
The Dictionary dot com definition of Musical Harmony: a. any simultaneous combination of tones. b. the simultaneous combination of tones, especially when blended into chords pleasing to the ear; chordal structure, as distinguished from melody and rhythm. c. the science of the structure, relations, and practical combination of chords. Notice the absence of the word "Vocal". It all relates to the related notes.
Damn it's not worth trying again... Anyways, this video is just...too much.
link to the stream?
I normally do MP3s if it's the most economically feasible option (a REALLY good Amazon sale, imports (Adult Jazz ran me $9 on MP3, opposed to the $20+ I'd spend on a CD). And yeah, I buy most Hip-Hop on CD. I have a couple classics on vinyl, but I don't think it's a genre that lends itself to vinyl particularly well.
Elephant is probably they're most universally popular song (I hear it in advertisements, in grocery stores). Feels Like We Only Go Backwards is probably the most popular song among Tame Impala fans.
Well, the Impala song has different harmonies, a considerably different rhythm (The Impala track is slower, thicker sounding), almost all of the instrumentation. In fact, the harmonies on the Impala song kind of shroud the melody and conceal it. So yeah, there could be things other than the melody.
The only thing remotely similar here is the melody, but even if these songs weren't juxtaposed, I'd never hear the similarities.
I think with "Go", the problem was that Grimes has traditionally done more unorthodox pop songs, and "drops" are pretty orthodox (It also didn't help that it was a drop that seemed familiar). This is a typical pop song from an artist who hasn't been as unorthodox, so a drop is more expected. Plus, it's not just "too much" or "not enough". The drop on this song is really tame for the sassiness and aggressiveness of Charli's vocals.
That "Drop" is kind of weak, but I can already tell this song is going to blow up big time.
Officially actually looking forward to this album
The Wikipedia page is now talking about something someone did to that very Wikipedia page...that's the most meta thing ever.
The only non-reissue, I believe.
Yeah, I'm kind of worried about it not being until the end of the year. Well, not worried, just perplexed. I mean, that will be the REAL halfway point, won't it? Also, how are they going to pick anything but Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy for Album of the Decade? They can't.
Benji really is a perfect album for being melancholy. I always forget why I love it until I'm having a shitty day. Then I just get emotionally devastated, and fall in love with the album again. It's a vicious cycle.
When you bring up that Move Pastiche thing, you hit the nail on the head. My particular beef with that Iggy video is how soulless and lame it is, referencing a movie for referencing a movie's sake. I know it's not a pop video, but I think a video that PERFECTLY does the movie thing is Killer Mike's "Big Beast". That video clearly has a lot of references to Drive in it, but Mike is able to use the conceit to show off his own character and persona, rather than just lamely following the footsteps. Also, that Twin Peaks song at #1...well...I don't think it's a Twin Peaks song.
The video for that Iggy Azalea song is awful. It just barely associates with Kill Bill with the costumes, Azalea looks cold and dead for the entirety, and the acting in the not-song parts is the worst part. It's as if they didn't even script it.
For sure. David Simon worked on Homicide before he did The Wire, he never worked on Law & Order SVU
This is really beautiful. I'm getting pretty excited for this album.
I'm really excited for this new album. These songs sound so cool!
"What's all this bloop bloop shit? Where are the guitars!? Dumb fuckers...BUCKCHERRY!"- Garrett White, probably
I wouldn't say making out is my immediate reaction. The album's pretty sensual, but not exactly in a pleasant way. A lot of it kind of makes me feel a better sounding Weeknd record. Also, I didn't know Hynes had production on "Hours" can hear Clammy Clams a bit, but I didn't hear any typical Blood Orange type production.
Yeah, what a shame. That's a really cool lineup gone to waste.
This is one of the weirdest albums I've heard all year...I don't really like Astronautalis though, so it's a bummer that he's kind of the spine of the album.
Is having Big Sean on a track really an "Enviable" lineup?
cheap_suit's comment doesn't deserve to be in the bottom 5, especially since it's such a well spoken opinion (as opposed to our new saviors Garrett White and his brigade of Spoon haters.
A little bummed Diarrhea Planet isn't here. I guess they'll continue to be that cult band forever. Probably because their name...
"Left Hand Free" is slowly morphing from a disappointing Alt-J song to a fascinating parody of American rock.
Oh, you're one of those "Our era's music is better than your era's music" guys. "Something something get off my lawn." Stereogum is slowly becoming a YouTube comments section.
Even though Young Thug can be a bit divisive, I must say I've been very happy with him being on like every Hip-Hop track this summer.
Jesus, RZA goes in on this. Ghostface has an awesome verse too. It's pretty decent!
"wth is Spoon"- It appears you've stumbled into the wrong saloon.
This actually sound pretty cool. It's almost like Vernon's own little Sisyphus
Channel Orange? Didn't it happen with Channel Orange too?
I watched the lyric video, and got to "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK SEAT" before I gave up and went back to listening to Spoon and Adult Jazz. But it's nice to hear that Hair Metal still uses a constant barrage of euphemisms.
I second the Adult Jazz praise. It's such a fascinatingly weird and gorgeous album. It's been a while since I've heard a debut that fully formed. "Hum" is one of the year's best.