
Well Starlee, we'll see how much you hate the walking dead when the Zombie uprising begins next year and all of us nerds totally know where to shoot them to make sure they are dead FOR REAL thanks to TWD! (Protip: It's the head)
Yup, just a regular Monday morning post... nothing disturbing at---OMYGODWHATTHEHELLISTHAT? Really Bing? On a Monday morning? (THANKS MONSTERS!!!)
Stay off my computer, Mom!
To be fair, Gabe is a replicant and has admitted that he has difficulty connecting with movies with feelings. Also, if Gabe didn't play with his dick and watch movies all day, this wouldn't be a very good website, would it?
At least he chose correctly. I'm stuck with 82 tattoos of Benjamin Bratt on my torso.
Forget it, Jake. It's FarmVille.
Did you poke my wife? What? Did you poke my wife? How do you ask me that? I'm your brother and you ask me that? Where do you get you're balls big enough to ask me that?
I think Bono should take a cue from 'The Producers' and market the whole debacle as a satire on the commercialization of Broadway musicals and how ridiculous they've become.
For sure, and I think the automatic cry of 'racist' undermines the entire progressive movement because it oversimplifies conservative objections to policies which they may genuinely disagree with. That being said, the problem with the tea party is that they have aligned themselves with the founders of the country and are effectively trying to re-write history in saying that what Thomas Jefferson really wanted was mandatory school prayer time and a 100 foot concrete wall around the country.
But the ideals of a group at the outset don't outweigh the actions and opinions of the group in the present. I'm sure the KKK was founded as a way to preserve white European heritage in a time of racial integration after the fall of slavery, but there was probably a moment when a founding member found himself looking for a sturdy tree to hang a rope from and realized that perhaps the group had strayed from its principles a bit.
In a related story, Charlie Sheen has released an app which sends text messages to all of your friends telling them that they are assholes.
3/4 after this fall's smash hit musical:
After such a negative response last night, Groupon's planned print ads were pulled.
Only if memory lane is paved with barf.
Yup, it aired right after 'Larissa Elucidates Everything'
For this comment, 'Comp Anawanna' has been used in an effort to avoid copyright litigation.
He was a bully, sure, but would the gang at comp Anawanna have been complete without Donkey Lips?
Don't be fooled by his appearance. In the coming apocalypse, the impending denim shortage will afford Mr. Smith control over his own eastern European nation.
To be fair, most Canadians have no idea what a black person is.
"We're gonna need a bigger apology bag!"[VIDEO].jpg
Guess who's back (THANKS MONSTERS!!!)
His only line is "I saw a pack of wild dogs take over and successfully run a Wendy’s!"
Well they do have a pretty reliable weatherman:
From the 'Stellar Souvenirs' section: ** Tired of that glowing "N" up in the corner? Change it to our hypercool spinning basketball. Unfortunately, this only works on a Macintosh running Netscape; sorry, Windows users. ** Ya Burnt, Windows 95 users.
Oh Gabe, nerds don't know enough about sports to make fun of them...
The Kids are All White
I know where you slid last winter.
Ice Cold American Winter
Even if skins didn't translate well, you have to admit that the US version of Monty Python's Flying Circus is pretty great.
Oh sure, everybody's fine if Gisele Bundchen gets a Brazilian wax, but try giving your toddler one and everybody wants to call Child Services!