
I've gone as a dead cowboy for the past few years and I see no reason not to do it again.
I'm much more interested in the inevitable documentary; Vanilla Ice: the Secret of the Booze.
Noooooooooooo. But I was so sure he was an Aussie! Accents, how do they work?
"Hey buddy. There's only room for one Australian actor know for revealing himself in public in this town!" - Hugh Jackman
Excuse me. That is clearly a G clef. Actually it's kinda funny how when a G clef is dancing around , doing its thing, it starts to look like an ampersand. Funny is the word I'm looking for here, right?
Let's watch Rosemary's Baby for the 50 millionth time cause it's the best horror movie ever.
Have you guys watched The Bay? With the freaky mutant bugs in the water that infest a small seaside town? Holy crap it's so scary! Mainly because it seems all too plausible that something like this could actually happen. It's also one of the only shaky cam type horror movies that isn't complete garbage. And it's on Netflix!
Whoops! This was supposed to be a reply to ladyrainicorn.
The Wife Swap one. I forget what it's called.
Even in seasons 13 - 20 (the supposed "worst era" of the show) there are some really good ones. Also some of the things they do with animation are still pretty mind blowing. On a related note, it has been confirmed that we'll see a Simpsons/Futurama crossover sometime in the future. :)
Homer Sexual Mig Liser Thrillhouse Milpool Whoops.... broke my brain
I've recently been watching/ rewatching episodes from seasons 13 - 24 and there are a handful of diamonds in the rough. The Ricky Gervais episode however, is maybe the worst Simpsons episode of all time.
The character of The Simpsons has been dead for over a decade now.
I didn't want Jesse to kill Walt. Just maybe give him more of a tongue lashing or shame him for all the awful things he did to Jesse (essentially ruining his life). I know ultimately it wouldn't have mattered, but I thought he should have felt a bit more remorse for all the terrible shit he'd done.
Walt constantly used Jesse's relationships with others (Jane, Andrea, Brock, Badger and Skinny Pete) to further manipulate him. "They don't understand you. I'm the only one you can truly trust." The Nazis may have killed Andrea regardless, but it doesn't absolve Walt of using her in his twisted scheme to further his own ends.
I liked the part where everyone got what was coming to them. But seriously. A very satisfying if imperfect end to a brilliant show. My one major gripe (and it is kind of major) was the final confrontation/resolution between Walt and Jesse. I understand that Jesse was exhausted and maybe didn't have anything left in him, but this dude HAD A VERY LARGE PART IN THE DEATHS OF TWO WOMEN YOU CARED ABOUT VERY MUCH, in addition to poisoning a young boy. He was also probably the closest thing Jesse ever had to a true father figure in his life. To just walk (drive) away into the night was a little too much for me to shallow.
True character growth. "Later, B words!"
More Roddy Piper on It's Always Sunny! I would be so happy if he became a regular on the show. He fits in so well with the gang's twisted dynamic.
Second the old Star Trek recap! I don't know what Karate Thursdays entails, but it sounds dangerous so I'm in! MORE ANIMALS RIDING OTHER ANIMALS. Buffalo chicken is quite good.
He got his degree at State College University.
Vacuum Cat is coming dangerously close to dethroning Keyboard Cat as my favorite internet cat.
Would Clark Gregg's evil twin be Gregg Clark?
SPOILER ALERT: Because it is S.H.I.E.L.D, we can probably assume that Agent Phil is now a Life Model Decoy aka. a replicant, android, robo-friend with all the memories of the real deal guy who got killed in the Avengers movie. End Nerd Rant
A clever ruse, Chris. IF THAT IS YOUR REAL NAME.