
My quizzical "POP.... POP?" was met with a subdued, matter of fact, dareisay confirmatory "pop, pop". Poetry.
Hope he didn't have a "Great American Stake" in her not saying "PotatNO" and retaining her "Company" for the rest of his days.....?
Now, for some extra yikes, head on over here, where this video is used as a legitimate jumping off point for outrage over misogyny, despite it being pretty obvious that this guy is somewhat less than all there: (Site used to be linked faaaaaaar too often in my Google Reader shared items. And guess what? They link back to here often (though with 'trigger warnings' that this comment section is not a 'safe space'! Whee!)
Damn, I used to think that this would be such a great drunk karaoke song too. Now the mental image juxtaposed with that comment will be burned in my brain no matter how inebriated. Sigh. Another dream dashed forevermore.
Not a single mention of this yet? Color me Dissapointedgum, guys. How's the end white joke rap movement going to get anywhere with this kind of passiveness? NEVER FORGET.
The banana makes a comeback! Apparently by popular demand! Also, we completely missed Timmy's California Gurls, you guys. Clearly we lost the thread somewhere in the Timmy-related coverage, but I'm glad to see we're back on target. New videos every month! You don't want to miss anything- they just grow up so fast! Before you know it, Timmy will realize what he's doing and scrub all evidence any of this magical time ever existed.
That's what's become more delightful about them as time's passed. They seeeeeeem to be self-aware, what with the even more overblown narration and near constant profanity, yet for all the alleged self-awareness, they continue to be everything that they are, only more so. Are they doing it for themselves? For our amusement? Trying to prove a point? Fucking fourth wall of internet memes, how does it work?
Upvoted at the title alone, sir. I mean, everyone knows juggalettes dye their hair with Faygo, but a minor critique in the context of the masterpiece.
I'll never forgive the juggalos for appropriating Faygo. Now, when I'm on a road trip in the South, the sight of it is no longer a miraculous appearance of a Michigan specialty to warm the heart of a Detroiter transplanted to the South, but a terrifying omen that I'm in juggalo country, and that I should return to my vehicle and drive as fast as possible, lest I find myself getting down with the wicked clown. Also, Rock n Rye? Tasty stuff.
There's still time for them to overdub the movie and edit four loko in for brilliant if instantly outdated product placement/cultural reference. Because at this point, what do they really have to lose?
Wow. Apparently the one and only time I stumbled into the chat, this was being born. What are the odds? Anyhow, proud/a little creeped out to have been present for the birth of a meme.
Nobody's mentioned the vintage SNL sketch on this perennially hilarious topic? (Yes, 2004 is now vintage SNL. Shut up.) (blurry and from some 2007 blog post, but the best I can find right now). The rare occasion where almost no exaggeration is necessary (not quite Sarah Palin with Katie Couric word for word, but just a notch below). I remember laughing at just the discussion of this sketch at the lunch table in high school (aaaaaand now I feel old. or young? so hard to tell!) Oh, and SPOILER ALERT: Tina Fey gnaws on a hickory smoked turkey like a feral wolf person in a rare sketch appearance. The Best!
So how many takes do you think they took in order to get the most suggestive possible diction on "come with me" at the beginning of this ad? COME with me... nope. Come WITH me.... nuh-uh..... come with ME?.... no. Acting!
I personally look forward to the day in 2018 when Kanye West releases "My Beautiful Dark Roast Twisted Fantasy."
Stated above, but it bears repeating: I picture the supervisor for the effects on this shouting “shinier! smoother! I want Ron to see his reflection in Harry’s ass, damnit!" Went for ghostly, wound up with greased? Ew, I think I'm in jail now.
What, you mean those glorious five minutes where it became some sort of highbrow indie drama, complete with Nick Cave soundtrack? Seriously, the movie was a terrific mashup of cinematic styles to match the varying moods, almost all of them great. Highlights: -Dry British gallows humor -Gorgeous landscape shots made bleak by scratchy radio transmissions -The Brazil-like bureaucratic terror of the Ministry -The horcrux demon, which felt straight out of the Raimi playbook Lowlights: -Creepy overly slick naked Harry/Hermione ghosts getting it on (I picture the supervisor for the effects on this shouting "shinier! smoother! I want Ron to see his reflection in Harry's ass, damnit!) -The digicam quick cuts and speeded up bits in the forest chase scene (A Twilight homage? Parody? I do not know!) Overall, let's get to the end of this. I'll be there at midnight, with a half-assed construction paper wizard hat, hoping for Tom Waits in the soundtrack this time (it could happen, right?)
Wasn't this part of the spring lineup on the Shout Network a few years ago? I remember Matthew Tompkins hyping it pretty extensively on some college radio station somewhere...
