
The "This Ain't..." series are all on 30 already! I'm way behind on my porno watchin.
If you detached them from the rickshaws, they'd make awesome moshing robots.
Holing up in a hotel with box sets of Family Guy doesn't seem like a good career move, but then again she is a millionairess and I am not, so I've just learned to quietly support her.
I think MLK Jr. is reading off a teleprompter here because he never blinks.
A few boards from the unfinished deck lean against the lattice, the wood warps in the winter rains. Behind the chainlink fence next to the driveway, an overgrown bush encroaches on the concrete steps leading to the neighbor's high fence; an upstairs window is all that is visible of the house next door. Their newly pruned tree resembles a decapitated hydra. The house across the street, devoid of life save for the naked glowing porch light. A few cars pass along the street. His head is imperfectly framed in the camera at the expense of his chin, but that is somewhat fitting as the subject of his video is hair, which contrasts vividly against the drear suburban backdrop. It is here, in this manner, that the Ginger defends the existence of his soul.
At the end, why does he dance a sun dance in front of the sun while dressed as the sun? Oh, I see, it's on the Sundance Channel. Nevermind.
Videogum has an Intern?!? Shit just got real.
Do you think Lindsay and the bartender will marry?
I'm rooting for Yoshimitsu. He's a space ninja.
Remember the fable where the tortoise eventually beats the hare during a race (competition on Lopez Tonight)? Slow and steady, Sir Charles, slow and steady.
All this late night scuttlebutt is keeping me from knowing what's up with Topher Grace and it's pissing me off!
I've totally got 100 mega nerd boners for the Predators movie, but I've already popped 10 of them over the guy's time-lapse doodle of Topher G. And I'm a dude!
Me and my old roommate got schooled by a couple of Mormons in game of basketball. Then they tried to convert us. So basically, they made us look foolish and then wanted us to bow down to their God. Shit like that makes me wish I had a sword.
I'm surprised that Michael felt so close to his dad considering the old man never even taught him how to make oatmeal! I'll never understand forgiveness.
I once tried to get in the 700 Club, but they said "Sorry, you're 701; you just missed the cutoff." True story.
I wanted to commit suicide because I couldn't die horribly on a sinking ship.
"I'm not a real Wolverine, but I play one on movies. One thing we would both agree on though: Lipton makes for one hell of a pee, bub." - Hugh Jackman, Tea Spokesperson
At this point, I'm starting to think the pets are setting up their owners, but that's in large part due to the blockbuster Cats & Dogs movie franchise.
Photobucket I found this on the side of the information superhighway...
Yeah, old and familiar things are boring. The Simpsons just gives me an attention span headache. Please give me something more ephemeral to fill the endless void. I hate that it takes up one half hour on one channel out of the 12 gazillion I have to choose from on digital HD satellite cable television on demand.
Ah, c'mon sons! No need to downvote me just because I don't like the magnanimous Australian guy who gives free KFC chicken to the West Indians so they'll stop making all that dang noise and he can enjoy the cricket match in peace! On the bright side, commenting on this post has replaced my need for cigarettes.
I should just leave this alone, but Michael Cera won't let me. Nobody is bothering the man or taunting him; no one is even looking at him. How is this awkward? How come he doesn't eat the chicken with everybody else? Shouldn't the cricket fan survival technique be for him to eat the chicken and be deliciously oblivious to his surroundings? Maybe he could taunt the fans not by the superior play of his team, but by the fact that he has chicken and he isn't willing to share. Instead, the man is using the chicken as a baiting tool; he has no direct relation or interest in the chicken. There is no gustatory correlation between "protagonist" and product, which is strange for a food advertisement.
Are you talking about East Koreans or West Koreans?
There are no mistakes in advertisements (no matter what medium). Everything that can be read into this commercial was designed long before it was cast and shot. Somewhere, in copy, are the exact descriptions of the man and the audience. They knew some people would notice the football aspects, and some the racist aspects. They knew some people would view this commercial negatively, so they bought ad time for this particular ad during specific, demographically researched programs, and showed different KFC commercials for other programs. This particular ad is not either racist or for football fans, it is both, yet not exclusively meant for one type of person. In that equation, however, they knew, in part, that this commercial would appeal to white racists, but if you like the commercial, it doesn't necessarily mean you are a racist...just please be aware of what you are defending. Videogum is a humorous blog, so what I really want to say is: the fans were farting in the man's face, but he only likes farts that smell like chicken, so he bought everybody chicken so he could smell chicken-scented farts. That's your commercial.
I miss the thrill of having media on tape; everything could get unspooled, eaten, or erased at a moment's notice. Don't get me started on generation loss.
No, but what a great gift idea.
I'm guessing if you are a woman on one of these "reality" "love" "shows," you have enough room in your box for a man to stand in. Because your vaginae are huge from lots of previous sex.
I am beginning to question those few know-it-all fallacious liars who say I came from either apes or nothing.
Metal concept album recording octogenarians ahead of us, skull-sucking thrash babies behind. I don't know what this portends, but I'm putting all my stock in black t-shirts just to be safe.
When did they start letting bus people on the plane?
1980 Me: "You built a time machine? Cool. What is the future like?" 2010 Me: "They show people giving themselves enemas on TV." 1980 Me: "No hovercars? No robot translators?" 2010 Me: "No, just televised enemas."
Don't tell any tearorwrists about 3/14 because they could explode American entertainment forever.
Say what you might about the Sex City 2 trailer, I just felt like I've been reunited with 4 old friends.
Profiles in Courage
Are you guys still talking about Jeff Dunham? Last year at work everybody was like "Did you watch Jeff Dunham last night?" and I was "Uh...I was watching the J.D. Christmas Special a couple of years ago on my iPhone maybe!" So 09.
"Is this real life?" - David...after dentist