
I've never wanted to go inside a video more and play with that little guy! ...except for maybe with Annie in last night's episode of Community...
as a gay lady can I just also add my "Homynahomynahomynahomyna"
As someone with four cats may I just say how embarrassed I am that I have never crashed them. Idiot!
I hope that this time his daughter has to save him in a wacky mix up where he was trying to go see Justin Bieber and was put in jail. Because that is as believable to me as someone her age lying to go see U2! (but maybe I was just bitter because someone suggested I see this movie before I went on a trip to Paris. Yeah, thanks guy. Kidnappings! Torture! Rape-rape! All the things a girl wants to see before she goes to there. Stupid Blockbuster. I'm glad you're dead!)
...Hunger Games, you guys! It's like a smart persons Twilight! I mean...theoretically it will be. I mean unless the movie ruins it. probably likely. ...mmmmaaaannnnn
The writer in me (there is no writer) really wanted Pam not to catch Michael and get there only to watch the plane leave. The fangirl who smiled and cried and hugged every cat in the vincinity was very pleased that they connected. HOORAY!
After watching the Tudors pretty intently I was excited to watch the royal wedding. Or at least the highlight reel.
WHAT! WHERE? WHEN?! Let's go!
Whatever. I know who my tv commercial dad will always be...
Ah, I can finally appreciate my mom's ability to fall asleep during any movie* during any scene** ever thus avoiding these awkward situations. Here I was thinking it was annoying of her. Huzzah! Point: Harke's Mom. *American X **curb stomp
Tanis, I want you to know I love you.
Comment on youtube: "He's my favourite gay who doesn't know they're gay yet". Response: See, as a member of team gay I totally would be stoked if this kid is on our team. But as a member of humanity wouldn't it be just awesome if his amazing dance moves/face was totally straight and that we were building this amazing world where everyone was just full of this level of happiness-inducing mania and it was completely irrelevant what their sexual preference was? I mean. Wouldn't it? *whistles 'Somewhere over the rainbow' and walks into the sunset*
That just makes perfect sense. I bet they'll make a double rainbow joke after. Glee is like my mom who finds out about a funny thing and then brings it up after it's not funy anymore. And hey, I stil love my mom.
See, and now I googled "Hocker" so somewhere that dad is like "..the lives!"
That kid just made my day a thousand times shinier.
His SNL skit with Michael Buble for 'Hamm and Buble's' made him the most lovable goof of all.
Ahh! Literary joke! All the upvotes and my love!
Hey! This is the first time the beat Videogum in keeping me informed. Also! #CanadaGum! I'm so...proud.
Okay, I've clearly been hurt by television shows too many times before because when Blaine was making the love face at Kurt and even when he started talking to him I thought for sure that the twist was going to be that he realized that Kurt was super good at singing and that they'd have a chance at winning regionals and it wasn't about love. And then it was about ooshymooshy love and I just got all teary and happy and Chris Colfer is the greatest actor ever because his nervousness and voice cracking and gasp gasping was so real and you can feel it all and I'm super glad no one's going to read this comment because it's a week after the episode because it's really long but I just watched the episode all alone and my girlfriend's out of town and eeeeeee. Glee.
I don't really understand Holiday's whole "sex isn't what matters its who you're in love with" because if buddy is in love with his wife and is sleeping with a bunch of fella's, straight he is not. Although, I do think labels are stupid and wouldn't it be cool if we could just love anybody we wanted and not have to put up with crap for it. And I love Kurt's plotlines and just want the show to always be about him and his dad. That advice is perfect for everyone.
E.T.'s back and shit. just. got. real.
Dear Toronto Monsters, Road trip? I'll bring the snacks! Love, Harke
Wait, I want to be a part of a monster mash too! Monsters in the hiz-ouse. Isn't Rob Ford the worst? #intheknow
I want to birth babies only so that they will grow up and upvote this.
I really want "Incendies" to win for best Foreing Picture! Cause it's Canadian, mostly but also because my best friend made me watch it because I was feeling down and it was her motivation for leaving the house and then the movie was so upsetting but great and therefore it is worthy. Sentences. I'm great at them.
Man, I'm as gay as Christmas but I really want to make sweet sweet love to Weiner.
I really liked this episode! ...Wait, no. I liked this episode considering how bad this season is! Yeah, that's better. But, seriously, glee. I won't watch another episode without Kurt. I love that boy way too much. Also! How dare you not have the gay boy in an episode about a lesbian with flippy hair. It's practically a hate crime.
Oh man! Glee, you guys. Not awful this week! I was so surprised! Also, though? A guy I know who is awesome does some amaaaazing youtube videos about Glee/Queer stuff and I thought you'd guys like it? Maybe? I don't know. I watched it and then I thought of you kids and then I came here.
My favourite substitute teacher was the one who was as tired of that bleach blonde kid as the rest of us and turned him into a ferret. Man, he was awesome.
Before he was Professor Xavior he was Charles... Before he was Magneto...he was Erik... And they were in love.... Why does my head make everything gay? It's cause I use Gayhead & Shoulders, ladies.
I was really glad that other people brought up the abuse? question of this video. You can see the dog trying to figure out how to get out of this jam (hahah, gettit). First he tries to lick the face of his roommate to get away, then he tries to bite, then he gives in to what is clearly the want of the people.
I got a real job three weeks ago and am now finally getting to the point where I can slack off and read Videogum again! Phew!
I use to really, really, really like Kevin Smith. I thought his movies were awesome and that he was really funny and I went to his Toronto Q&A and I laughed myself silly (Lay the podium down is still one of the greatest inside jokes of my life). See, but then I turned 20 and something happened. I started thinking about what he was saying. And how mad he seemed all the time. And how bad his new movies were. And how his grudges were so...grudgey. And that was it. I dumped him. I mean, sometimes when I see a bearded man in a trench coat I think fondly back to him but mostly I've moved on. I guess what I'm saying is, is that he's not my boyfriend anymore. And I'm happy about it.
I lived at Jane/Finch when I went to York, yo! I always figured I was pretty safe as a white girl student just trying to get by! Anybody shootin at me would have all the media! So, HA! Now I live in the Westside of Toronto and have to say one thing to my fellow Toronto Monsters, *ahem* SNOW DAY!
Guys, you guys! She's pretty.
I wish I could get everybody in a football-esque huddle, say "Okay, good week, good week! Way to work on the defense! Don't forget to just have fun out there, you guys!" Then we'd call clap and I'd get to touch all your bums. *wishes*
is this a real thing? I don't...I can't even...
I had the biggest crush on JTT too, you guys! He was all into nature and had long hair and was sensitive and vegetarian! I had a wall devoted just to him and the other wall had lots of posters of No Doubt and other male celebrities who had long hair! ...there were so many clues that I liked girls when I was little...why did no one tell me!
When in Rome! My girlfriend and I were going to Rome and we thought it might be fun to rent that little gem. What learned was that it was not fun and that we hate everything about that movie. Something came up so we stopped the movie with 20 minutes to go and we still didn't care. We didn't care! Also though? Dinner with Shmucks isn't very good (though it's really new?). The first half is too long and the second awesome half only makes you wonder what went wrong with that first act.
My first reaction to your comment was "Hey! Toronto! Yay!" My second reaction was "Fire?" And then I googled Ryerson University fire to be in the know.