What was most unsettling about this video was what a throwback it felt like to the early days of The Daily Show (think... pre-Stewart calls Tucker Carlson a dick on Crossfire?). The correspondent segments have given way to banter with Jon in front of the blue screen, largely because America was running out of small town rubes and eccentrics for them to exploit for their cluelessness (interestingly, the concept became more prevalent over on Colbert, with camera hungry small time congressfolk sitting in for the rubes... sigh). But here, all of a sudden, they've found a gem- a guy without any sense or ability to tell when he's being made fun of. Judging from the blog (which is sadly locked down now), he could watch this entire segment get played back and not understand they tore him apart, thinking "Gee! I hope this gets my message out there and saves U of M from gay nazism!" That lack of self-awareness is truly, disturbingly, dangerous to me.
I'm saving my FourLoko binge for the moment the first Tea Party member wins on Tuesday night. Might as well prepare myself for the future, when this will be the official booze of Real 'Murica and the only spirits Sharon Angle will allow us to consume.
Aw, you left out the best part! Search terms: Fat People OR Internet Commenters.
"I'd go with OKCupid, which (at least in terms of its male population) is the dregs of the internet, but.... my keyboard has SO MANY KEYS!"
Also, you're crazy for this one, Bing!
Does this mean we have to pretend to like Mike and Molly now? Because I think we're forgetting that the most stunning thing about this nightmare ladyblogger is that she found a way to be more openly demeaning to overweight people than Mike and Molly itself.
We devised an amazing drink last year named after Robin Sparkles: Champagne and Canadian Club whiskey. Drink at your own peril.
BUT are you going to be SteamPunky Brewster? Thought up by a friend this afternoon, and I'm still in awe of its brilliance.
OK Monsters. I suddenly find myself torn between two awesome costume choices. For the season, I decided to shave the beard I've been rocking for the past two months down to a mustache, which I've been wearing with great joy all week. Now, I can choose between one of two 'stache based costumes: (1) Bill Murray in the pool scene in Rushmore, my original plan. Obtained the Budweiser swim trunks last week via eBay, would probably wear a bathrobe with it to keep warm/get into bars without a shirt, good excuse to have a drink and a smoke in my hand at all times. OR (2) Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation. Get to be more clothed, optional Duke Silver variation after sundown, still get to drink heavily, only this time sub the cigs out for a breakfast plate. I feel like both are easily obscure and hipsterish (though if you're going to go as a Wes Anderson character, Herman Blume at the pool is the way to go, right?), and are likely to be misunderstood by the drunken Chapel Hill masses on Franklin Street (likely for The Dude with improper facial hair and Ron Burgundy, respectively). So I'll put it to a vote- my fate is in your hands! (My fate is totally not in your hands)
Wow. Stunned. Could've gone with the easy laugh with the Hairy Hand, but you went hardcore AND highbrow law nerd. I am not worthy.
Relative newcomer to monsterdom, but given my handle, I'm obliged to comment. While its early, I'll just get out the gate and say it: Fuck Elmo. Grover is the shit. I saw something floating around the internet about a Super Grover 2.0 popping up on The Street, so between that and Elmo getting ushered into manhood by Katy Perry, we can only hope this is the beginning of a new Grover Renaissance, one which will save the next generation from being terrible shitty Twilight and Bieber worshiping nightmare creatures. Did I just connect being raised on Elmo with Twilight and Justin Bieber? You're damn right I did.
New Boyfriend Talk Show was terrific. Just Samberg, Lynch, and Sudekis doing what they do best, a solid ramp up, and an envelope pushing Magic Johnson joke that totally caught me off guard. If Armisen's Gene Simmons had tried to sell her a Toyota in a wink to Scharpling and Wurster, it would have been catapulted into legend status.
Things I said during the I Want To Hold Your Hand sequence to distract from the sentimentality: "Gee, I hope Kurt's dad has the Guts to pull through on this" "I mean, even if he does, he'll be climbing quite the Aggro Crag of Recovery after" "Aww, look at that. Even when he was little, Kurt's dad tried to accept his kid being a 'Mo" "....Yes, Dear" Not a single laugh. Can you believe it?
Another Chapel Hill resident/Superchunk/Merge fanboy extraordinare here-- this video exclusive has led me to delurk and join the monster masses at last. But holy dear God, I wish I was not in class right now-- I got this album on Friday (Merge treats its local indie stores right- got a boatload of swag to go with it too), and Digging for Something has been on repeat in my brain ever since. The still of Mac going full hipster alone is enough to crack me up. Speaking of hipsters? The LAFH-ish dudes and lady pictured there are The Love Language, a local Merge signing who, yes, look like they fell out of an Urban Outfitters, but sound SO DAMN GOOD you really cannot care. They have rocked the hell out of every show and venue I have seen them in, and I really think they've got it in them to be the next big thing.... so go check them out (their latest, Libraries, came out this summer on Merge, and is a stone cold classic). OK, enough Pluggum. Gabe, thrilled to know you share my love for these guys, and the sight of two of my favorite things mashed together has brought joy and happiness to my morning. (PS: Any other Triangle-area monsters going to the release party at the Nahser on Thursday?)