
Being a nerdly nerd, I have to say that I love gifs. First because they are hilarious, but second, because they are totally cool new mediums for expressing yourself! Basically you are saying "I am going to respond to this text discussion using something visual and it will speak for itself". We are communicating in text AND visual languages! *nerd*
Woah guys. 400+ comments! I am a long-time v-gum reader. . .like from the beginning. I miss Lindsey (sry). But Gabe, I just wanted to say that you have done something totally awesome and amazing, which is create a smart, friendly, and welcoming little corner of the internet that makes it better. It is wholly different from every other blog I've ever read. Good work!
Just one show a week! Gabe does one, Kelly does one. Maybe? Also I want to stay up for just five more minutes mom, pleeeaaaase.
I agree with the basics, like more recaps and keep doing movie club (and maybe an old summer show we can all watch? Twin Peaks...I haven't seen IT Club, etc.). I really love gifs, you guys! It makes me sad that there is gif backlash. I say keep the gifs coming! I think Gabe should go on a once-a-week adventure. But not something awful, necessarily. Something fun and funny that he will enjoy! I just want Gabe to be happy, guys.
Yes do this! Would a videogum book club be beside the point? We could do books that have been made into movies, and compare them!
"I'm tearing you apart, pizza!"
Puppets! What is with them? We had a "devil" puppet that was part of a set (princess, king, jester, etc.) and my little brother and I made my mom take it and hide it because we were afraid of it. Same with two Where The Wild Things Are stuffed animals. Although I think my mom loved those stuffed animals.
Shut it down. Roll it up. Throw it into outer space!
Being from Pennsylvania, I feel the same about Ohio. Who cares? But I'm probably just projecting.
"This trailer doesn’t answer one question I’ve always had, though: how come all the ladies wanna bone Kalle Blomquist?" To me, this was the central question to the entire series. Although he's not quite as bad as Robert "I have a Mickey Mouse watch and I'm over 40" Langdon.
Well? What's the big secret? How does she do it?
I will quote (Synedoche) Charlie Kaufman in my favorite movie ever (Adaptation) in regards to other nominee Greenberg: "Nothing happens in the world? Are you out of your fucking mind? People are murdered every day. There's genocide, war, corruption. Every fucking day, somewhere in the world, somebody sacrifices his life to save someone else. Every fucking day, someone, somewhere takes a conscious decision to destroy someone else. People find love, people lose it. For Christ's sake, a child watches her mother beaten to death on the steps of a church. Someone goes hungry. Somebody else betrays his best friend for a woman. If you can't find that stuff in life, then you, my friend, don't know crap about life! And why the fuck are you wasting my two precious hours with your movie? I don't have any use for it! I don't have any bloody use for it!" I get the quirky slice-of-life thing. I like poorly lit indies about stuff white people like. But seriously? Greenberg? Creating a bunch of shitty characters and throwing them in a script to be shitty together and completely foregoing any sort of plot, development, growth or even regression is not a movie! It is laziness! There is a difference between an anti-hero and someone who is just shitty and boring and not worth my two hours thinking about. I just want to know what the point of Greenberg is. He wasn't even an enjoyable crappy person. Sorry monsters. I just HATED Greenberg so very much. But I guess we will wait and see what Gabe has to say!
So many monsters love Greenberg! It made me want to barf. And I love Ben Stiller and Noah Baumbach.
Oh man, I still do the bunny ears too. . .I never figured out the other way. Now I just wear flats.
Manhattan Muppet Mystery
I was googling for answers and found this, a home listing on Emile Zola Ave with a jacuzzi:
The theme of my prom was "Stairway to Heaven". In 2002. I can assure you that I had no idea who Led Zeppelin was in 2002.
Does Jennifer Aniston really like being in horribly, morally corrupt movies mascarading as romcoms? The last few movies she has been in. . .The Switch, where her best male friend secretly gives her his own sperm for her artificial insemination and then lies about it? And the new horrible bosses one, where she drugs her subordinate and poses him in a series of sexually suggestive poses, and it's supposed to be funny? The Management, where she's stalked across the country by an obsessive lunatic?
I don't think I could, in good conscience, force Gabe to watch that.
Oh - agreed. I was excited for this but it was trying SO hard.
I will watch Terra Nova and the monsters on ships because I like things with monsters, and also pretty islands with adventures, like Lost was supposed to be before it went crazy. I will also watch any Mad Men ripoffs, because Mad Men gets stalled ALL THE TIME and I need something to fill the void. Insert joke about Jon Hamm filling voids here.
Seriously, you guys need to get on it with the open thread. . .I don't have HBO so I need to live vicariously through everyone.
Greenberg! Absolutely the worst movie. I also second Vicky Christina Barcelona. Movies about white people being awful.
I agree with incredimarc. . .I am seeing this argument a lot, like, "it tries to be a guy movie by being gross and crude!" You know what? I am a lady and I am kind of gross and crude sometimes. I laugh at fart jokes. I swear a lot. I get drunk. Sometimes I feel like my life is messed up. Guys do not have the fart-poop-sex-swears market cornered!
I liked the cop character and he was sweet - but for real with that scene! Even my super clueless boyfriend was all "Duh, asking a girl to cook you breakfast is not sweet or romantic." I get he was trying to be cute and the whole point of the scene was her freaking out and panicking about big important things. But dudes. Do not make a lady make you breakfast the morning after. Take her to a nice place with crepes.
I fully approve of this thread!
Is this a modern-day adaptation of the Prince and the Pauper?
Altoona represent! I went to school in Huntingdon. The only thing I miss is the big Sheetz. . .
You're right brothers Weinstein. . .I really DIDN'T want to watch your trailer.
Paul Rudd first came into my life when I was 11 and fell in love with Clueless. He isn't going anywhere.
Yes. Guy is a tool and deserves it all!
Were you reading the youtube comments as well? I always think they can't be that bad, and then. . .
Now I finally get Donna Darko!!!!
Did we decide on a summer tv show to watch? I am totally up for Twin Peaks but then ALSO remembered that I've been wanting to watch The Prisoner.
I also only believe in 2 X-men movies and 3 Star Wars films that came out in the 1980's.
Sweet! I am at work (um, at the University. . .) and can't listen to sound right now so thanks for the heads up. . .