
No!!!!! spoiler. I have two episodes left to watch in the series.
Is anyone else disturbed by the fact that a children's franchise is being turned into a movie inspired by the Thomas Crowne Affair? There's lots of nakey and sex in that movie. I guess sex is the best way to steal someones Seoul in South Korea.
"Jeremy and He Plus Three"- coming spring 2012, the story of one lucky ego-maniacal bastard.
I used to think the X-Files opening sequence was amazing, but then I watched it the other day, and it was all grainy and silly. So, not a classic, but i think it was really cool for its time!
I hate to be a pain in the ass, but the whole vampires don't have feelings thing that really bothers Gabe, while true in traditional vampire lore, is a rule that was thrown out long ago in modern depictions of vampires (Interview with a Vampire, for example). It's clear that True Blood has chosen this modern, emotional vampire route, and they have never strayed from it. It is pretty much the only constant in the show. They all pine for their pasts, yata yata...
This is like when people say "Gay Americans". What the hell is that? People of other ethnicities are called [ethnicity]-American because there is something other than American going on there! Because they identify with a geographical location that is not America. Unless GAY is one of those weird place acronym bumper stickers, "gay american" just doesn't make sense.
I don't understand why they had to execute all of those people when the rapture is right around the corner...,0,214,317_.jpg
but she's really good at the Fox Tw@t! yikes, that was gross. Ya'll are doin' the BOO Step
Virtual Rubbernecking..... just as obnoxious And it would be appropriate to describe that show as a train wreck.
I nominate Tommy for Best Death Rattle!
Is the product placement for Papyrus greeting cards? cuz the Hunger Games logo looks just like those little gold sticker seals you get with thank you stationery.
I don't watch MTV, bu my husband is cooler than I am, so we caught some parts of the show. Here are some of very many problems: 1. WHHHHAAAATT was up with the woman sitting in that giant plastic throne/toilet thing who sang between commercial breaks. She was awful. I'm sure she's also famous, but, again, i'm not cool. 2. I like Chris Brown even less now than I always did. What was the point of his even wearing a microphone? The worst
the best
Insert duckling gif from Louie here: Wish I were better at interwebs
maybe they should do a late night/early morning drunnk/hangover food place called "Please Don't Go Hurl"
OMG it's Zelda from Pet Cemetery! And your family left you with her while they went on vacation.