
They should put this kid in detention with farting kid so Satan can laugh while he screams.
I came back on here just to upvote you. Been so long I forgot what my avatar is. Hope it's not too embarrassing.
Someone who ends his case with "Fill the hole, Anderson" must not know about this thing called the internet.
I couldn't make it through this trailer so I have no right to make a funny comment. I'd rather rip my eyes out than watch the rest of that thing.
Snooki appreciates the career advice.
"Ow, that didn't feel good"- the girl he lost his virginity to
My dog runs and hides under the bed too but "he" is just a pussy.
From the looks of his melanoma strewn back, he won't have to be embarrassed about that tattoo for long.
That's an awesome +12 halberd. Kill a lot of kobolds with that thing
Look at mister hotshot wizard with the purple bathrobe
Paul looks like Biebs here. Some looks are forever.
Doesn't Paul look like Biebs here? Some things never change
Let's not start this again. We'll all be posting roadkill
Ha Ha! Suicide is hilarious!
Too bad he can't say his name correctly. Must not be that close to John MACmillan.
Do you know that if you googleimage Toph to find a quirky, funny gif representing your love for ToGra you find a lot of NON TOPHER RELATED IMAGES AND GIFS that link right back here? Someone, somewhere will google this and find this comment and the internet will explode