He says (according to a wikipedia entry or something I'm probably paraphrasing to death) that he was nervous before doing that AD scene with him because of the Mr. Show bit and the standup act he did that attacked James Lipton, but after working with him in the scene they became good friends and Cross respected his professionalism. Plus, his role was essentially doing the same thing Cross did: call attention to Actor's Studio's deification of celebrities.
I now have a video on reserve next time a stoned friend of mine asks me to show him something trip-y.
"Would it really make your pussy so wet?" -Gabe Delahaye
That Matt Damon video deserves its own thread so that we can discuss how awesome Matt Damon apparently is.
"Bitch, don't touch me." `The appropriate response. "Bitch, call 911/" `The guy from the story. What I'm trying to say is that "Bitch" is always a good preface when someone touches your shoulder.
The new season looks great!
It got a little Timanderic there. "Timanderic" is the word I've decided we'll all use to describe "Tim and Eric" nightmare comedy in the future when acting schools have to teach it in Comedy Theory classes. Tɪ-mæn-də-rɪk.
"I warned you that Cthulhu exists. Jews are smelly." ~H.P. Lovecraft
Can we nominate a Wes Anderson movie? Preferably "The Life Aquatic." I fucking love that movie, but I'd like to see it deconstructed. Are we allowed to nominate films we love or is that against the rules?
This episode was great because even though it was awful it was actually not boring, like every previous episode this season has been. I'll take stupid over boring any day of the week.
That's odd, I didn't see Fry's dog in any of these movies.
Fight Club. It's the Donnie Darko of our generation (kind of, the release dates of both were probably very close together actually.) Edward Norton is incredible in it but it gave every hormonal white teenager another reason to be pissed off for being privileged. In a way, it's the ultimate white people problem movie.
But: Parker Posey. Your argument is as invalid as The House of Yes is hilarious, and The House of Yes is as hilarious as Parker Posey is adorable.
Adaptation is one of my favorite films of the last 30 years. A pox on you, Steve.
Steven Wright (n) (1.) A very hilarious comedian. (2.) An annoying commenter on Videogum.
It's always a weird buffering time, the week in between Ryan Gosling Week and Shark Week.
That is because you are CRAZY. The lamp has no feelings, and the new one is much better.
I'll take Harrison Ford over sexism any day, even in areas that AREN'T related to milk ads!
Thoroughly Modern Monoliths. Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Wife. Droog.
David Byrne, the Alliance of Autistic Wizards called. They want to know why you were no-call no-show at the last meeting.
Backwaxer, the word "arbitrary" called. He told me to tell you suck and so does your music. #stereogum #actuallyjusteverymusicwebsite
Fun fact: I couldn't play this video without temporarily disabling my Ad blocker. HOLY SHIT, WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME "VIDEOGUM" IS MERELY A WIDGET WEDGED BETWEEN LIKE 50 ANIMATED GIF BILLBOARDS FOR IKEA?
Umm, Mr. Penn? Would you kindly read me the title of this album below? Did you see a "the" in there? #stereogum
10 points from Mr. Gyllenhaal and his shirt for leaving out the third and most important component:
"There ain't no devil, there's just God when he's drunk." -Tom Waits, who is also the best
I'm glad my point about how you've offered no proof for your statement somehow (what?) proves your statement, because now that I've done your work FOR YOU and I DEMAND COMPENSATION in the form of... Actually, at this point I'd just like to hear you go into ANY amount of detail at all about your views because you still have yet to do that. That will be my compensation and I won't have to send my loanshark after you.
These comments are pretty incredible, considering how well thought-out and well-researched they are. Yours is less so, considering you state your opinion but go into no detail whatsoever. Yes, your comment is downright unremarkable if I may say so.
I can intellectualize that what you say here is true, and we should strive to reach an ideal of political discussion driven by intelligent discourse, and that as intelligent human beings we must maintain the polite and the reasonable in any and all debates or the system falls apart. But have you fucking HEARD this bitch? As much as I side with you on paper, the part of my brain that churns out reason gets clogged with hate and starts firing off steam to keep from exploding when this lady speaks. And the reason why is because that is what bullshit rhetoric does: it puts a kink in the gears and makes otherwise rational people fucking furious. There are people out there TRYING to set an example for the rest of the country of polite and intelligent discourse but when biased rhetoric that a fucking FIVE YEAR OLD should be able to recognize as such passes as "Just tellin' it like it is!" to middle-america, the blind fury becomes overwhelming and personal attacks become more and more self-justifiable. Because, after all, it's not the opposing party's political stances that are actively seeking to destroy the standard of intelligent discourse; it's the fucking individuals who spout rehearsed, hateful, anti-intellectual rhetoric that half of the country is actually going to accept as the gospel truth. I might sound rambling here, but the tl;dr version is this: I don't hate Sarah Palin's politics. I hate Sarah Palin herself. I might DISAGREE with her political stances, but I don't hate them because ultimately members of both sides of the spectrum are working for some version of "the greater good," and that's admirable. So when I say "I hate Sarah Palin" I mean that I hate the individual, not her politics, and that I am delivering a PERSONAL VERBAL ATTACK at her because she is a deplorable human being.
For my submission to the killing off Charlie Sheen contest, I made a picture in photoshop of Harvey Keitel's terrifying nude scene from Bad Lieutenant with the Two and a Half Men logo over his genitalia. I don't know if this counts or why it would if it did but here we are and here it is.
It's nice to see a soldier who loves his sun because before this video I was wondering who loves the son.
Kelly's posts are pretty much the best thing ever, but if I seriously just watched the entire True Blood premiere to not get a Gabe-by-Gabe recap by the end of the day then I am just going to go lesbian like (spoiler) in the premiere of True Blood.
Because BEST NEW PARTY GAME. Was this their present for All Tomorrow's Parties? I'm glad that The Gift didn't have Oh Sweet Nothing in it. The dad sure had Pale Blue Eyes. Um... Heroin.
A little late, wouldn't you say? I mean, I saw this movie SO LONG AGO that fucking Jesus Christ was my counselor!