
Literally, Scarlett, I don't give a damn.
Go ahead and mock - Stone Cold Steve Austin is laughing all the way to the TomatoBank.
Also, Tay Zonday was in attendance. And everyone got a complimentary "The Room" frisbee. It was a magical evening.
"has to be", not "as to be," YOU IDIOT. DO SOMETHING.
I was lucky enough to attend the 7th (!) anniversary screening of The Room in Hollywood a few weeks ago. Tommy was in attendance, and he did a short Q&A. Someone asked "What should we do about the BP oil spill?" and he replied, "I don't know, but do something." The crowd soon started chanting "DO SOMETHING! DO SOMETHING!" which as to be the most vague and ineffective chant of all time. Also somehow inspirational? DO SOMETHING!
Senator Robert C. Byrdemic.
One of them Mexicos down in Germany uses his God-given arms to pick his nose.
This is definitely the best: "Hey! Cool it, Nelson Mandela! Let’s go eat some pie."
D'Angelos in the Outfield
Frank Gehry: "These golden chaise lounges look just like one of my garbage buildings." Paula Dean: "I wish these chairs were made of butter." Chris Ware: "Loneliness. Despair."
I hope they make a Pete Campbell doll so I can practice voodoo with it.
He could probably nail a quintuple salchow in pajamajeans.
Beauvine Geste
The Roominant