
Dude, Andrea is a Goth. She's totally cool. Her smile isn't smug, it's enigmatic.
It's more like Shane killing Otis is the worst assumption without any actual evidence in zombie cinematic history. How anyone could prove it, was beyond me.
Nope. Daryl informed Dale on his last episode that he knew Shane killed Otis. I guess it's his tracker/Sherlock Holmes genes that made him so savvy. Lori and Grimes know too, because Dale turned into a tattle-tale a few episodes back.
I'm kind of hoping that until he dies, Carl just, from now on, magically shows up at the end of every tense scene - regardless of whether he says something stupid or just eerily stares - with nary a care or reprimand from any adult.
If I didn't whine incessantly about it, it would mean I didn't care. The best part about this show is that it's a badly written great concept, so how can you not love to hate it? Also, Gabe - the article author, seems to be on our side in your argument - so nyaaahhhhh.
More of that gif though. That is a sweet gif.
I cannot hear this. Unless Grimes becomes a completely different person, ie awesome and dynamic, I cannot, CANNOT I say! deal with the fact that he doesn't die soon. I want all these people to die and to get some zombie apocalypse-smart protagonists on this show. Screw the humanity, no more Forrest Gump; more zombie killers so the deaths can be redneck V zombie UFC fun times! And since I'm dreaming here, can we also get a zombie-proof smart dog, like the one in the Dawn of The Dead remake? Complete with saddle bags?
Damn, you made me remember that Lori used the 'a woman's place is warshin' and a cookin' for the men folk who protect us'. That begat my super-dislike of her character; while her riling Shane up, because we all know that what she said gave him hope and not closure, sealed the deal. The fact that none of the men on this show are seen doing any cooking or cleaning ticks me the hell off. Andrea was pitchforkin' zombies, for chrissakes! That gal deserved a home cooked meal and some clean skivies when she got back to the farm....AND a b***j*b. Sorry for being coarse, but women can be zombie fighters just like men. Look how skinny Rick and Glenn are.... I don't think Andrea ever hated Dale. She wasn't on the same page with him anymore. I just think that she changed forever when she lost the last of her real family and opted to kill her own sister herself.
Dude, that family is the worst characters on television. Being idiots who are elected to zombie president and first lady entitles them to be as wrongly decisive or indecisive and stupidly shoot off at the mouth whenever they see fit. Plus it entitles their offspring to run around, unsupervised - doing fun things that get everyone else killed. If I cared about fiction as much as real-life, I would have cried when Shane bit it. That is the hombre I would have followed into the zombie apaypaylpse. Stupid Lori! Boo Lori! ...and Carl...ugh.
Blarf. I had no idea too, would be directed to a pro-life video. I hate it when multi-millionaires who live in Manhattan suggest that.....etc etc etc....
I feel cheated that we weren't allowed to watch Shane and Rick search their zombie guard bodies for bites. That would have at least provided some needed sexual tension.
Also, what, are the guys constantly gone trying to save people to kill in later episodes? Last I saw, not a lot of zombies anywheres near that farm. I think the boys can warsh their own dang clothes. Lori's chicks need to be a cookin' and a warshin' speech epoxied my formerly cemented hatred of her. This show feeds my hatred of it. I am a mindless hatred zombie.
Please god let Bret McKenzie win an Oscar. I'm worried because I read that Rio is getting a sequel, which, I think, means it did well financially. Plus the whole Sergio Mendes thing - he's a music legend that people might want to give an award to because he's old and because Harrison Ford built one of his music studios back in the 70s.
The animation's not bad to look at, but it's a poorly done rip off of a Pixar film, without a memorable story, and annoyingly sentimental. No sir, I didn't like it. I liked Wild Life the best. That animation style was so pretty, and the story was not really for children.
I will criticize Miranda July though. That Girl-Woman is gonna set women back big time.
Kind of like how, and I'm not criticizing here, Judd Apatow opened the floodgates on the Man-Boys; but thank god that's pretty much over now.
Nyquil is much more relaxing.
Word, girl. I haven't seen the other two movies, but Kristen's character is on the road to change by the end of Bridesmaids.
PS - I went to a really small high school, I enjoyed it and I wasn't a Peaker. No cheerleading or prom crap for me; I was a nerd, albeit a very funny, comedian-like nerd.
Has anyone mentioned the fact that when people post stories about her, half of the comments are from guys who think she is super fat and not attractive at all????? Bullying never stops, but you can take kung fu lessons and carry pepper spray. Haters need their asses handed to them every now and then.
The thought of Lori dying a sad, horrible death made me smile. Thanks for a glimmer of hope that maybe someday, one of the incessant jibber-jabbers may bite it.
I can't be the only person who thinks Shane is the guy who 'gets it' and should survive all of those other whiners. Boy do I wish Lorie, or however you spell her name, bit it during this last episode. Grimes is insufferable and we need Shane to balance that superman-dogooder business. Oh yes we do.
Tangent: we just watched Contagion last night. The first 15 minutes were so awesome, I almost cried.
If I were Carl's mom (there, but for the grace of god...) I would keep him away from dad, because we don't need dad's insufferable god/martyr complex rubbing off on junior. Two characters on the show who spout off about their ideas that the right thing to do is their idea would make me say Screw this! and head back to the heart of Atlanta to throw myself a sea of zombies. Urf.
I'm really good at suspending my beliefs in general, but I do have two minor annoyances with this show. They have guns, gas, and vehicles - namely pick up trucks; so when they risk going to town, why not empty the effing stores and especially bars of all the stuff and just have a party farm? Also, why hasn't anyone gone looking for a guns and ammo store? It's the South, right? They should be as common as liquor stores. I need to confess that I tape The Talking Dead and last night I had a brief crush on guest Dave Navarro for telling the producer to his face that last season sucked donkey b*lls and the show had better pick up the pace.