
3D gives me a headache, and I don't think it really adds anything in the time before the headache sets in. No 3D for me! I expect you're going to get more mixed opinions on here.
I usually have indifferent to negative feelings about guest stars, but I am really excited to see Billy Eichner and Sam Elliott as the Eagleton versions of Donna and Ron.
At the very least we need lower capacity trampolines. The Founding Fathers didn't know we would one day have trampolines capable of holding more than 1 person.
Let Trampoline Jesus spring into your heart!
We need stricter background checks for trampolines
Whatever, it works for Tyler Perry.
Yup, should go here:
Wait, so "Wall Street Bankers" want one thing and this tool wants the opposite? Maybe we're really better off with nothing.
It goes the other way too, although the British mostly stick to remaking American reality shows and game shows.
I didn't realize Top Chef was back, and I think I'm going to not mention that to my fiance and see how long I can avoid watching it. That was a fun recap though.
I had a banana this morning. I don't usually eat anything for breakfast but we've been having to throw out a lot of bananas lately because they go bad before we eat them. Maybe I should watch that show, seems I need to learn a few things about not being wasteful with my money.
The impressive part is that they still have a friend
Just call the police now. There's like a 70% chance there is a headless horseman in your barn.
My day was kind of crappy but I'm going to watch hockey and have a few pumpkin beers so don't worry about me.
Here's the scene:
Yes. There was a small part about that in Bigger Stronger Faster which was a mostly interesting and enjoyable documentary that unfortunately doesn't seem to be streaming on Netflix anymore. Rob Schneider can fuck off, for more reasons than most people think.
I also want goats, but mostly because I don't like having to cut my grass. If you get goats can I just borrow them for that?
Or Portia de Rossi. Any of the female Bluths, really.
I'm starting to worry. You're getting a little TOO good at this
Thank you! No one has ever made me a blingee before!
Yeah it was really my favorite so far. I just want more screen time for non-skinless witches.
Shirtless Ichabod and no Katrina. Worst. Episode. Ever.
Anyone else notice that Abbie and Icks style their hair the same way?
What really bothers me is that Kelly didn't give us a thread to discuss this properly.
But Todd wasn't able to make it, and Walt knew that because Lydia came to the car wash and told him and asked Walt to come back. He wasn't upset the blue meth was out there, he was upset because he knew that meant the Nazis didn't kill Jesse like they were supposed to.
It also means Huell, Kuby, Badger, and Skinny Pete are all going down too. Hopefully Kuby had enough sense to run. I think the real message Vince Gilligan was trying to share with us is "Don't Snitch"
Well, what they didn't show was Jesse getting stopped by the cops on the way out and held for questioning. They find his confession video and he goes to jail for murder. While in prison he gets killed by other inmates with ties to the cartel. Sorry.
This is why the NRA recommends you hide guns in every room.
It's a little too sniper-friendly for me
Here comes the weekend!
Are they cider doughnuts? Because those are awesome
Good news! There are fanboys too!
I couldn't find an appropriate gif to capture my love of Butters from this week's South Park so here is a short clip:
They should make him fax something and have him wonder aloud why he can't just scan and email it.
If he sees twitter he's just going to assume the apocalypse already happened.
This has to be some sort of record for fastest implementation of user suggestions in the 200 year history of the internet
Yes! When he dunked and Danny said "take it easy, Kris Humphries" (or something like that) I laughed a little but then when you see that it's actually him I laughed a lot more.
Yeah, it's still pretty much the same. It's a show that I still watch because it still gets recorded, but this week I found myself actually LOLing a few times.