Damon just blue himself.
I'm going to love him like I'll never get hurt! Also, I think it goes without saying that this nerd should always wear sunscreen.
It seems sometimes when we're at our saddest that it blinds us, that we just accept it and say that that is the hand that was dealt to us. I want nothing more for you than to talk to someone and feel what it's like to get to a good place and allow yourself to be helped. It's not easy, but it seems that you've been through a lot already. It's a wonderful thing that you're talking to us and hope you continue to do so. Please.
I think an important thing is showing your son what a true fighter you are. If you can talk to someone and let them show you what you're capable of, it will be extremely bonding for you and your son. There is NO ONE that can replace you. That is a fact.
You're an important person. There are people in this world that love and care about you. Right now, there's an opportunity for change no matter how small you think it is, it is there. You are a good mother. You said it yourself. Get help for him if nothing else, because he needs you here.
That was supposed to be a link to this.
I know we're just e-friends, but don't do it. I've had one too many friends choose that road IRL and I can't get them back. I read in one of your posts that you like bunnies. The best part about life is that it can change. :)
I'm so sorry. "I'll never steal comments again ambarella...I'll never steal comments again..."
Ugh, instead it was all "I'll never let go Jin...I'll never let go." Vomit.
Heaven just got a little bit more Margaritaville.
I was so mad that Sun didn't say, "You have to live for our daughter! Go!" Nope, she'll figure stuff out on her own. Hey, maybe Claire can raise her, right?
Is she's almost extinct does this mean I can't hunt her down?
"Nothing is allowed to be MORE fake than my wifes breasts."
Is she going to gossip about all the hers with hepatitis.
I thought it was a little innapropriate for the count to explain to the kids the "hidden meaning of the number 69."
"Worst president show EVER!!!"-Steve Winwood
"Yeah, I had to recycle some jokes cause I was too busy waiting in line at the doctors to write new ones! Health care everybody!"-Jay Leno
This is Junior!
"what a loser get a life and go to the docter to get your brain and stop trying to steal ur puppys brain!" Apparently doctors are just giving away brain prescriptions nowadays!
I found Steve Winwoods soulgif!
Just for you...
When my family and I were helping my grandma move out of her house last weekend I found a Cracked magazine from March of 1993 (seriously grandma, you can throw SOME stuff away). On the cover was a caricature of two cops wrapping Madonna up in caution tape. The title read "We Bust Madonna For Indecent Overexposure" Lady Gaga is just copying a joke from Cracked Magazine. A-duuuuuuh! She must have written for them. By the way, I'm having it framed and hanging it in my kitchen. In case you were wondering.
I hate to be an Ofiice apologist. But I enjoyed Pam's little comedy routine she invisioned in her mind for her and Jim. This cat gets right to the point.
That is definitely not what she said.
I think the big question is: How are we not being charged by the airlines to watch this? Do they not know it exists?
The mayonnaise is made with tears and the patty is broiled with injustice. Free precioustini with purchase.
You're acting like such a tiny horse!
I figure she might spell it "Laurie" just to be a little unique.
Now I won't be lying when I say my boyfriends hung like a horse.
I got a little scared that he might pull a "The Ring" and crawl out of my laptop there for a second. (Shiver) P.S. I prefer to call them tea baggees, because they seem much more likely to get pass-out drunk at a party.
You know what money can buy? Auto-tune. But even T-Pain is shaking his head a this one.
AND listens to Nickleback.
At least you caught it before Winwood!
I thought I couldn't get any more disturbed after the M.I.A. video. How about some Videogum mascot to lighten the mood Gabe.