
This kid's greatest trick was convincing the all-girls school to let him in. Thank you, Bieber/lesbian haircut!
The only way you'll get me to watch this movie is to bury me alive and project it on the ceiling of my coffin. Hmmm, actually I'd probably just play Snake on my phone instead.
Oh, come on, that was pretty good.
I would have missed the joke but for you, so you get my upvote!
Man, that is a great scene. So why didn't it feel like a great scene when I was watching it? I didn't *really* like the show until the Terace scene in episode 2 when Prez pistol whips the kid and then people start throwing TVs at them.
Er, and sometimes he's known as Zack, such as on the pageant circuit. (Saved it!)
A teenage girl named Laney is the prettiest, most popular girl at school. She plans to win the school's Miss Liberty pageant, but when she is disqualified for being if anything TOO pretty and TOO popular, she consoles herself by saying she could still turn any other student into the pageant winner in six weeks. Her best friend, Sandra (played by Matthew Lilliard) disagrees, and bets her that Laney can't turn a student of Sandra's choosing into the winner. While walking through the school, Sandra picks a homely, poorly-dressed, awkward and racially confused boy named Simple Jack. Musical interlude: Right about now, funk soul brother check it out now funk soul brother. Blah blah blah, then Sandra enters the contest to make it more difficult for Simple Jack to win, and so does AC Slater, and also Jessie is in the contest because she wants to protest pageants (?) and wears a rain coat instead of a bathing suit, but Zack wins when it is revealed at the very end that he's not awkward at all.... so long as he's hackin'! And not wearing glasses. The end.
This looks funny, especially the parts where ugly people behave differently than me and my normal peers do.
Yeah, seems pretty obvious. Much as I hate the Improv Everywhere, the fact that they fooled Gabe into writing an entire post about a prank that they didn't do sort of validates them, this time.
Oh my gosh! I can't believe it's only 84 minutes until the new season of Lost starts. I can't wait to chat about it here with my fellow Videogum monsters! Signed, The West Coast
I think you mean Nancy Meyers
Where I live in Southern California our drinking water literally is re-purified urine, no joke. But not just urine -- poop water too! Toilet to tap. Wake up, kids, we're here.
"What am I doing in this photo? Because I don't recognize any of these other bitches."
Seeing Kenneth the Page get his first mean line ('I would...n't') blew my mind. It was like when Lost showed Libby in the mental institution. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....
Please make us a Miley Cyrus Dance Party Promise, Gabe.
Pretty sure his backup dancers are Scott Brown's daughters. And they're available!
Truck Driver: Oh dag, I think I just hit a bicyclist with my log truck. Truck Passenger: Hit her again. Truck Driver: What for? Truck Passenger: Her soul's still dancing!
If I don't make it tonight, can somebody else make sure to make a joke in which "Golden Globes" are used as a euphemism for some actress' breasts? Teamwork, folks.
He's right, Videogum is nothing but GroupThink. Like, when we saw the pic of tubgirl that he posted in the LiLo thread, all of us were like "yuck that's gross I don't want to see that.' Sheeple!
Pretty gutsy to follow up a show like the Wire with an all-houses-and-instruments cast.
I just watched all five seasons in 30 days (I totally missed my deadline on those TPS reports) and it was wonderful to not get frustrated like everyone else by the slow drip of revelations cause for me it wasn't that slow. So do it!
Confused. Why did you steal her joke and then act like she was an asshole for doing a very funny joke that you stole?
They weren't, but the hot dogs they've got on the heater were.
The General's Daughter. The Devil's Own. Eight Heads in a Dufflebag. But, mostly, Jingle all the way
I laugh at every single one.
She's on very thin ice.
Back to the Future 2: It's about time.
2012: It's the year before 2013, unless 2013 NEVER COMES!!!!!
In Good Company was a very good movie, and I'm NOT just saying that because I'm trying to stay in this Topher Grace thing and I'm not sure how far to go. I also believe I would have liked "Source Code," a movie in pre-production that was to star Topher Grace before he was replaced this week by Jake Gyllenhaal. And that's what's up with Topher Grace.
This is actually leaked footage from "The Hangover 2: Minsk Nights."
Is there some parallel-Internet Videogum that does a weekly "Who's Snubbing Tom Selleck" post? Because there is a suspiciously large group of commenters at Parade calling for Selleck to star in this make-believe biopic.
From the comments: "Boston Rob from Survivor and Survivor all stars should play Clark Gable.... Please revise your pole to reflect this choice." Uh oh, I hope Parade doesn't reset the poll with this obvious new inclusion and negate all our hard work.
You just knew they would never let somebody like Topher win. Napoleon is always right.
Well, I did it, I voted 220 times for Topher Grace on a celebrity poll. I would have voted more, but in this economy, who has the time to waste more than 35 minutes at work voting on celebrity polls?
Se8en - My Fail Lady - Fart Times at Ridgemont High - Gone Fisting - Dial M for Mukduk (if you allow cheating a tad)