
Shut up, "Do It Like A Dude" is my lesbian jam. But yeah, girl is terrifying.
Wait wait, lbt, you've eaten lutefisk? How are you alive? Please don't do that again, I don't want to see you getting hurt by your meals.
I just sent an email to apply to the Baby Monster job.... then I realized that it asked for a "resume".... and I used the phrase "farting pizza cats".... dunno if this bodes well for me or not....
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL That is the most blatant emotional manipulation I've heard of. That's AMAZING.
"I'm Foucalt. I'm Mr. Cool Jacket. Look at me. I'm Foucalt." - Foucalt
There was one on my way to school [in New Jersey no less] telling passers-by that abortion stopped a beating heart, and even as a 5th-grade baby feminist I was all like :eyeroll:
For realz! When I read the headline I thought Gabe/this video was making a point about how it's unfair that women can wear men's clothes but men can't wear women's clothes which is a pet peeve of mine because I love me some men in skirts, but I was satisfied just to see Mr. Bond being all femme and shapely.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Don't have anything constructive to say, but that made LOL.
Don't really know about how effective this PSA was, but I DO know that "Daniel Craig in a dress" is at the tippity top of my list of things I want to see.
Pretty sure smooching this one's nose is all the medicine it needs. Come here, little fox!!!
I usually leave these sorts of thoughts in my head and try and be reasonable and and compassionate, but all these people shouting "Go back home!" should literally eat shit and die.
"Race mixing is communism!" Some things never change...
To be fair, they were shouting it pretty indistinctly. For two minutes I was wondering what hole they were demanding be closed.
I AM NOT AN ANIMAL. I am a man! And I’m not Thomas Jefferson, either. He was a pussy.
...Just now, sitting in his gabillion dollar home in Beverly Hills, M Night Shyamalan bites into a slice of pepperoni pizza and finds, to his horror, a staple.
Gabe should be hired to write Mountain Dew commercials. He'd be so good at it.
A rabbi and a 9/11 walk into a bear.
This guy is so manic, which makes me sad/uncomfy, but also he is just SO QUOTABLE. Stop being so quotable and people can stop paying attention to you and you can get help!
Hi guess who's cute YOU'RE CUTE Also the only word I knew how to say in ASL is poop.
"I have a new weight-loss plan. It's called 'A Limb A Day!'"
It's A Wonderful Life because DUHHHHHHHHHHHH Very joy. Very Christmas.
I disagree that the question about healthcare is "is the government morally obligated to provide us with healthcare?" Sure, that is one question. But it's far from the only one, or even the most important one. Like you, I disagree with moral relativity, and not just because it says that, say, it's okay for certain countries to stone women to death for adultery, because that's just the cultural moral code, but because it's logically shakey. It presupposes that the cultures are all infalliable and a) makes no room for progress b) is metaphysically problematic i.e. the Nazis thought it was fine to kill Jews, but the Polish Jews definitely didn't think that, and when the Nazis invaded Poland, whose cultural moral values are the golden standard? Etc. Logic is really the structure of morality. I think we can all agree that the objective of morality is to minimize suffering (unless you don't agree in which case that's a funny position to take and probably get away from me.) Doesn't it follow that position that minimizes suffering is better than one that makes more suffering?
In New York last year there was a famous performance artist Marina Abramovich who just sat in a chair for several weeks and you got to sit across from her. It was actually really nice.
My name isn't even Caroline* and I'm sick of people singing that to me. *Carolyn, not Caroline, SUBTLE DIFFERENCE
Ugh I was once having a conversation with my friends about handsome serial killers. Those guys are handsome! If I were going to be cannibalized at least I would be cannibalized by a face with perfect bone structure *I'm going to hell* *GOD JUST STRIKE ME DOWN RIGHT NOW*
*shriek* BLACK HOLE SUN! BLACK HOLE SUN! (repeat shriek for 5 minutes) /blackholesun
Jewel-encrusted face! [This is what Gwyneth Paltrow's skull looks like.]
Ummmm.... Godsauce? Can you explain this gif please? I'M SO UNCOMFORTABLE MAKE IT STOP.
RAPIES?? Where is Drew when you need him
The whole time I was like }:-{
"Though later admitting that the liner notes' list of instruments is fictitious and intended as parody, Reed maintains that MMM was and is a serious album. He has since stated though that at the time he had taken it seriously, he was also 'very stoned'." Stoned enough to make an album consisting entirely of feedback.