
They have Wilco: The Boat now? Awesome. Also Tweedy with that old-timey microphone in the background really makes my Saturday.
Santa Fe! Alright. Gotta love that brew. I've been sipping a lot of La Cumbre and Marble ales myself, lately. Mad props.
To be fair, it's early yet. At least here in Mountain time. Not to take away from djfreshie's post. Still upvoted!
He's the hero 9/11 deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
My coworkers are as confused as this baby. Headphones...up?
Also, long time no see. HIIIIIIIIIIII GUYS!
You know, we laugh, but that lizard was stroking out, all the while thinking, [upper class British voice] "Goodness gracious, why won't they put down the bloody camera and HELP ME?!"
Mitt Perry. Rick Romney.
Elf! Starring that chick from New Girl, which just got nominated for a Golden Globe!
I just really want to know what's going on there at the end. Like, what? Umbrellas! Gesturing!
The Zooey Deschanel sympathy lobby is a powerful ally.
When I lived in France, people immediately responded to my comment that I was American with, "Hey! George Bush! Cowboy!" and miming pistols in the air.
"You're dead to me, Gabe." - Nick Cannon
Is "What I Learned From Some Elephants" the long-awaited sequel to Operation: Dumbo Drop? I hope it is. I'VE BEEN WAAAAAAAAITING.........
This sport needs a Michael Vick or it will never take off and be disgustingly terrible.
I'm kind of disturbed that there's a medley of our armed forces theme songs. I'm kind of disturbed that our armed forces have theme songs...
Never apologize for the truth.
I want to hug this comment.
You know, we shouldn't be surprised. This is our fault. Our fault for voting in Barack Obama and pretending that we could be normal, decent people. For assuming that the rest of the country could get their collective heads out of their collective asses long enough to see what is actually happening in the world and in our own country. Instead, we get a nation of people* with their heads in the sand like so many ostriches, shouting "NOPE. CHUCK TESTA. GAYS OR SOMETHING. FEAR." Cause and effect. This is as reactionary as it gets. * = hopefully so so so so few actual people. Oh, Happy Christmasolidays.
Such a piece of garbage. Makes me think of that Futurama episode where they have to make a ball of garbage to deflect an incoming ball of garbage asteroid or New New York gets wiped off the map. They should have just used Rick Perry's ideas.
My grandfather has a Ronald Reagan calendar. I feel that.
That'll teach you to buy that costume Groupon.
Today we are all this car wash. Two and a half car wash hoses. Or something.
That was supposed to be a reply to "sow in tears." I quit internet today. lolk.
Touch my Camaro, Leave my Camel lights alone, Look at this mustache.
I think my favorite part is still the kid. I was going to edit him out, then thought, "No, no. Some things were meant to be."
Someone get me a proper link!