
That kid from Extremely Loud & Increadibly Close was a little prick.
My tirade against the Oscars, carrying Michael Fassbender's banner, continues. Someday you will be recognized, my sexy sexy Magneto…
My roommate: "Haha, that guy looks like the Dean." Me: *emphatic point* "HOLYSHIT THAT IS THE DEAN!"
Nope, completely agree with you, ofthisland. The Artist is not an Oscar caliber movie. Too caught up in its own gimmick, and it only was carried so far because of Oscar's huge boner for self-congratulation. I was very frustrated with the winners, which wasn't hard given the nominees. What a mess.
Yeah. I mean, if I were Zac Efron, I wouldn't have extras 'CAUSE THEY WOULD'VE ALL BEEN USED! *fistbump*
Yes, Zac Efron and I practice safe sex. It's none of your business frankly, and I for one think you should all be supportive that we're being responsible. Harrumf.
I can't wait. Mostly because this will most likely get traction for the still-starring George Hamilton reboot for The Gay Blade I wrote, like, ten years ago.
"Oh smurf yeah, smurf me hard. Smurf me so smurfing hard."
My brain is desperately searching for a Gargamel pun, but nothings coming out. Instead, please accept my apology and a promise that two weeks from now, I will have finally put together a great Garganel porn joke.
Prepare yourself. Winter is so last season.
I'm going to start using "Successful" as a response for anyones answers: "DSN, did you get that email I sent?" "Successful." "DSN, to you take Jason to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "Successful." "DSN, how is your night out drinking with your friends?" "Uhhhhh, eh – unsuccesff–" *vomit*
I don't know. They look kind of stiff, like they all had a hand up their ass or something. "IT'S NOT A TUMOR."
More often than not, the question was "Where is my secret shame?" *defeated sigh*
"Number five!" "A BOURBON, NEAT WITH A TWIST!"
I can't tell you how many times "his schlong" has been the right answer for me…
This. A thousand times this.
Poor Michael Fassbender. You can still come over and cuddle while we play Fable III.
Way to bury the lede here, Gabe. The publicist left to be a spokesperson for a prescription drug against assholes.
What's a Facebook?
Brad Pitt is such a fatty, right ladies?
Wait, is this new? I think from her music videos we could tell she was a nerdy, creative kid. Like "Last Friday Night" made her look really weird, and "Firework" with the sparkler bra oh dammit I've mixed them up again haven't I?
To clear a point, I was talking in the personal regulation of food ingested, not government regulation. I'm with you on that one, FT.
The lesser of a bunch of assholes is still an asshole, I guess.
Without getting heavy handed, society is hurt. She's perpetuating unhealthy cooking as something normal and that doesn't need regulation. If society id every going to reverse its obesity epidemic, Paula Dean (and perhaps half of Food Networks roster) needs to go away.
Acknowledging that her food is unhealthy isn't really a consolation. It's still unhealthy, and her fame perpetuates unhealthy cooking. That said, HAVE YOU HAD THE DONUT HAMBURGER?!
Facetaco loves Paula Dean because there's no butter in tacos. He sees no threat in her oily stare,
Remember to close your "i" brackets, folks… it could happen to YOU.
Perhaps I'm just a painfully modest guy, but any sort of "push," especially for frivolities such as movie awards, ALWAYS seems a bit too heavy handed, and the whole Andy Sirkis thing is about as heavy handed as lead gauntlets. That said, I like Andy Sirkis, and I think live mocapping is something that should be implemented more. Example: there was a vidya game that he was involved in, Enslaved, where he did this kind of stuff. It was a fairly mediocre game that went weird and unnecessary places in terms of plot. But the truly great part of the game was Sirkis and his acting. It added levels of characterization you don't see too often in games. I do think there's an avenue for him to be considered for an acting role, but if anywhere, it should have come from LOTR, not POTA. RSVP PDQ OMGWTFBBQ.
Solid ad, I know he I can stand behind now. I still wonder though, who is America? One voice, calling out loud?
I don't get it. Skinny Jonah Hill looks a lot funnier than fat Jonah Hill, what's so funny?
It better play Angry Birds. Because as we all know, it is not an electronic device unless it plays Angry Birds.
Crap, the world is catching on to our "steal all the butter" plans! I told you guys not to eat it all, dead giveaway!
I like to play a game with YouTube videos, where I guess if it's a man or a woman before I start playing the video. Usually I win or lose, but I think this time it's both? Norway, the answer is Norway.