
This isn't a battle of nationalities here. This man is just a black hole decency. Anything good gets sucked into it and is never seen again. But I also think his wife is a real bag of shit too. "If I spend too much time with the kids it doesn't suit my personality." Make them stop.
Isn't that the Suite Life Of Zach and Cody?
While Comcast has screwed me over, I REFUSE to allow them to screw Mr. Chi-City over.
If you take one thing away from this interview, let it be that "Gangsters don't ask questions." IT'S GANGSTER 101, PEOPLE.
It's pretty cool if you pretend this video came out first and then Will Smith made the Fresh Prince video later as a parody of THIS one. It's like you said, it's just not funny, and can be added to your theory about the delicate art that is the rap parody.
Drunk Diane Sawyer Kills Hitler?
I like Mr. Chi-City a lot. I would honestly love to hang out with him, and not only because he has a PS3 AND X-Box. He seems like a great dude.
She went on to say "They also do that fist-pound thing to congratulate one another. What did you think I said?"
Plus 3 million points for your The Road reference. When I first read that, I was like "So I'll need a shopping cart and a revolver soon...?"
When a sketch is as bad as the Gilly sketch, I naturally get bored. And then I fell in love with the hot girl in the striped shirt in the background. Therefore, it was one of my favorite sketches.
Things I hated about this video: 1.) Dane Cook (goes without saying) 2.) Pausing the video 100 times to count the amount of people in the room and getting close enough to 20 to say "Yeah, more than 20 for sure" which prolongued my torment, 3.) Horrible jokes that would get nothing at an open mic. "What if she answers?!" 15 years in comedy and this guy's writing jokes we thought of two months in? Riffing on the bookstore? I don't think I'm being over-critical by saying that punchline is simply weak, regardless of who the comedian is. 4.) The "He can even make black women laugh...BLACK WOMEN!" shot. 5.) Gross.
"Hello, ladies and gentlemen. It's me, Angelica. We would much appreciate it if you called into our television game show for your chance to win wonderful prizes. As always, take care, and remember, we love you." I speak Russian.
That's not even close to accurate. This kid can actually act.
Careful, he's made a lot of money being the son and stepson of someone who's earned a lot of money.
It's insane this guy's taint.
Don't worry, I'm sure there was a meeting in which the writer and director debated over whether the deaf-gay character should also be a mentally handicapped amputee war-veteran transvestite prostitute baby-murdering novel writer but they found it sort of campy.
I will never stop having a boring tuna!
Does this video signify the existence or non-existence of the religious deity about whom they are singing? I vote "existence," although you could make a case either way.
Oh, he acts because he likes to "tell stories?" That's impressive, since most actors do it because "Like, whatever, and stuff." Actors are already pretty presumptuous, but this...
He forgot to close his parenthesis! Don't worry dude, you ALWAYS remember to close yours.
To be fair, Broadway was BADLY in need of a make-ogre.
The "Sorry" tag deserves a Gummy.
Is it just me, or is "The actor in me took over" one of the most obnoxious things a person can say? "If I pee my pants, its OK because I'm a professional actor, unlike you insufferable peasants."
Underneath that gruff exterior, down deep, in the darkest parts of House's psyche, is a man who truly cares. You just have to be willing to look hard enough.
Being both a visual artist AND a male model, I can tell you that he's exaggerating a little bit.
He should swallow fire. But not like guys at the circus, the kind of fire you can pour.
We all know Will Ferrell movies are simply a product of some director going "What would it be like if we put Will Ferrell's comedy in a THIS situation? I bet it would be relatively humorous. Green light that shit. Lunch."
No Todd Barry tag?? Also, this looks great.
Did anyone say "the Love Guru" yet? Cause that's atrocious. Also, everything Mike Myers has ever done.
Oh yeah, don't forget about Ben Affleck's fucking miserable film "Surviving Christmas." What with the holidays coming up and all.
Rollerball. Just plain awful. I hate Chris Klein so much.
Unfortunately, it seems that only the talented rappers die a premature death.
And I thought White Chicks was their magnum opus.
Those laughs were from the people who didn't realize it wasn't Tina Fey.