeth Town - WMOAT (thus far) August Rush - Penultimate WMOAT (thus far) Gabe has placed the following in the top five: Bicentennial man Death Sentence Driven Georgia Rule Hanging Up In the Land of Women Road to Wellville And now, Hope Floats in the Top 10. GABE! We have a Top 10, thus far. Can we get so ordinal closure.
I paused the Crossroads soundtrack to listen to this garbage? PAH!
Friend: "Did you know that in 2007, only 12% of US women age 18-45 knew that folic acid is important for preventing birth defects?" Me: "I guess I'M a racist."
This show's budget:
Nothing sexier than a woman who knows how to discharge a firearm into her vagina. AMIRITE???
Gross. The image i've conjured of James Lipton rubbing one out is about as appealing as the image i've also now conjured, for the sake of mental image comparison, of geena davis flicking her bean.
"I'll surrender my penchant for violent hyperbole when you pry it from my cold dead fingers" - Gabe's Tombstone
if we make it through 2012, we'll eventually end up having this same conversation about a screen shot from the second Entourage movie. America knows what America wants years before America wants it.
A Terrance Howard Reminder: Don't Sext Ur Tits 2 Just Anyone!
Tactful avoidance of BABIES. WILL. COME. petepetepete.
When Gabe started in about how this trailer makes no sense, i thought we were playing the truthful-but-hyperbolic game about how bad everything is, and i was all "well, i'm sure it's going to make a little sense." But it doesn't, you know? No sense.
"Does your partner: Take your... Social Security check, make you ask for money?" This ALWAYS happens to bella. "come on, ed! i need that money for lipitor or i could die! Please please please let me have some of it? I'm sorry i made you hit me earlier. really, i am."
As far as I'm concerned, this viral video can drop off the Earth. And that's a promise.
That's kinda what i was thinking too.
katie couric's friends also call her Assnuts.
Someone give these people the SuperParent Award for superior parenting of superior children!
"When you built your clubhouse, you nailed it to make it strong. It is the same way with friends: you have to nail them to make your friendships strong. Also, God's love." -Colby
"Maybe the black people are in the crowd."
the audio sounds like it's being piped through a stack of 20+ Ed Hardy shirts. And while the idea that Ed Hardy shirts damp sound better than other shirts is based on a guess, it's probably true. a dense weave to keep the douche in just makes sense.
I don't think my sassy fingers will have the same effect without the sassy bassline.
here's something i'm confused about: why do companies like apple and levi's and Kraft (apparently?) try to sell their products by associating them with a glossy conception of hipsterdom? "getting miracle whip on my Ray-bans, man, that's the worst. almost as bad as when MBV broke up!" right america? MBV! You love those guys! i thought products were sold by showing people things they enjoy? Like eagles. And tits. And Jeff Goldblum. Middle Americans don't like hipsters, do they? no one really 'likes' those guys. Can someone crack an egg of knowledge all over my face?
"Despite reznick37's claims to the contrary on Anderson Cooper's recent Fort Hood Memorial blog post, Mr. Cooper is not 'queen PeNiSfAcE' and has never 'mad gay pron w/ gay homoz 4 cash 4 blow.' CNN regrets the error."
I know we're too busy one-liner one-upping each other to say anything most of the time, but Liar Liar 2: There's Something Wrong With Lying made me laugh so hard.
My first double post! This is so exciting!!!
Maybe i'm missing the point here, but hanging out naked in a forest will scratch your shit up. I'd rather wear fur than receive serious abrasions across most of my soft lustrous skin. That what my Twilight knockoff-poster would say. Going fur-less is a luxury for the indoors. And those with clothing not made of fur.
Maybe i'm missing the point here, but hanging out naked in a forest will scratch your shit up. I'd rather wear fur than receive serious abrasions across most of my soft lustrous skin. That what my Twilight knockoff-poster would say. Going fur-less is a luxury for the indoors. And those with clothing not made of fur.
It's a good thing 2012 will happen before Miley turns 27. My constitution is too delicate for that kind of stress.