
Though unbelievable in a teen's closet, Cassie's wardrobe alone was a reason.
iwrd or whatever is by far my favorite tumblr and source of gifs.
She got at least 2 California gold pieces for that spot, she has a good lawyer.
My one and only entry on the internet: A Streetcar Named 46th Ave Express (Transfer at Rush St)
Funny story, it rained in Chicago this past Saturday. Which was exactly two weeks before Christmas. However, I can't remember if there was snow on the ground that hadn't melted yet. This isn't even all of it. My screen just ran out of attention whore real estate. And I'm pretty sure this was all said before there was any real controversy about the episode, controversy which turns out didn't actually happen despite the transparent attempt for more clicks. Same Sarah shit, different day. At a certain point most of us, as kids, learn the art of subtlety and manipulation to get what we want. She has not reached this point yet. And then we hit a point, as adolescents, where we realize you have to let that go if you don't want to be among the world's shitty people, making the lives of the people around you a little darker. As adults we realize that the events that lack that gross behavior give us the most pleasure. You're far behind, lady. Grow up. And then grow up some more. And then pass that onto your kids. It's really awkward. At one point the kids are trying very very hard to read off a piece of paper, like they're hostages. And they are.
Amazing. Meet me some mother-fucking-meta-where. Sidenote: can we put a moratorium on describing people as 'black/any ethnicity that isn't white' when it's as unnecessary as putting a 'white' in front?
While looking up info on Casey Affleck I just learned he settled with a couple women who were suing him for sexual harassment. How did we not know about this earlier?
Are you sure it wasn't another episode of 'The Middle'?
Subjective, but I think the intention of the director was to sexy up violence and reconcile his past with his present softness. In no way was his character supposed to seem disgusting. It was fight sex, and the wife sticks around in the end..suggesting we be forgiving as well.
We're made to think Don is a changed man and it's true, he's a dick in a new way to reflect the change in the times. He's a sensitive jerk now. Dispatch your DOCTOR girlfriend who's more important to the company that you are to babysit your responsibility, make her deal with the tantrum you caused because you're a shitty father and then when she calls you out on it, look sad but make it about her adequacy and then kiss her because she's suddenly dumb now. Also, yell at the ex-wife character who is made almost entirely disgusting right now because we need Don to be sympathetic this season. [insert overtly sexist/racist scene meant to shock that's standard for every episode] Kill off only woman who doesn't coddle Don. What else? Oh, is anyone else creeped out by the fact that the 3rd time a black man was put on this show that he mugged our beloved Joan? I haven't read a review of this episode that didn't quickly gloss over the whole black man mugging followed by a take advantage of her fear banging on the staircase. Ew. 'Jesus, what a mess' 'Part of it's good, right?' -Matthew Weiner
Nominating History of Violence based on the premise and semi-rape scene we're supposed to enjoy because violence. Eastern Promises left a weird and open ending but the plot and dialogue and level of intrigue was consistent and enjoyable.
It's pretty unfair to frame the picture to show the woman's reclined body and bouncing little Skechers. But other than that I'm amazed how decent the interviews were. I'm guessing most of these people aren't used to hearing their beliefs out of their own mouths. The Cordoba question was striking..if you have a thought in your mind that the mosque reflects historical Islamic terrorism but you can't even think of the name that 'proves' this or articulate the issue in any way whatsoever, you haven't spent much energy thinking about it at just know someone told you to be mad at Muslims.
I've stayed away from academia for a while now and just recently have considered going back for a higher degree but this reminder video has brought back feelings of hate like nothing else. From the fucking robes to the 100% self-importance saturation to the fact that in the introduction of Corman old man had to read his lame generic application letter that name dropped his Senator dad. Well gee, your favorite person in the world is your dad? How old are you, sev-oh wait, he's dead and he's famous and powerful? Come on in, as a person of privilege we feel the need to give you more. Top it off with that stupid message that he forgot to attribute his material to Patton Oswalt just to remind us that he will in no way pay for his casual steal besides public humiliation despite the fact that he's going to a prestigious law school. This is pretty much what the public should expect from Ivy-league institutions, dick institution produces and supports another dick.
Nickelback Lyrics: Once you 'let go' of the questions, you'll be able to move on to appreciating the ending.
The kids were props, Jack made his up to get over daddy issues like he made up his relationship with Juliette to get over killing her (nothing in purgatory was actually real but devised so that eventually they'll all be able to wake up and move on). Aaron was the only way Claire and Charlie could 'feel it'..the fact that his baby body (or avatar, ugh) was in purg church with them is because that throughout the series it was the 3 of them and in the afterlife it only makes sense for them to be together too as the people they were when they were most important to each other. Time doesn't really exist there and it was implied that afterlife people and things don't follow regular rules; that can be a cop-out or it can just be a good way to end a story happily.
Not just replying to you but others who have expressed dismay. That whole magic island was a storyline, I wonder what you guys wanted. As far as the writers making things up, that's the definition of writing a story..and it's especially true for a magic story. It was magic from the very beginning, there can be no logical explanation and I'm with the writers when they insist that the 'real' parts are about the characters coming to terms with themselves and the people/things around them. That, in my opinion, is a beautiful and brave (because it's a happy ending in a tale filled with tragedy and violence) thing to stick to. This is coming from someone who did not like 'Lost' much throughout the last 5 seasons.
