
Gangstas, bangas, we're we're puttin 'em in a trance.
This write-up makes the record eons cooler than it actually is.
They were both at the Yeezus show in L.A., if you were wondering.
I'm sure Sky has to feel a great deal of accomplishment for finally getting to put out material she can stand behind as a viable artist after years of behind the scenes hand-wringing. The record is well worth the five year wait.
That's not fair. Sky's name is credited as a co-writer on every song that those guys are. She's been fighting all of this time to not be looked at as the face of other people's music, but as an actual artist with a vision and a say in what's going on. She hates when Dev performs "Everything Is Embarrassing" without her, and it's these precise reasons why that song isn't on her album. Try not to be fooled by her beginnings as a "label manufactured pop tart". Give her some credit. She's no Fiona Apple, but she's not fucking Milli Vinilli either (shoutout to Milli Vinilli).
The version of that Robin Thicke video where the models are wearing clothes is somehow way more interesting and fun.
Naw. But feel free to do so yourself.
Bethany's voice pretty much straps this entire record on its back and gallivants out into the California sunset.
Is just me, or did that actually sound really good? It's too early for this.
Her crazy never ceases to fascinate me. Brilliant.
He'd be Ariel Pink, for sure.
The album release is May 3rd. Not April 3rd.