
Saw 30 seconds of a show last night on the History Channel where a guy tried to argue that Egyptian gods drawn with animal heads = aliens used the ancient Egyptians for genetic experiments. In an unrelated note, I need a new TV because someone (could be anyone, really) put a coffee table through mine. Any recommendations? could even say it's...a LITTLE disheartening? It makes one feel SMALL? You'd need a li-- ow! Ow! Stop throwing things!
"In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." -Andy Warhol, 1968 "14:58...14:59...FIFTEEN! That's IT! DONE! NEXT!! Jesus, how many more of these assholes do we have left?!" -Andy Warhol, 2011
America's Dad OR America's Real-Life Batman Villain? And the Great VP-Off rolls on! (The Great VP-Off does not roll on.)
" the very least, when you’re rich and famous, you don’t have TOO MANY problems and concerns." But Gabe, what about the Wallace-Combs Theory ("Mo Money Mo Problems")?
"Raterz gonna rate." -The People's Choice Awards, 1997-2012
"Seriously in the dark over whether or not this thing actually exists." -Christoper Nolan's rough draft for the Inception sequel just seems lazy.
It -- it's just such a versatile GIF. Upvotes are insufficient. You could call it the gif... that keeps on giving. #YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH
Thanks for reminding me that this movie is twenty years old.
"You're a cunt now, and you've always been a cunt. And the only thing that's going to change is that you're going to be an even bigger cunt. Maybe have some more cunt kids." -Chelsea Handler, I hope. #ohmanyouguysilovethatmovie
That's the best SNL episode I've seen in years. None of the skits went too long, and no one cracked up at their own jokes. Also, re: the cookie joke monologue: great thing, or greatest thing?
I like the matter-of-fact eating of paper, like a baseball manager chomping on sunflower seeds. "This is normal. All newscasters eat paper." -Your Boyfriend the Newscaster
That turkey-coma-for-laffs sounds great. I'm in line at my local Tryptophandango for tickets as we speak.
My favorite. I love the reset button, for the Who-Gives-A-Damn Record, and the self-awareness it implies. At the end of the day, it's still just a blog, even if it's a fun one, and if something goes wrong, there's nothing saying it has to fester for millenia. If only more walks of life employed voluntary reset buttons. Fuck it, it's Friday! Reset buttons all around! Congress! Russia! Wall Street! Chevy! My labmates! Push the button, Frank.
Little-Known Fact: Actual line from Buffalo Bill in an alternate ending.
Saw it for the first time at a Halloween party. Maybe it's the spiked cider talking but that movie is high-fucking-larious. We all cheered when the kid got *SPOILER ALERT* hit by the truck.
Right. Because, you know, this has never happened before.
"What do you need?"
Beware the diabeetus! BEEWAAAAAAAAAAAARE!
Hey, you know what doesn't work? Typing HTML tags into comments and expecting them to (for instance) emphasize your text.
No wonder pop culture has devolved into one giant octopus ouroboros. In the old days, this would've been filler in a Monty Python episode, there's canned laughter, and Graham Chapman would come out in a military uniform and tell everyone to stop being silly. But if you want to make zany madcap things nowadays...I mean...what's left?
Your replies have me doubled over with laughter.
Double-crossed by the comment form, eh?
Somewhere, Scott Stapp's head perked up for a minute, then fell again, disappointed.
I'm a little disappointed to see Aaron Eckhart take part in such a half-assed movie.
All he needs for a happy Thursday:
FACT: Eating beards* is what makes Gwyneth Paltrow so Country Strong (TM). *-Organic, free-range, grass-fed beards, of course. I mean come ON.
Good. You've just taken your first step into a larger world. #thatsenoughgum
Seth MacFarlane hung up the phone, biting his lip to contain his anger. He shot a sideways look at the calendar and sighed, his shoulders sagging as if weighed down by a million cares and troubles. "2024," he said to himself, letting the number echo around the cluttered office. He got up and walked to the window, his resolve steeling. He would best that bastard Groening yet.
I felt as though a million voices cried out at once, and then were silenced. Must've been Coldplay fans fearing a Linda McCartney-ing.
His trials remind me of St. Stephen, another Christian renowned for being stoned off his ass.
Don't knock Rubik's Cube's movie-star abilities. Look at his past work: Dude, Where's My Car?, Pursuit of Happyness, Wall-E...
"whoooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, your hair is on fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiire."-Jay Leon, to Conan
I love TBS's new-show strategy: 1. Hours upon hours of Family Guy reruns, leading directly into... 2. Whatever they're hawking, leading their captive/baked audience to exclaim... 3. "Shit! Where'd Family Guy go?!" Do they pick up many people like this? I guess every little bit helps.