
i love 'crapvertisement.' in exchange, i humbly offer 'irritainment' for any shows, esp. in magazine form, which eat one's psyche. yes, they are pretending to be Xtian, and cash in on their church status to avoid paying taxes on their filthy lucre:
... and then do Welcome Freshmen-- no stars, but good instrumental theme.
why is your comment on the anna f. page?
Dr. Alexander Baldwin, Inchoate Servant of the Temple of the Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third and Last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States Erected to Godzilla and Dedicated to the Service of Humanity Salve Frater
i admit i have a perverse desire to see pranks go horribly wrong--but someone would have to be secretly shooting their own SBC outtakes...
i agree. persuasion usually comes slowly, softly, and through the subconscious-- people tend to make up their own minds rather then submit humbly to a thunderbolt of epiphany-- so any good done by cohen might be wiped out in the immediate sense due to bombast and the reinforcement effect you mentioned.
now it's my turn to be obnoxious and answer for the previous poster: my guess is no, they don't flaunt their heterosexuality (if indeed they are straight) in that it would probably connote harassment, so get over that one phrase, go back and read the post and understand-- "i don't hate you because you're white-- you're just a white person i can't stand." i dare you not to get it.
possible urban myth, but i heard the kitty was a taxidermy job-- on the bright side, definitely hanging in there.
but that's usu. how i watch these shows: rec., FF thru monologue and guests, just watching the set pieces-- if i see a good guest, i make exceptions-- but usually it makes quick funny shows. watching them live is torture.
no.. you are not alone. i've been brought around, and conan is looking less appealing on his own, and especially by comparison, and i never believed i would think that.
latest thread on imdb=real movie: but a search i did earlier today gave me false hope:
gabe, videogum pals, take a knee and listen to he old tv head: i still miss the old days of my youth when letterman had a morning show and i stayed up late to watch TOMORROW with tom snyder-- that's how fucking old i am. the changing of the guard from snyder to letterman was quite something, but i'll always remember the crazy desperate bookings of the plasmatics, wayne cochran, and public image ltd. on tomorrow toward the end, and the advent of leno being a semi-regular letterman guest after he took the reins of the original late night. THAT is when leno was funny. btw, i never had any particular love of carson, but i knew his cultural significance as an usher on the path to fame for stand-ups; the other significance is maybe, just maybe, what jay leno was nodding to in the 17 years of babies segment you described-- it has been long understood by the myths of television that american babies are conceived "during carson"--but based on your rancor so far, i'm guessing letting that sink in will only make you vomit Bucket?
TSCC doesn't need a shitty movie to make it look good. what is does need is for scifi/syfy to adopt its cancelled ass and keep it going. then we can all forget T4.
?Nice Guy?? is to Creep what ?Regular Guy?? is to Goode Family Watcher. Allow me to illustrate: you can take a long hot shower and try to forget...
" tirelessly to tie in a non-fiction book about pop psychology for no good reason other than it seems like maybe you can market it..." --and that's how they made Mean Girls. just sayin'.
--and still kind of a crappy dad-- like drinky mcdrunk has room to criticize a kid. oh, how the formerly-hot have fallen!
also missing on futurama beastie guesting. too lazy to find out why... perhaps someone knows?
yup--still have the toys.
i think we can all agree: vegans rule, cow-suckers drool (but if you're a Blythe doll, your mileage may vary) (the old "relax, technojeremy")-- i do miss the old days, when i was psychic, and could tell when people are being sarcastic on the internet.../sarcasm ;)
TD got it right. i was, in fact, rejoicing that the cartoon rejected the HCA ending. the disney version had flaws, but ariel was a smart, independent character who had a first love and maintained healthy relationships with her friends and family ultimately due to the altruism of a father for his child. so much better than the give-up-your-life-for-a-jerk-who-barely-knows-you're-alive HCA ending, you see? but since you took it there, is it really about "spreading for a man," or is it about departing from childhood, or converting/losing one's religion? or coming out? i could do this all day...
the weird thing is that it all seemed so familiar-- definitely like a retread or a long-sat-upon script (like mcluskyist wrote). i quickly switched from focusing on the offensive stereotypes to thinking this is just one big F.U. to his whole audience: "so long, suckers!" but i wonder if he has any idea that he's flipping us the bird from the bottom of an open grave.
laughed my heart out of my chest @ the golf story-- yeah, you pretty much need to know exactly who j.f. is to get the full impact; if all you know is that one 'new' song he had on mtv way back when, you get it, but you don't GET it.
@todd: maybe avoiding exploiting her nudity is part of what keeps it from being porn, since it stars a porn actress-- but i guess this could still be exploitation; even so, i think it was a close-to-the-vest choice. @plunko: ....and ginger alden(?), but i think she returned to porn, so.
"blowjob girl" is my hero!
BLOL=Belly LOL ... all the way through; the high point for me was "Which sside are you on?!!!"
maybe joshua meant "that'll do, ken, that'll do."
i beg to differ, for i do not find larry david polarizing; i can very well take him or leave him... and he was "meh" as the temp Beatle.
i get you all the way. in fact, the addicts themselves differ on the subject of control, esp. in the agnostic/atheist community re. 12-step programs. bottom line, though-- DO NOT take that first drink-- it's a lulu!
understood, yes-- and mourned AT THE EXPENSE OF THE FUNNY
that always happens to me, too!
maybe disney could stop drawing princesses to look like bratz dolls, but i think pocahontas sealed our fate on that one-- i liked the story of little mermaid because it ditched the original sexist/altruistic story; i do not yet know the overall plot for this one, but i say it has possibilities-- like back when disney chicken little was originally screenwritten as a girl chicken...
"full male"/unaltered rodents have HUGE balls. actually, if you are not versed in sexing wildlife in general, you find a bit of confusion over the proportional difference between human genitalia and that of say, a female squirrel-- unrecognizably different in size and appearance.
ha ha! actually, flip the gender, and this is sarah silverman-- and i love her/hate him, but they are truly separated at birth.
"...because Brad Pitt's comically southern drawl looks about as authentic as the Cracker Barrel..." --too lazy to look it up, but isn't Pitt from Kentucky? (it matters not, for i hate tarantino.)
"...a movie about the Holocaust told from the German point of view ... going to take a lot of slogging through genuine anti-Semitisim and Nazi-apologism to get there. The best thing about examples that don't exist is YOU CAN'T PROVE ME WRONG." --not so fast, gabe:
eta: should have been a reply to Mcluskyist