
My favourite dessert was the Manderly Pies, they were badass!
Rereading, I'm realizing I haven't wrote seriously on the internet in what seems like forever so I'm not good at it no more
I don't think this is scoldey though. I have a similar problem with talking about shows like this and the wire and the game of thrones - first of all, I respect that who am I to say how someone else digests their entertainment/art whatever? But at the same time, what I love thinking about when I watch Breaking Bad is the nature of morality and the grey lines of right and wrong, and when those lines go from blur to bold. There's so much to talk about beyond the obvious (the obvious being that the writers make characters deliberately charismatic/interesting, and just saying "I like this character" is the same as saying you like the show, and I already know you like the show so let's talk about why you like that character, and if the reason is that they are badass then ugh ugh ugh) Yet, in the end (at least from my experience, it's always "which character is the most badass" and I think I'm soooo bored with that conversation. I don't read books or watch TV to spend time with people being 'badass'. And I owe it to the people who make these things to digest the entirety of their creation, and consider what they are trying to say. Breaking Bad especially is such a philosophically minded show - it is clearly not at all just the story of a guy who 'breaks bad', as if we need such a thing....a villain's prequel. Anyway, I guess my point is that who are we to say how people consume things, but definitely we can all make a little more effort with each other when we talk about these things.
That's like fans of Videogum calling their kids TWMOAT. instead of obviously naming them Gabe or Kelly or Gabekelly.
I love Batman, and I love bats, but I hate this.
"Finalement. Mon temps de Briller!" - French Press Smith
I may be wrong, but I'm pretty certain that C Nolanz doesn't mess around with titles - after the DC comics intros, the Batman movies are all just like "we are about to do some batmanning, get your shit together, no time for titles." And the more I thought about that (because I just watched a little of Batman Begins today) the more I realized I don't remember any of his other films having them either.
I remember learning this a long time ago, but guess what people?! You can't just discount the time it takes to lay down the shirt and flatten it out perfectly. That takes time too. And if you aren't doing it on a perfectly clean flat table, it's also super annoying. Anyway, my point is that it should be How to fold a shirt in like, probably more like 30 seconds, but why even bother when it takes like 1 seconds to roll it up or crumple it into a ball.
Such a better answer than when he was asked what "That Thing You Do!" was about Uh uh's a about doing things, right? One person or maybe some guys and they're doing things? Right?
Not Pictured: Nic Cage as Judhead and Reggie and Big Moose and Midge and Chuck and Hot Dog
"Old grey mare she ain't what she used to be" - Paul Giamatti
Watch it outside on a big projector with your hop-ons. You're going to get some hop-ons.
Well I woke up thinking I was planet today. Hoo boy, well won't be making that mistake again tomorrow.
He should buy some tweezers. With those he could really take of (his unibrow)
Inglorious Pastards
Jeez everyone thinks they can make an analogy thanks to the precedent set by Apples v. Oranges.
Keanu and Jackie's Panda Jamboree
I think you meant to type Bruce Wanye Kest?
Her grammar is weird though, shouldn't it be worded "Who do you think you are? I am?"
Top left: Who? Probably she was, yes. Who though? Top Middle: Finally! I've been to every local lost and found asking for a huge gator and everyone thought I was crazy but guess what, now I have my huge gator back and he loves helping me scare sarcastic lost and found employees Top right: Yes I do 2nd row left:Took 35 years to do what, CNN?! 3rd row left: Share what? Dog herpes? jk cute baby dog kiss.
Folks, check this out. Have you heard this one before? Knock knock who's there? Banana Banana who? Knock knock who's there? Banana Banana who? Knock knock Who's there? Banana Banana who? Knock knock who's there? NBC NBC who? NBC stinks so much I'll bet you wish I were still saying "Banana"
Did anyone else tear up at the end when he got reunited with his beard?
The house Laura Linney lives in in You Can Count On Me