
My best friend once texted me, "My mom had a sex with Chris Parnell." (She is not very good with the grammar.) I went kind of crazy telling my boyfriend and my sister that OMG K___'S MOM AND CHRIS PARNELL HAD SEX ISN'T THAT AWESOME? and daydreaming about her mom and Chris Parnell falling in love and me spending Thanksgivings at their place, just hanging out while Chris Parnell carved the turkey. Then I actually spoke with this friend on the phone the next day and she told me that she left out a very important word in the text: her mom had a sex DREAM with Chris Parnell. A dream. The most embarrassing celebrity dreams I've had are the two separate ones where James Franco and David Foster Wallace were my very sweet, attentive boyfriends. Mostly these dreams make me wonder how unbearable I am in waking life, and then make me grateful for my totally unpretentious real life boyfriend.
Ooh, yikes, I hope I didn't imply that! Sorry if I did. I definitely don't think that all people who have kids (or change their last names when they get married) are doing it because of tradition or because they feel they have to.
Hmm, I feel like it's happening because only recently has it been socially acceptable to declare that you, as a woman, do not want to fulfill your feminine duty of having a baby. Coupled with the prominence of mommy blogs (ugh, I hate that phrase), such a sentiment seems primed to make a splash, you know? So on the one hand there's the recently empowered non-child-wanters shouting defensively about their preference, and on the other hand there's the always vociferous and opinionated mommy bloggers arguing back. I don't want kids, but that's not a discussion I ever have with people who do want or already have kids. Why bother? I'm not trying to change anyone's mind, and I feel comfortable enough with my decision not to talk about it all the time. It is, though, a discussion that I have with other friends around my age who don't want kids. We are few in number, and since we don't want to talk about it with our child-having friends, it feels kinda like a secret club.
And NOT the butterfly effect of chaos theory fame. This day, please end.
But seriously, when he says "the whole butterfly effect," I'm inclined to think that he's talking about the 2004 Ashton Kutcher classic, and the butterfly effect of chaos theory fame.
Is he talking about how it's only 2:45 here and not even CLOSE to the end of my day yet? :(
You know Chuck Bass?? CAN YOU INTRODUCE ME?!
Ugh, I know, that whole post was gross. Whoops again! But as I learned from this post I can just do whatever I want.
(I also thought, "Semi-seated venue? Who wants to stand for three hours watching The Deer Hunter?")
Oh my god, before I got to the phrase "also being raised to appreciate good music," I thought you meant the movie The Deer Hunter, and I was like, "Well, THAT seems inappropriate."
My boyfriend gets bummed that even when we go to the nicest restaurants where we live, he feels out of place in a suit, because most of our fellow diners are wearing jeans. I, on the other hand, accidentally wore unwashed jeans, a wrinkled t-shirt with holes in it, and a red satin jacket to work today. The day I happen to have a meeting with, um, Tony Kushner. Whoops.
My school won this. I don't care about any sports, but I DO think it's funny that our Quidditch team is now better than our famed football team. (They pay that football coach $5 mil a year!)
Molly Ringwald keeps doing all this weird unexpected shit (pen a short story collection, release a jazz album), which I find endearing (though not particularly interesting). But then I remember she is on that awful show The Secret Life of the American Teenager, and that is really just unforgivable.
omg you guys I've been wanting to post this forever
My favorite part was the perfectly unenthused way she said "Ham" over the "Get Ready for This"* song. *Who knew it was called "Get Ready for This"? I didn't, until I googled it like 30 seconds ago. I always called it the Spurs song.
Just watched the video for the first time and wanted to say that, on top of every other fucked up thing you guys have recounted in these comments, it's also REALLY fucked up that CNN left the victim's name uncensored in that footage. UGH.
I don't think that's right, actually. "The next thing she remembers, Jane Doe said, is waking up 'embarrassed, scared, not sure what to think,' under a blanket in an unfamiliar place surrounded by three boys.... Two of her friends picked her up, and after a short trip to drop off the two defendants, they started yelling at her over what they were hearing about the night before." And one of the rapists sent her a text about how it wasn't urine but a different bodily fluid. (I hate having typed that sentence.) It's not like it matters, though. This case doesn't exist on some gradient of badness. It's all just question-your-faith-in-humanity terrible.
I read a lot of celebrity gossip (like for real A LOT, definitely way too much), and my friends who read it also have recommended Dlisted to me, and I hate it for the exact reasons you just enumerated. These are smart people who identify as feminists. They think Michael K is funny and he gets a pass and I don't understand why. Not that the writing on a gossip website is hugely important in the grand scheme of things re: equality, but it does bother me that it's yet another arena in which such blatant misogyny, etc. reigns without much criticism. And considering that celebrity gossip is usually marketed toward women (which is itself not cool), it seems an especially damaging place for that shit to propagate.
(And every other season 2 episode except maybe the first couple.)
YES to bring Enlightened back. The second season had some of the best half-hours of TV I've ever seen. (I'm looking at you, Levi episode.)