Ditto, apparently there will be a load of extra scenes released when the 6th season comes out on DVD that are meant to answer some questions.
They bought me with the finale. Somehow I didn't care about my questions or the stupidity of the last 5 seasons because the feeling it moments were just so emotional (especially when you think about them in context of the end) and they actually made me like Jack (and Kate) in the end. He figured out what everyone else knew all along; that his quest to Always Be Fixing just fucks everything up, that him protecting the island would be a serious clusterfuck but that he could take 2nd place as the Jesus Christ of the island. The alt timeline purgatory was well done, I really don't remember anyone predicting this and everyone who has been complaining about this twist just seems to have wanted some unknown ending from the writers for no particular reason. The last seconds were gut wrenching, especially with the addition of Vincent the comfort dog and Jack seeing Kate leave in a plane and the closing eye. The destruction of the MIB was a bit silly, but even that turned out to not be important in the grand scheme of things.
As I watched that I got the very distinct feeling that this was a strange defense mechanism, which she actually points out as a 'protective psychological construct' because if she used the words 'defense mechanism' like everyone else she'd be one of the normals again. She repeatedly acknowledges that her success is sort of unwarranted but she spins it into this self-help guru presentation to protect her from the truth that she is a schlocky resource for well-off suburban moms. That I could accept but she goes too far to actually include herself with the likes of Norman Mailer and pretends to understand what he meant when he explained his career as a writer. And that dig at her father's career? You don't think that he or people who don't write or make art have anxieties about their work or their lives? You wrote a book about your vacation, there's little creative about that. But her solution (which is surprisingly not 'go on another vacation')? Your writing is sooo good that you must break yourself in two (like Voldemort since HP is the literary allusion you chose, WELL DONE SERIOUS WRITER) and pretend your work comes from genius fumes instead of your own mind? This talk really is just her telling us not to expect anything from her; it's less conceited than desperate. She didn't write 'Beloved' and she will not write 'Beloved' ever because her genius god fumes in the corner that she talks to because she got the idea from actual creative people are busy eating gelato.
Not just well-read, VERY well-read. Christ.
Hey, where the hell did Claire go? Wasn't she with Locke? Jesus Christ, this show! I'm willing to accept Jacob's explanation as to why everything happened with his 'I made a whoopsies and need you to fix it but I was sleeping for 5 seasons (God time is longer) and I finally woke up to be killed and then took a season-long ghost nappy and NOW I'm letting you know what to do and why' because as a viewer I HAVE NO CHOICE, but when he said that the candidates were brought to the island because they were lonely, flawed people he became my least favorite character on this show. Congrats, Kate and Jack! Really, the writers became my least favorite writers. Talk about tacked on, the whole time people have been wondering why these characters were special and tied to the island..turns out a momma's boy who threw a tantrum and needed someone to fix his mistake just thought these people were lonely and would have a better life playing Sisyphus until his stoned, droopy eyelidded slow talking vague ass got up from his white hammock and finished his white looming project of the century to tell them something, anything. What about the Kwons? They weren't lonely and had marriage problems like every other couple. Ok, so they 'found' each other while on the island and got knocked up but THEN THEY DIED and then in the alt reality they're worse off than that. Thanks, Jake. How about Bernard and Rose? Maybe he just wanted wanted to cure her cancer? Whatever. Walt and his dad? Same as the Kwons, they bonded and then dad died. Juliette was taken away from her sister. Et cetera...that's Latin for motherfuck this show.
Smokey couldn't trick suddenly dumb Ben into killing Jacob as Useless's far ahead he was planning this I don't know nor will I ever because Lost does not equal answers.
Basically you guys, House of M. I'm really dumb with this show so I read a lot of commentary and the last episode had smart people talking about this X-Men series where a powerful woman goes nuts over losing her kids so she creates a new reality where everyone gets what they want and her father, Magneto, gets his wish of lording over the humans and mutants (though everyone is complacent and happy). A little girl mutant wakes a couple mutants up to this and they FEEL IT and go make everyone else FEEL IT. Then they battle with the woman and Magneto. Apparently one of the Lost writers said he was a huge huge fan. Desmond is supposedly the little girl mutant that wakes up everyone. Eloise is probably the powerful woman who lost her kid and manages to create an alt reality where Farahair lives happily producing tracks for Evanescence. There seems to be a weird dynamic between Widmore (who wants to stop MIB and is super scared of Eloise) and Eloise (who wants to keep alt reality going/stop Desmond/give people what they want ala MIB's promises). This of course doesn't help explain the candidates or Richard or the island power struggle or everything else that happened on this show in the past 5 seasons whatsoever. It also doesn't explicitly declare that one reality/entity is evil so, whatever. A couple stupid things because every Lost episode has stupid things: If they want to duplicate the event that Des survived, which rocked the entire island and halved a plane a mile up in the air, how the hell do they contain this test of similar magnitude in a shack clearly made of wood planks? Also, in alt reality do women assume the creepy stranger watching them work out is definitely not out to hurt them and they should not be alert even when this stranger approaches them silently? And when this creepy stranger knows their name are they not curious why they know it or how they found them?
I'm sorry if this has been brought up before but Zoe looks an awful lot like crazy French lady.