
Today is my birthday (30!!!) so every year I pretend that I really really like pranks and that this is the internet's way of celebrating my birthday. So I don't really mind it- everyone is just really excited and trying to make my day extra special!
Holy shit- my dad is in that Colin Firth trailer watching him golf.
I'm just going to have to trust the New Girl writers on this one. Perhaps it will tie in with Nick's dancing to 22 while Jess was crying over her breakup?
New Girl has become my favorite show and definitely the one I most look forward to each week. Plus it's nice to spread out the comedy and have something to look forward to on Tuesday instead of waiting for Thursday every week.
I was doing pretty well until I realized I could no longer upvote/downvote! I've been on a health(ier) kick this week, so it's going well. I think it started when my ex-bf that I haven't seen in 3 years emailed me out of the blue to let me know he was both engaged and expecting (thanks for the update!) and I started freaking out about turning 30 soon. Also I finally got The Master from Netflix!
It's really disgusting to me all of the people who say "she chose to get drunk" and say she obviously knew what she was doing while drunk. Not to sound like an alcoholic (but okay, maybe), but I've been blacked out drunk before and easily could have had things done to me without my knowledge during that time. The girl had been puking multiple times. ALSO- why was no one concerned that she was puking multiple times and saying she looked dead?!?! She may actually have been dying of alcohol poisoning!!
I got very nervous as the one kid started walking across the room towards her during his apology. If I was that nervous, I can't imagine how she felt.
Kelly!! !! You can share and comment again and everything!
JeShirt is the best. In the middle of all of the JeShirt business this winter, I requested free stickers and OH BOY was I excited when i actually got those free stickers (and a letter!) in the mail. They also came with what looks like it should be a temporary tattoo but says "warning: pure LSD." I felt like I became an official member of the JeShirt Fan Club that day.
Also- while I will miss Sam- if he stuck around the writers would have to work a love triangle dynamic into the show and that is a pretty worn out storyline.
I also don't understand that- he was cheering them on to kiss! But we also didn't get to hear exactly what Jess told him.
I love Enlightened and don't understand why more people are talking about how great it is.
I was so invested in Jess-Nick's storyline that I didn't really care when they got back together
I kept thinking, "yes, of course! Fred Willard would be perfect!"
And so begins Franco's pursuit of the EGOT.
I refuse to delete it from my DVR
Where do I send my script for the film adaptation of "Fucking James Franco" starring James Franco and KW?
That episode- most especially that kiss- was amazing
I feel your pain. The apartment next door to me got gutted and rebuilt into a 3-story rowhouse. It went on for roughly 10 months, during which they also tore down my fence for a month and I would wake up to strange men working outside my bedroom window. Jesus, I'm glad that's over.
Too old?! Daniel Craig is 9 years older than him!
If not Idris, perhaps:
I used to get them mixed up but then one of them married Fergie/won the arm farts award and the other one is still awesome.
I thought that was Derbel McDillet
I had a nightmare about my grades last night (just kidding, it was this morning because I am hungover).
I'm not gonna lie- this is going into my netflix queue
Maybe he gets a different Spring Break for every college. Spring Break forever, indeed.
When Iowa schools are in session... you have my permission to rise.
I'm pretty much sure my turtle is dead (I'm not sure how to know these things for sure) after 9-1/2 years together. I also live in an apartment in downtown Philadelphia. My mom insists I stick him in my freezer until I can bury him in the suburbs, my only other option being to send him off viking-style in the dirty Schuylkill River. I'm not sure which is the least gross/disturbing option.
"Fuck you, Oscars"- Ben Affleck
I think Jodie Foster was trying to tell us something about herself. I just can't put my finger on it.
Cumberbatch is at the Downton Abbey table. AWKWARD!
That's the worst picture of Tom Hardy I've ever seen.
I just rewatched a little bit of Band of Brothers recently and he was in it looking much younger and SUPER hot.
I've been a longtime mostly lurker of videogum and was terribly excited all week that a one-off comment I made might make the MB. But today just made both my excitement over MB and my complaints about feeling shitty over tests and being lonely while studying seem trivial. What I mean to say is, I love you guys! I'm going to force loving hugs upon my cat until I can hug my nieces at Christmas.