
An episode of Dollhouse also had that. The guy made them his aunt, sister and mother respectively, and made them watch while he played croquet (using the mallet later on to bash one of their heads in when one of the dolls [I think they weren't Dollhouse Dolls though] started coming to).
Love the redesign. I had mixed feelings about suddenly seeing the voting system disappear (its been around too long, would Videogum be Videogum and its Monsters still Monsters without it?) but I'm glad to see that the design is all spiffy with its new features and that the familiar (too familiar) thumbs up/thumbs down are still around. Good job Gabe, Scott and mysterious Gummer elves!
"It's Flipper and Eve, not Flipper and Steve!"
I like how the Mirror Hut triples their triple date even more. SEXtupling their love, probably.
I won't go on about how great Gabe and Videogum are, because the monsters have it covered and because it is just a known FACT now, so I'd just like to venture a question about the Videogum Intern? Has it been figured out? Who is it? Curious minds are curious! (And still regretting their decision to not send in a resume because life got in the way)
Upvoting you, because great minds!
I can't believe it took this long for someone to say it. Also, Videogum's 100 Gadgets!
I just looked them up and those are some awesome boots!
The stabbing one (5th one)! All of them! Oh my God, this is the best.
I want it to mean marzipan, and only marzipan. ("Say marzipan one more time." "Marzipan.")
So um. Marzipan just means marzipan, right?
I was just about to ask if we're allowed to admire her awesome bellbottoms (they're so yellow!) and leave it at that. Thank you for paving the way.
"Is that a potato in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me, Ponce de Leon? Oh. It's a potato."
When he does the air guitar bit and asks "Who am I?" and then follows it up with "I don't know" I got flashes of Suds-as-Blagojevich and Suds-as-one-half-of-Jon-Bovi.
I feel like I'm watching a Jason Sudeikis* skit on SNL (a good one), especially in the first minute. Good stuff. *or Bill Hader, if you prefer.
Someone needs to go record themselves talking and listen to it later, Tobias Funke style.

I'd stop there, but Julie Klausner* reminded me, re: werewolves and what they eat WE'RE GONNA NEED A BIGGER MUFFIN!

*I miss her Melrose Place recaps.

Everyone's said everything about this movie already, probably, so I'll just add that I kind of wanted to see more of Dakota Fanning? She looked pretty sleek, and proper vampire-y and the most she got was an awkward muzak-underscored elevator ride (everyone in my cinema laughed at that. "Vampires, they're just like us!") That battle scene in the marble room was pretty decent, although I couldn't help but chastise the vampires for taking such poor care of their ancient relics. Do you think you can just grow a 200 year old (or whatever) marble staircase overnightm, buddy? Have some respect.
I'm kind of interested in seeing what "Love Spelled Backwards is Love" is all about.
What about J Go-Lev? I've been trying to make that happen.
Go Human Beings?

"He's cheating off a girl who thinks the square root of 4 is rainbows" Kurt zings are good zings.

Say goodbye to these!

And as I recall, Vampire Bill of TB kept a grave for those special nights when he wanted to bust out of dirt naked so he and Sookie could have rape-sex in the graveyard, so that's another one of my options, I guess.
I want "How did I vampire get here." to be on my tombstone, but I wouldn't be able to if I were immortal! Why can't my life just be Mountain Dew Code Black like I want it to be? :(
You guys are making me question my negative feelings for Swift-as-SNL-host, so I'll leave it. I did like the Weekend Update bits though, Abby Elliot as Sarah McLachlan and those crazy SPCA dogs. Also, my favourite line was from Fred Armisen as Nicholas Fehn "if they banned claymation in the 1970's" which for some reason made me LOL very much.
It's never lupus. But you should never make deals with a man who can't even grow his own eyebrows, obs.
I like the idea that terminators would even have earlobes. I don't even know what mine are useful for, and I'm not a machine! (or am I?) (I'm really not)
Oh, my God, we?re having a fire. Sale. Oh, the burning! It burns me! Evacuate all the schoolchildren! (Screaming. Singing ?Amazing Grace.?) This isn?t a fever! (Continues singing.) Can?t even see where the knob is! (Dramatic sigh.) And scene.
that or maybe the shake weight action he throws out there while waiting for Osama to cook?
We should all email Walter Scott at Parade Magazine. Their track record for polls that make things happen is the best in the magazine business.
I guess I just assumed that she wouldn't be burning so many times (witchcraft!). I mean, "another Katy Perry fire"? Maybe Gabe's saying she's an arsonist. I can believe it.
You would think the mustache would maybe hide his lips a little so that it wouldn't be so obvious how bad he is at ventriloquism.
What is a Katy Perry fire, and do I even want to know?
I was pretty obsessed with that movie for a while because it kept playing on HBO or whatever, and then it just went away and I kept thinking I dreamt the whole thing. Nope.
Guys! What do you think of this crossover idea: 30 Rock/Glee? NBC buys Sue's Corner (to replace Jay Leno or whatevs, we can sort out details later) and then we get to have the glorious meeting of a) Sue and Jack Donaghy b) Sue and Tracy Jordan and c) Sue and Kenneth. Oh the possibilities! Somebody 'You Can Make It Up' this, stat, please!