
ALSO, Movie Maker Tip: the next time you want to make-out with someone, hatch an elaborate scheme to hire your potential make-out partner in a movie you are making based on a movie that already exists and then FILM THAT MOVIE. Boom. Instant excuse to make out. That's probably how this movie was made.
So many tips I need to Evernote for when I make MY movie! For instance: ?I definitely should remember that it is OK to use IMDB User Reviews as cinema blurbs! ?Birds SELL! ?Make my trailer about a romance and business and 1 million dollars and then SURPRISE my audience with the true movie content, several minutes in! All classic-movie-tips!
Also, I said "ALOST" instead of "ALMOST" because I 1) love LOST and 2) am impatient and mildly dyslexic.
My Twilight Pillow comment ALOST WOOOOOOON!!!!!! Man..... I feel so honored to almost be honored.
My company, Goodie Two Sleeves®, has 2 t-shirts in this video! On the 2 "main" girl characters! As evidenced here: A very cool Friday to get this kind of news! Also I WANT JUSTIN TO BE IN MY FAMILY.
I googled it and these clowns have already made 7 (SEVEN) of these stupid movies. An announcement of another is like the Octo-Mom announcing BAD CHOICES.
I made this out of love and respect for Videogum and Jokes.
I'm so excited! I totally sent in the tip about the video game thing! Because just like Hard Gabe, I Always Be Looking-for-obscure-Topher-Grace-references!
"1/3 of Americans believe in this" is sort of an unfair blanket statement don't you think? Ohhh, okay. 1/3 of Americans believe in Rapture Pet Care services and the insanity behind it. Because Science. As far as Christianity goes (or any other deeply cherished belief for that matter), it's super easy to say whatever you want about it by using a commercial for a Zombie Pet Cemetery (or whatever) from the internet as your proof. Also, yes. My own comment is dumb because VIDEOGUM. Not exactly the go-to place for insight into spiritual matters. For the record, Gabe is consistently TBS? Very funny when referencing spiritual topics!
Bella: "I know what you are. You're cotton white and cool to the touch..." Edward Pillow: "Say it." Bella: "Other side of the pillow."
In Bizarro world, Kimiko-tan has a James Franco pillow.
Just a very normal thing to happen in what appears to be a disco subway station at night.
Original Juggalo:
"MTV - Mostly Tits & Vanity." Ugh. Sorry. 'Lo siento' for our hispanic readers.
As far as non-pictorial comments go, this is TBS? Very poignant (That's how that goes right?) and cannot be topped, but kid, Michael Cera got this shit on John LOCKE (Also, how that goes, yes?).
I like they way he rolls.
I'm surprised by the production value of this video. Falling cards? Handgun shooting my face? Drop shadows? When this lady went to Fred Phelps and she asked 'How much hater dollars can we budget in?' he said, 'All the hate dollars.'
Also, I intended that to be the source of the smoke monster... not the destination... Then again, it's hard to tell if I'm just blowing smoke. I'M ON FIRE!
It's a shame I'm wasting all these mad photoshop skillz on such a little blip of a thread, but OH WELL. If you want to talk about SPOLIER ALERTS then I already know how the season ends.
Hi, my name is BJ and I live in a restaurant and/or backyard with a bunch of orphan christian youths. I constantly talk to my peers in a way that sounds sarcastic and I've recently been pining for a new skateboard. My friend Colby is really intelligent and he thinks there's nothing wrong with my OLD one. He even ran my wood through his datatbase, but it didn't compute. I mean, I know the Lord thinks I'm cool already, but I want others to think I'm cool. Colby called some skater and He told me to mow my lawn for Jesus. And I think he is your boyfriend? Please HELP!
I designed NBC's MacGruber shirt! Hooray for having a fun job!
If we ever meet again, this video, it will be too soon. Curses!
And I found YOUR boyfried:
Policeman: "What happen?" Ronnie: "Someone set us up the bomb!" Policemen: "What you say?"
When they all shout "JESUS LOVES ME!" in the club = best.
You need to start the Aziz Ansari Promise! Love that guy.
This is the appropriate venue for this right? In the middle of a comment thread about a tattoo face guy who may or may not have an actual girlfriend? I think so, Yes.
Unrelated Side Note: I miss soft Gabe's Glee recaps. Also? My name is Gabe. I wonder if I could have a tactile density attributed to me?
"Now, imagine this pitcher of Iced Tea is really a gallon of your URINE."
Jeez guys. Indoor voices.
Unlike you clowns I do t-shirts for a living. I give you, Self-Potato: