
Well that settles it then.
You know, I was prepared to hate it because of the terrible "covert screening" promos during Always Sunny, but it was actually pretty hilarious.
Edit: I had to a-PAH!-logize to the teary little jerk. Now it is I who shall see myself out.
Ok this is totally unrelated, but I have to share: I had a dream last night that I was at Burger King, and when I walked past these douchey guys, I yelled PAH! at them. Unfortunately, a young boy who was also there thought I was yelling at his mom, and got upset, which led to some kind of formal Burger King grievance hearing in a back room, mediated by a greasy lawyer guy who looked a little like Michael McDonald. I had to apologize to the teary little jerk. PAH!!!
As a proud supporter of Duck Marriage Rights, I applaud this.
Nevermind Scarlett -- WTF was going on with the weird percussion? It was so distracting that I actually thought maybe it was a separate self-playing ad or something. Man, it's terrible.
You (your avatar) might be the only person more grimace-y than my boyfriend.
..aaaaand this post plus this exchange pretty much sums up why Videogum is the best.
Someday I'm gonna make it big in this town. (I know, I know..."Forget it, Quinn, it's 'gumtown.")
I'd go to that just to watch V-Hudge and Miley drive over a cliff.
Guess what?! I logged in just so I could downvote you.
This film is totally shitty. Or not shitty, if you are Matthew Broderick for most of the movie.
I love that he's pretty much made a name for himself based on the fact that he's just a totally awesome, good natured guy that likes to party hard. Nicely done, sir.
"Your wife walks into a bar. An iron bar that you beat her with." :(
I learned it by watching you, OK?! I LEARNED IT BY WATCHING YOU!
Your gif is giving me the willies. Literally?
Nice video. Very critical.
That "assholes" tag is appropriate in more ways than one.
What's in the boooox? WHAT'S IN THE BOOOOOOOX????
Sorry you got fired, but impressive integration of internet jokez into real life conversation. Add that shit to your resume!
It drives me nuts when people defend Gabe and/or Lindsay (RIP! NEVER FORGET) but I don't think anyone's saying MJ wasn't a huge talent or that he wasn't tragic. The issue is the tremendous, ridiculous overkill from not just the media, but also, if CNN's Facebook crawl (blech) it to be believed, people all over the world. It's crazy and kind of gross. Plus, Corey Feldman looks fucking ridiculous. I think we can all agree on that.
I guess that makes Joe Jackson God? It all makes sense now.
Yes, the guy was a great performer and, I guess, humanitarian. But criminy! They talked about him like he cured cancer with bottled rainbows and hypnotized the world with his sweet, sweet music into being excellent to each other. Relax, guys. Just relax.
My, my. What a lovely sentiment. Thank you. And for the record, I did try to look it up, based on what Gabe wrote and I tell ya, ain't nothin' there.
Ok, so at the risk of looking like a total inter-rube... what does it mean?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm starting to get the impression that you'd like to build a time machine and KILL HITLER.
Jay been had bringing back Blue Brothers chic. Seriously though... that was pretty great.
This is terrible. Thank goodness I am drunk. :(
I've stayed quiet until now, but I just can't hold it anymore: Lindsay, ima miss you like crazy!
Did you know that if you rearrange the letters in "Roger Ebert" it spells "Robot Murder"? (No it doesn't. But it should.)
Indeed. However, do not forget the invaluable lessons of M. Night Shamalamadingdong and Mark Wahlberg, who taught us that if you are fast enough and alone enough, you CAN outrun the wind. For that knowledge, I am truly thankful.
If by Kool-Aid, you mean the blood of a drifter he encountered along the trail, then yes, that picture makes everyone's day.