
This bear is partying as if the world is ending. Doing it right.
Well, unless by finals you mean FINALS.
Don't worry about it, James, the ship sinks so you won't have to go to your finals.
Also, let's be real, I may be having loads of fun making cracks about James Cameron for this, but I'm TOTALLY going to see it.
Speaking of ringing/vibrating, I found out today that May is apparently National Masturbation Awareness Month. "FYI, EVERYONE MASTURBATES! JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW!" - May. Huh?
"Let's go to bed together, James Cameron." - James Franco
"I'll never let go." - James Cameron
Not yet but I am intrigued and will have to try it now!
Please note that James Franco is not wearing the gold tassel that symbolizes honors. That's because he got a D in his acting class. True story.
Uh, everyone at NYU knows that the great falafel place is on MacDougal.
Damn it, there's supposed to be animation on the cat. Fail.
I was super excited for this movie after I heard all the Sundance hype but she shoots kittens? There's no way I'm seeing this now.
Well, I was referring to both, but it would have been funnier if they had been eating hot dogs.
Forget-me-notting Sarah Marshall
Bye, Soft Gabe! You will be missed. In lieu of Soft Gabe's recap of last night's GLEE, here's James Van Der Beek's:
Well, that didn't work. Damn brackets! I meant: INSERT I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER JOKE HERE
Don't forget Basset Hounds Running With Steve Buscemi Eyes!
I think we all know who the culprit is.
Please never, ever compare me to Marcel ever again. - Jake Gyllenhaal
2001: A Space Ottersey
Dear Chris Brown, Sincerely, The world
In which Will Schuester finally gets fired nevermind.#pedowill
I think we can all agree that this video would be more accurately described as a "video with a virus" if it included kittens, not puppies. Puppies are adorable and whatnot, but everybody knows that the Internet has an obsession with cats, not dogs. Duh, winning.
Miley Cyrus makes me want to HAVE a stroke, amiright?,550x550,075,f.hiding-under-sand.jpg