
Yep. It's ridiculous. But I wonder if they hand-picked those bands or if they were suggested, cos of the audience the 30th anniversary of JT would attract. Either way, it really shows how much they've changed. I'd go to the show - but I'd sure as hell miss the set by OneRepublic.
Great to see this band getting some good coverage. Their last album, Nonagon Infinity, was easily one of the best of 2016. Love it
I've not read it yet, but one of the things I loved so very much about Cohen was that he didn't really have a 'bad' album.
All right, where's Lars and who's that old bloke behind the drums Also, that song is legitimately great.
"Grizzled weirdo Tom Waits is currently embroiled in a legal battle with French circus performer Bartabas The Furious" does not at all sound like a joke when it involves Tom Waits.
There's a lot to unpack here, sort of but let's start with: "Realizing that Las Vegas ranks 49th from the top in school funding"...
1. The Ship Song (Live version) 2. Into Your Arms 3. Brompton Oratory 4. Loverman 5. (Are You) the One That I've Been Waiting For? But that's a super hard choice.
"Amazon’s Developing Headphones That Turn Off When Someone Calls Your Name": The exact opposite of what I want.
Well... PJ unpluggd doesn't exist, not in an official, MTV-released capacity. There is an unofficial bootleg of it, and I think there's a DVD of it, but the sound wasn't great, which might be why it wasn't released as Nirvana's was. MTV didn't release all the performances on CD. As for which one's better ... Nirvana was, I reckon. I'm a huge PJ fan but that Nirvana performance was astonishing. Yes, it took on a new resonance when his death, and it's probably artifically enhanced people's love of it, but it is still a remarkable album.
You've been downvoted a whole bunch for this, but you're basically right - there are brilliant moments on By The Way( esp) and Californication, but neither are brilliant albums. Where, Blood Sugar and Mother's Milk are fantastic, the whole way through. It's pretty remarkable the Blood Sugar manages to maintain that greatness across so many songs. I know this list is just nine Chili Pepper songs that don't suck, but One Hot Minute? Animal Bar? I mean, come on. I feel like this was written for people about 10 years younger than me. Sadly, that means I'm about two years off literally waving my fist and young folk on my lawn... And I don't get how grudging the whole tone is. If you like a band, just like em. Don't make it sound like you wish you didn't.
Double up vote. One of my favourite albums.
I was originally going to same something about how I knew which full album I would have preferred to hear, but that's actually a pretty amazing set-list.
I love this album. I love Purple more, sure, but when I got this - the week it came out - I just loved that it wasn't Purple, that it was different. I got the whole wanna-be-Pearl-Jam thing, but at the time the kids didn't care. Not really. Not like it sounded they did.
All right. Which Weezer albums do i ignore and which ones do I need? I stopped after Pinkerton. So... there's a lot I missed out on.
I love Isaak's work - he has some genuinely fantastic records. This is one of his best songs. It always felt timeless to me.
This is true, yep. In fact, I recall early versions of the film clip that incorporated bits of the film.
I know they say drugs open your mind, but for me, it was this soundtrack and not drugs at all.
Sorry... not working. And this is a brand-new laptop. Seriously, just bought it
This is true, but two words - Keith Richards.
I would upvote this if I could
I'd upvote this but I can't
Stunned. Just stunned. No words.
It's also worth pointing out that U2's album was also number one on Rolling Stone's reader poll of best albums. I get a certain amount of strange enjoyment out of that little detail.
Absolutely. That's easily one of the best songs he's done in ... I don't know how long. I already want to listen to it again. It's got a great hook, it's truly weird (the lyrics are bonkers - it's weird even without the video) and musically, it's fascinating. Can't wait for the album
A couple of days ago, if you'd asked me, I would have said I love this band. I had hoped they were reuniting, that he was sorting himself out. So very said. For what it's worth: 10. Vasoline 9. Piece of Pie 8. Pruno 7. Plush 6. Sex Type Thing 5. Still Remains 4. Down 3. Trippin 2. Big Empty 1. Interstate Love Song The first time I tried this it didn't work. At least, I don't think it did
That Tallest Man On Earth album! So great, right? Right?!
Totally get this. I was younger than 22, but they were my teenage years - esp te Illusions. But would I pay now to see em? Honestly ... probably not.
So then there's this:
I listened to Scream, several times, thinking, this SHOULD be great. It wasn't just dull or sub-par ... it was startlingly bad. Worst than Chinese Democracy.
What I admire most about what you've written is a) the dedication to the grammatical and typo-free writing, and b) the level of thought you've put into what's virtually a draft shooting script.
No Slow Dancing? Or was that not eligible? I never understand the rules.
This might be controversial, but I'd start with The Whole Love. It's a great overview of their back catalogue - it references all their different sounds, from the rootsy Americana to the more experimental stuff on Yankee. It leans much more towards that rambling rock sound, sure, but it hints at everything that's come before. The great thing about Wilco is that if you don't like the art-rock leanings of YHF, there are tonnes of great, great albums to get into. Being There is another one to hit early.
I listened to Benji the other day while driving, taking in every line, word, note. But I can't enjoy it. I've loved MK since Red House Painters, like Sun Kil Moon ... and since the War on Drugs thing I just find him hard to listen to. I can't reconcile the troll-like persona and the songs. The songs now seem fake.
For a site that doesn't seem to like Mumford & Sons much, you guys sure seem to post a lot of stories about them.
Just quietly, and I don't care WHAT anyone thinks, that album from a couple of years ago with Roth is not terrible.
I remember when I first heard Mr Self Destruct. I was at a party, it was 1994, and the world exploded ... I'd already heard/seen Closer but I still wasn't prepared for such pure rage and fear and self-loathing in just four and a half minutes. What a moment. Music had never sounded so ........ alive and necessary at the same time.
No, it was very funny. But I like how Linda Wolf's comment suddenly bursts into all caps, as though this barely restrained anger flooded out all in one go. Bet she felt better at first, and then slightly sad.