
Yes, I caught it. How many references can you fit into 3 and a half minutes??
The one making fun of his face? That is a terrible easter egg!
I like Gabe's Roger Ebert opinion much, much better.
I watched it at work. What am I supposed to do, wait?
You're so right! The cancer sister one that was made into a movie that about 6 people saw. Again, I realize adding cancer to the mix does not narrow it down. But definitely NOT the School Shooting one!
My old roommate almost injured me when she actually threw that Jodi Picoult book about the dying sisters (maybe?) across the room. Then my other roommate read it and was furious at the end of it. Luckily I had already decided to never ever read any Jodi Picoult book, so I remain footloose and fancy free!
I'm not going to get into a philosophical argument here about what people should or shouldn't say about somebody's death in the comments section of a post on a trampoline accident weblog, but I do want to say this: This is very sad. One of those incredibly unfortunate reminders that none of us are "above" the impairment involved with drinking and driving. Monsters, do not take shots and then drive your car home.
Case dismissed, facetaco. I mean, really? "Chop another line like a coda with a curse" "I was takin' sips of it through my nose." "And then I bumped up. I took the hit that I was given then I bumped again. Then I bumped again." What did this person think it was about? Snorting Pixie Stix?
KeanuReevesWhoa dot gif. I would never in a million years have realized that without your help.
This is basically the remake of a very old Sprite commercial: "I played Hamlet at Caaaaaymbridge!"
Nooooo! I can't even make fun of interns right! Here:
You get this:
Dear Tracy and Louis, In the words of my 8th grade history teacher (really! He said this like every day!): "Actions, words, and events have consequences." That is all. Warm regards, HeyThatsMyBike
Nell speaks in Country Grammar
But from what I can tell, Suri Cruise remains adorable.
I have no idea how this works. Hold me, I'm scared. I think maybe I'll tweet at/email the MOBFD folks and see if they can help organize/publicize if that's a day that works!
I had to google Huckabeast's comment in order to understand it. Unclear whether that's sad or a good thing. Clear that either way it means I'm old. Fact: CWND can also stand for "Congestion Window" according to the first several hits on google.
**Rocks rocking chair on porch, pushes up bifocals, and takes a drag of corncob pipe** I haven't seen a worst comment of the week like that since the Great Mangum War of 2009!!!
July 15th somewhere? Is that a day people can do? Is that too far away? And though Johns Creek is OTP, the judges (I think in this comment the judges are me) will allow it.
That sketch was a very good sketch. My favorite part is the party on the bus. Also the newspaper. And weight thing aside, I am glad you are out of that 6 year period, Becca! And you used "worst" an appropriate number of times.
ATL monster roll call! I would come to this assuming it's one of the like 3 weekends I don't have to go to a wedding this summer (Yeah, that's right. People invite me to a party in exchange for a thoughtful gift of housewares from Crate and Barrel. Jealoussssss?).
In my mind when after she dumped Logan's ass and got off Obama's bus, she went straight to Jess's bookstore. Now that he has his act together and is not so teen-angsty, he will be a suitable boyfriend!
Hi Birdie! Can you tell me what is up with Topher Grace?
It'd definitely be a look. Also I had "Why Should I Worry?" in my head for at least 4 hours after I posted this. "I've got street savoire faire!" Sophisticated children's lyrics!
Compared to all those people, she chose the least cool name ever to be her alter ego. C'mon, nobody that's 13 is named Kathy! I know this because that is my name and I am 29 and not even anyone that's 29 is named Kathy! I actually had an ex-boyfriend tell me that my name sounded "too old."* Your PR people should try harder, Katy. *There is a reason he is my ex-boyfriend. I like my name, if only because it distinguished me from the 30 or so Katies in every class I had throughout my entire education. My mom always said it was basically chosen as my nickname for that very reason. We are a practical people.
My I recommend the cover of "Oliver & Company"???
I need to buy more computers so I can upvote this some more. I apparently needed a clown in my life today.
The World's Fair part is far more interesting than the Holmes storyline by the second half of the book, imho. The first half I was like "yeah yeah yeah, meetings! Where's the killer guy?" and the second half I was all "blah blah blah murder BUT HOW WILL THE FAIR EVEN HAPPEN?" That second half will also make you un-terrified of moving to Chicago. I grew up there, and it really is a lovely place. Except in February, but that's what Netflix is for.
So what you're saying is the site needs more GIFs AND more belittling and heckling people for their weight? I have to say I'm SHOCKED that your very popular site does not have a devoted commenting community if that's what you think constitutes a good blog. *This comment took fewer than 30 minutes to come up with in my cubicle/dorm/parent’s house.
Napoleon, weren't you 15 like five minutes ago? THEY GROW UP SO FAST! (Note - it was very hard to write this in a way that didn't say "Wait, you're almost 18?" because that would be one of those 'The problem with conveying tone on the internet' thing. But seriously! Time flies! Yay for you almost being done with high school!)
Upvote for your avatar. I was weirdly reminiscing about BoKu as I was driving into work the other day. White grape and raspberry 4 lyfe.
Me too. Repeatedly. Except at the aforementioned part where I wanted them to cut to Stedman giving a "Oh no she didn't" face.
My favorite part of Oprah's last show (yeah, I watched it. I'm an American white woman over 25. I have to! It's in my being alive contract!) was when she said "you all [meaning her worldwide viewing audience] and this show have truly be the loves of my life," while Stedman was in the audience. YA BURNT, Stedman.
I used to honestly think that was what Ann Coulter was doing. But then the last 5 years happened. If my calculations are correct, she might actually be a Moderate Democrat now.
Well, she is undefeated in her staring contests with nearby Russians.
The event isn't about voting yes on the measure to hug puppies, right? I believe that is Senate file 1502.
Also they filmed a bunch of this down the street from me which made traffic a total nightmare. So in addition to FLW's solid points, this movie moderately inconvenienced HeyThatsMyBike for a few days. BURN IT AT THE STAKE!
I would like to add the Apatow "Editing is for chumps!" mentality. But I otherwise agree!