
I also really like the asymmetrical stocking cap. It's like "Is he a Muslim or a Sikh? What's going on here? GUNS are going on here."
Is Val Kilmer drooling on him or something? Why is only one half of his body dripping wet?
I decided this week to drop the show because I couldn't take how stupid it was becoming. I have waited my whole life for an awesome zombie apocalypse show and I get some weird melodrama with poorly written, clichéd character exchanges. Gross. I mean firing everyone seems really extreme in any situation, but I am definitely gonna give it another chance because they did...
"Am I too old to have a Facebook?" "Mom, if you want one, just sign up for one. Who cares?" "Will you help me?" "Sure." (6 months later) "Why'd you remove the tags I put on your pictures?" "Because I don't need every pedo asshole on the internet seeing my naked baby pictures." "But you're so cute in them." I wish I had a time machine...
I'd like to eat those without regretting it in January when I'm trying to wear my skinny jeans...
Is there such a thing as a "thought jinx"?
Becoming Jane?
Also it's snowing here, I give that another UGH.
Other Ughs? The Gwenyth Paltrow/Glee cover of Cee-Lo's "F-You" is charted one space higher than Cee-Lo's original.
What is it about Drake's face that people can't capture on your boyfriends' bodies? [img src=""]
After watching this video, I finally feel my age...
I was just about to nominate this... Snowman rape scene? CHECK.
Mainheim Steamroller may make the worst music ever, but their hot cocoa rocks balls...
We could always just watch ABC's 25 days of Christmas, that's pretty full of the WMOAT candidates...
I don't know Werttrew... The story does take place in the deep South, where bitter racism exists regardless of Zombie Apocalypse. So I can totally see how there could be racial tensions in this story. As for #1: I just don't think it really has to do with being nice or good intentioned, people are not rational in intensely stressful situations. A Zombie Apocalypse where you have lost personal security, your society, your loved ones, and then are in a constant, unyielding fear for you life, is going to be psychologically damaging. So you can't really expect people to act consistently with how they are now, no matter how nice they are in normal circumstances. As for #2: I would point more to situations where there has been a complete break down of society, places like the Democratic Republic of the Congo as a better example of how people behave when faced with desperate situations (even with a common enemy). In the Congo there has been a wide scale destruction of property, sexual violence, cannibalism, and murder, all which began immediately into the conflict. So yeah I'm sure there would be patches of people working together, but it would certainly be very tribalistic if anything. So ultimately, I don't think this show is brutal enough. In fact, this gangsters helping the old folks thing--->GROAN.
I could never make it past the part in the Dark Crystal where the Skeksis had Kira tied into the essence-extracting device--even to the point that when they showed it to my 6th grade (6TH GRADE!) class, I feigned an emergency restroom break and sat in the hallway until school let out for the day. Man, I've never told anyone that, it feels good to get it out. #therapygum
You're seriously telling us you don't understand what a hiccup-fart has to do with movie trailers or the Palins? #blankstaregum
I'm just enjoying how this is further proof that I'm better off screwing around on the interwebs all day than working out. There but for the grace of God, you know what I mean Monsters?
I'm wandering how the sequels are going to work. Are we going to have a Guy Gardner or a John Stewart? Or are we going to stay with Hal Jordan until the end?
Apparently you need to get back in the game hotspur...
Wait, that's how we're going to remember Jon Favreau now? As the director of Iron Man? Okay Hollywood, whatever you want.
I hate how Kevin Spacey dies at the end, I think the point would have been better made if they just would have kept on with things. I mean the whole point is to portray the banality, but that's totally killed by this extreme dramatic series of situations at the end. On a personal note: When this movie came out the guy I had a crush on loved it so so so much, we would go see it in the theater over and over again and he would talk incessantly about the plastic bag scene and I thought it was all really dumb, but he wasn't so I went along with it (love). He later hooked up with my best friend at the time and so then I really hated the movie, because they were the movie--indulgent, selfish assholes who weren't concerned about the consequences of their hurtful jerk behavior. So of course, I was happy to see it picked for WMOAT. Thanks :).
Can we just do Oscar winners? Titanic, Shakespeare in Love, Dances With Wolves, Forrest Gump... So many to choose from!
This is what happens when people don't have sex. Monsters, let's all make sure we have plenty of sex so we don't become like HarryPotterHimself (or AlanStrangHimself--yikescity)...
I was never a 12-year old boy so I literally stared at this thing for like 3 minutes going "what am I missing here? Is she like an amputee? A bird?" palcheekpink, thanks!
Oh Mans, if ever I break up with Jennifer...
Yes, but only ironically.
I see the setup being more of an America's Funniest Home Videos thing, where some hackneyed comic will narrate awkward commentary over the stills and then after, interview the families in the studio audience about why they are just so darned awkward!
This video make me think of my friend who quit his job because he thought his bosses were poisoning his sodas (I wish it stopped there, that was one of the less paranoid things he's done recently don't do drugs kids.) So do you think if I sent him this video, he'd be insulted or grateful?
Good Night, and Good Luck.
If you look on the website, the one black actor they have is playing the drug dealer.