
I give a peep about creep. Rest of record=shite. UDDER shite.
I'd like to formerly accept the Gummy Award for 2nd worst comment of the week. To be honest, I am unsure as to whether I particularly aspire to be an asshole at such great heights. What am I? Who am I? Or in the words of a great 80s slasher film, "Who am I here?". Am I the troll I fear...or am I the troll YOU fear? Am I legitimately just a prickly pear sourpuss pompous music aficionado or am I simply gauging downvotes to feel...well, to feel as though my negativity has a a tangible representation? This red negative slashes remind of me of every failure I've known. From my marriage to Henry the my ill conceived Reality TV pilot of Pubic Braiders Anonymous....I ask....who am I here? Troll, friend, fiend....or am I simply best left at retiring this persona, this facade, this person, this real me, after the glory of a 41 downvote euphoric high of finally accomplishing the notoriety of being a full blown pariah? My friends.....Godspeed to you all. And with that, I thank you all. No malice in any of my comments was ever implied or intended. Stereogum, I leave your indie auditorium with a sly glint of self satisfaction...and a tear of sadness. I CANNOT CONTINUE TO BE WHAT I AM NOT. Corky Anderson.....he is gone.
Rubjohn is a man of many facets and a killer emo haircut. I dig that kid.
My dear friend, perhaps that is because my intentions are nor satirical, nor ironic, nor have any vestige of humour in their acrid proceedings. But Mr. Honlads, I thank you for the dubious honor of being the "poor man's rubjohn". It's like being the poor man's Bush or Vertical Horizon...which isn't much of a challenge, would you agree you adorable mug of coffee? ;)
Isn't it "Won't get fooled again"? Not "We don't get fooled again"?
oh YEAH=The band that sublimely ( or rather NOT so sublimely and quite cheekily) RAPES the ghost of John Lennon to try to disguise his songwriting LACK. Love the superfluous everything and the kitchen sink production too=helps to distract from the sub par songwriting and his undying quest to emulate every nuance of Lennon. Sorry. You fail sir. What do you expect from Australia anyway...these are the backwoods aussies that gave us Wolfmother.
what does this even have to do with anything? again these stupid meme generator garbages.
I had a Matt Garland. He was also nuts.
and so YOU spell the band wrong and don't get turned upside down and disemboweled? nice.
i love that your name is american muffin...such a macho thing really.
what the heck does that even have to do with anything on this thread? seriously i'm like getting killed for my valid opinion and then THIS random cartoon? reals.
metaphors??? haha. cute.
they just can't get enough of raping 80s influences. IMHO
funny you have the name 'Sheep"'re just like the mindless people that follow this band. Bah. Bah.
yeah, please do.
they all suck. like your mustache. tool.
I'm TROLL 2 boooooooooy.
what does this mean?
but its not FUNNY.
not to be a prick, but i think this is the last post i m posting in this PHENOIX thread. and honlads i dont mean to come down hard
hey honlads....imagine how YOU would feel having people take your facebook or myspace picture and see it floating on cyberspace and in the context of "nerd" and used as a f*****g meme generator. yeah so ***************** anyone who calls me a geek or nerd or troll or whatever. I have had some serious lawsuit threats against anyone who takes my image and turns it into B.S. so back off calling me a nerd or uploading that f******g link.
put a shirt on!
copy paster cat=troll. Corky anderson=honest.
link to that=
Failed at the internet?? What does that even mean "bra"?
I still feel what I feel about phenoix even amidst this sea of ignorant red, aka downvotes, but I took the kind courtesy to downvote most of your comments in return. Yes I'm an elitest MUSIC snob who went to an ivy league school, have a name that I get picked on about ( alas, the whole corky life goes on since high/grade school, oh such originality) but I'm looking at tons of negative downvotes just because I chose to express my opinon. What is STEREOGUM????The freakin' MAFIA!!??? You can't express a dissenting opinion without people taking it A. personally or B., not only disagreeing with you but making you feel like a fool for even posting something you truly believe in. Have you ever heard of the NY village voice critic robert christgau? That dude can write circles and has very dissenting opinions but gets respect simply because we all should-regardless of what we think about bands...especially flash in the pan ones like Phenoix.... PhenoSUX haha... Anyway, God forbid I ever open up my mouth again....jeez....Is pitchfork like this??
I choose to downvote because of Simon ******g Chapman.
aw i love what you've done. you've taken my mediocre attempt at whimsy and re purposed my own formula with your own sub standard touch! and the writer himself seems to like it! thus i am almost as flattered and tickled as michael! and michael you do good work for sure...but i can't defend this album i havn't heard...amadaus wolfagang phenoix has preconditioned me to accept the inevitable-urban outfitters soundtracks have no place on this thread or at any places where records can be bought , sold traded in and im highly sure once this hits the street, copious copies will be bartered for crack or brought back to target and aeomeba records).
yes IT IS 1901. ok so you were right. But dont call me a frigging troll just because I disagree and voice my opinion. Troll 2 was one of my most favorite films and while it would be nice to be associated with that, I'm a music geek from NJ who is enttilted to an opinion....even if you want to shit on it. Shit on it freely and on me too! shitfest. bring toilet paper yada yada yada...but jdg 46 bring diapers...ya big baby.
wow you got downgraded too amigo! glad to see you in the red with the rest of us "troll"s who forgot minor details but get accused of being trolls because of it. sorry i dont have a photographic memory. there music passes through one ear through the other french ear.
thanks. i used to get teased for my name all in grade school. open fresh wounds. thanks.
and all my facts are accurate. tell me really where i wrote something wrong? challenge ya. boxing gloves, duel, stereogum match. tell me. i'd be humoured, not honored.
make things up???? do tell jdg46. Oh and the cardinal rule of thumb for a troll IS to make things up. pwned.
and michael nelson, did you really say "deet"? Uhhhhhhhhhhhh
At the very least, the advertising for their album is straightforward. They ARE bankrupt-of any novel musical invention. Unless you're urban outfitters, the gap or other forms of overpriced and overstocked commerce departments that likes cheeky wallpaper harmless safe music running in in it's echo chamber changing stalls mindlessly, well, then, this buds for you! This band should have gone away after 1991 or liztomania. Sorry but i'm new to the board and i just dont get the love for so many so called "indie" buzz bands. These guys have sold millions of records for basically the same formula and they are running out of ideas. Land your creative helicopter down at the gap phoenix, cause youre in the sky, fuels running low and you might as well crash where you feel welcomed $$$
Mad????His dad basically bought them their 3 record contract with RCA. That's not something you read about since liberal media mags like Rolling Stone and Spin or what have you will basically whitewash that fact since they are so down with capitalism and of course the casablancas are millionaires. To note as well, yes the whole The THE band craze was not instigated by these guys. The Hives started it out of Sweden and brought the first taste to England and then American shores. Then somebody basically thought it would be cool to go back to basics rock ( which was cool in the era of nu-metal) so thus The Strokes were conveniently brewed up in your big label chamber of commerce. Of course, they didnt turn into the next nirvana or the next Coldplay ( who write INFINITELY more compelling music and make their use of synths vital instead of pasted on) but were able to keep their campy tribute to television going for a few years. It was a nice ride but i wish it ended. And yes, say what you will but The Vines were approached by Phil Spector himself and he is/was a massive fan! Put that in your gummy pipe and smoke it! So h8trs beware, the real THE THE bands that matter arn't the strokes- its the hives, the vines and to a lesser extend the white stripes. Strokes are just carbon copy trendiness disguised as legitimate indie rock. You all buy it. Sheep.