
They've accidentally stolen from Sufjan before (the chord progression from conversation 16 is the same as sister winter). However, the Dessners played the guitar parts for the end of "Impossible Soul", so I imagine they were aware that it's pretty similar...
Why you gotta do him like that that, Wesley?
Dear Santa, Please bring me...
Shoot for the stars, RubberJohnny
Big Red Machine - Aaron Dessner and Justin Vernon Definitely not worrying
So it goes
Going for a last minute play at worst comment of the week are we?
I want Kimbra in on this... I want Kimbra on a lot of things...
I don't care one way or the other, but I don't understand why he's said to have "every iota of Treats" when they are registered with ASCAP as both having written all the songs.,s,w,p,b,v&results_pp=25&start=1
No one asked him to get sober... or to run.
I love TI and they put on a great show, but this is unbearable. Let the downvotes commence.
Sharon Van Etten is easily my #1
If you pair them by rank you get some awesome power couples. Lana and Justin. Florence and Matt. This is a world I want to live in.
This is the best year end list ever as voted by everyone ever.
Maybe her appearance on SNL will make SNL funny again? (via awkward hand gestures)