
aye Pitchfork! I prefer stereogum :)
I believe in God. Hated this stupid ep. But cried major tears with Sue and her sis playing checkers.
I like this better:
I couldn't watch it all. This looks incredibly stupid. "STUPIDITY" is right Mr Trailer,
One of the most surprising things I've learned is that Jesse Eisenberg's sis is the little Pepsi girl!
what's more disturbing is that it looks like an actual photo that someone had in a photo album. Like it's aged with the cracks on the side. WHAT THE MESS??
Aww I thought this was gonna be about Birdie :( I know that's not Birdie, it's the closest I could find.
downvotes for her sign being too long to read??? Come on Monstas, his sign would TOTALLY say that!
YES. I wanna see you monsters DANCE!!!
that would make my life to see you in that video Gabe straight up "GETTIN it" in the middle of the dance. Go Gabe, Go Gabe! If I was there I would have to explain to my family, Mom that's the guy that writes for that website I'm always reading but no doubt they would love you and make sure you had a plate of food for you to take home :)
I haven't read the review yet I had to comment just to say, CONGRATS WERTREW! DREAMS DO COME TRUE.
here *come the pretzels! I wish I could downvote myself for that one!
I'm gonna get downvoted for this. I think Jenny Slate is a very funny girl, but on a sketch comedy show for T.V, she was nothing but plan awkward. I groaned at almost every sketch they put her in. I know she's your friend Gabe but I couldn't stand her on SNL. I'm glad she's gone. And here some the pretzels.
Great review Gabe. But I think the best past about this post was the link to Lindsay's review. I miiisssss her on Videogum :)
yes it was and she was also in 10 things I hate about you AAAAAND Open Water 2! How do i know that last fact? I admittedly saw it on IFC (that gives it some cred right?) and it was very TWMOAT worthy.
Last night's Office reminded me of Seasons 2/3. that was a good feeling :)
Wall E Weasel: Are you ready Señor Beaverotti? Beaverotti: I'm-a-ready one of my fav of all time CBG: Last night's "Itchy & Scratchy" was, without a doubt, the worst episode ever. Rest assured that I was on the Internet within minutes, registering my disgust throughout the world.
I miiiiised you Soft Gabe!!!!!
I agree with about everything in this post except the uk office thing. Very unfunny. I tried several times and I hated it.
Kinda sad to see 500 days in there. I really like that movie. Oh well.
Hey Max Silverstri! You are ADORABLE :)
Am I going crazy? Was there a Mad Men recap this week? (Are we NOT going to talk about how no one on that show knows how to make a fist? i.e Don and Duck.)
or it coulda been...
It's 8:47am in LA and THIS is making me hungry. DINOSAURS!
I'll worry once Don stops being sexy. Until then, NO DICE!
Gabe, your arms are cramazingly buff. You should show them off more.
I'm trying to find something sarcastic to say, but this video makes me really happy :)
I was like nah, they're not gonna go there. NO. NOOOOOOOO they did! GROSS. And then all I could think about was all the inappropriate comments that were to be on videogum.