
Douglas & LaBeouf WALLSTREET: Hipster Grift (Ass on ass)
»?and she is like "trust"« What happened to your gif machine??
I love the caviar smoothies! But they are bad for you?
I could swear the »Diddy« character says "Artic Monkeys".
I wonder how he feels about the surprise being ruined. He is basically an enigma.
I'm basically dead. (Also, I'm glad she wasn't pushed into this or something.)
Audition #9 should win a Tony or other shit!!1
Is this forever?
Something. There's...a clown painting. [?] And he shoots her. Because something happened. He was like "did something happen?" and she's like "yes," and he shoots her for it. LOL - this is how I would recap most movies if pressed
Umm, I was thinking »Taken« where he enhances the shit out of a picture on the found cell phone of his dead "taken" daughter?
LOL: Enhance? Enhance? You're Liam Neeson?
True. What a sucky "feature" -- tx YouTube! (I so wanted to diversify my LOLk)
Please join my Hatebook group »Let's merge all the award shows and do one week-long nonstop show« and also sign my online petition Michael Haneke, please make auteur hardcore porn! -- Thanks!
Predictionwise I can't wait to prove that this is a fake. Liveblogging (Refresh site FTW!), twittering and chat room is a really cross century/plattform textbased approach, I guess.
Hahaha, the magic jazz hands thing she does at the end is creepy/sexy in this professional by-the-way style? Wasn't she supposed to get her own show?
From a video game-standpoint I would like to point out that he is probably confusing Mario Bros. with Pacman? »Titles are very important. I like to embody titles« because they are DELICIOUS? Pretty sure he met his interior decorator/apartment manager at an after show party at the MANHOLE in West Hollywood.
I love me some Adam Goldberg, but it looks like? not this April? The voiceover guy is a nightmare. But most important: What's the genre? (Dramedy)
Gabe, the high school business has changed a lot in the last 30 years -- do some research! Great recap though (again). Also, from what you describe Dorota seems to passive-aggressively manipulate Blair?
So is Obama. (You see? the light?) Carol-Ann should really go into the light.
Wow, they really managed to create a universe without one likable or even believable character -- and I don't even want to go into the storylines? I'm just so glad I don't have to watch the show anymore since the beginning of this season; your recaps are so much better! Gabe is true martyr.
The worst, Free parts of vodka, Imsettingit!
The "surprise ninety minute burlesque performance" by Gabe ?? Is that a Videogum promise? ? b/c then you're right: we all win!
I love her doublehanded moves..
gayest show ever! -- (I go with the mini-ship.)
Sharks with human arms.. -- LOL