
Hey, Maria Bamford has a 1 hr homemade Christmas special. If this has been posted, sorry, my life has been way less Videogum lately.
They had me at designer leopard.
I love the whole, "It's psychological" argument. Because, you know, there's not a psychological reason you're straight. Not every one has psychologies. Just gays.
I was sitting next to my girlfriend on the couch when I first saw these ads and I said, "Omg, I think that's Maria Bamford!": and then she turned to me and said, "Who?" And I said, "A comedienne who does voices," and she said, "Oh."
HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL!!!! I love this site, even though I don't post much.
Ah, so he went as a washed-up mime. He's depressed because his comedy's stale with the kids - They're all about puppets these days.
I'm too lazy to watch all these, so I started the last one and skipped to a random part. It said "The Girl waited on MSN all night." I stopped the video because that was enough.
They are beautiful... until you realize that Levi's aren't even made in America.
I haven't been too happy with SNL lately either - but there have to be slumps before there are golden eras.
Yeah, I'm really happy with all the female talent they've hired. I hope they can utilize them.
Those are my exact sentiments. Exactly.
I had never heard of this video, but the boy's pleading made me very sad. Especially the part when he said it was his friend that started it? That sucks.
I can't even make fun of Lindsay anymore, it's too :(
This is gonna be swizz-eat!
Padma can do anything she wants. The world needs more Padma. It's kind of her duty, if you think about it.
Oh, and I'm happy that Ben Lyons is gone, because, um, yeah.
Yeah my favorite part was all the "SERIOUS JOURNALISTS, SERIOUSLY SAVING AMERICAN CINEMA ONE FILM REVIEW AT A TIME, SERIOUSLY!!!" and then it cut to A.O. Scott commending someone on his subtlety.
It's like everything I ever knew was wrong.