
The one where Abraham pretends his wife is actually his sister, so she will be raped but he won't be killed, while they are journeying through an apocryphal wasteland, trying to reach the sea.
Sorry, not enough bile today. This gets a pass.
In fairness to him, he takes everyone of my dollar bills to the strip joint to promote marriage to those poor strippers. We shouldn't jump to harsh conclusions.
The Quaid's certainly are taking that spiral and turning it into a modern interpretive dance of success.
That still leaves 10%. Because all monsters give 110%
If we remember our Charles Williams, doppelgangers are to be avoided/hung up on.
Clearly she is a TV producer being a celebrity who is playing an animated character from the major motion picture, Megamind. Clearly.
Sad Keanu should take a weekend tour of an ante-bellum plantation on a non-holiday weekend.
You are speaking like Tony Horton. "We call her Pam-the-blam." - P90x aficionado
Cock it!
VoilĂ ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. Looking at you America, to prove him right.
Conception Guy and girl, right? Or am I way off?
To live in perpetual Twilight. Who would want to do that?
But I am just one commenter, how can I make a difference?
Homelyness? You calling cracker barrel ugly or that it looks like a place of abode?
I "Right-clicked"-> "Open in New Tab" on the "Read More" link so that I would not lose my place in line. Nerdo!