
not unchecked. just...unencumbered for a bit. just enough time to get some stuff done to even out the playing field after 6 years of the other side calling the shots and the last 2 years of nothing getting done. after a bit things will be deadlocked again. it's how the system works. :) getting back on topic, Norm Coleman needs to SHUT UP AND TAKE IT LIKE A MAN. you lost, buddy. go home.
is there a Nobel Prize for being unreplaceable yet overrated at the same time? i can't decide whether i'm outraged or impressed. impraged?
but would he kill the Baby Hitler?
i'd say that the parrot is petting the cat. it's as easy to believe as poison elbows...
I've been bummed all week about you leaving the videogum...which says a lot about you and this board. i've never been emotionally attached to a board. emotions 2.0, i guess. anyway...thanks for starting this up and best of luck. keep on Lindsaying on. :)
that smile is NOT sarcastic. i'm just trying to stay positve and enjoy your last day here...
this sucks. thanks for all the're very funny and i imagine you'll be popping up again somewhere soon. good luck. :)
"Samantha (Anne Heche), a STUNNING middle- aged lawyer" try again, copywriter.
thanks for the report. i'm not going to touch the self-realization stuff...but i was one of those people that got offered tickets via twitter. the actual tweet said "free show in NYC" and being as i will be going there next month, i was like "awesome!". of course, 10 minutes later he added that the show would be the next day (and being as i live in Kansas meant i was immediately unable to attend)...but since i hadn't heard anything i figured i missed the window. so yesterday i got the invite...called the 3 people i know ( real life) who live in NYC to see if they can use them...and no one could. i thought about trying to alert the Videogum posters to these tickets i had going to waste...but i didn't want to threadjack Lindsay or Gabe, so ultimately i wrote them back and told them to send it to whoever was next on the list. the whole thing was kinda sad and bummed me out for the rest of the day. anyway...thanks for the report. even if it was bittersweet. i saw Louis the last time he came through here and he did 2 hours of new stuff...all of it great. so funny. so dark (clearly he enjoys getting people to laugh at horrible things which is awesome because you can't help it). I concur...he's the best out there right now. followed closely by Patton.
maybe it's about a boy who loses his mind...he's delusional and thinks he's in a terrible kid-oriented adventure featuring Eugene Levy? i'd give that 5 doves... actually...that would be awesome.
nothing fuels romance like being in a Concentration Camp. MAKE THIS FILM, HOLLYWOOD.
John Hodgeman is america's Summer Babe (Presidential Version).
here here. or... hear hear. whatever...i'm with you...
that joke Colbert's wife says at the end cracked me up...
you kids and your foot jobs. back in my day... *heart attack*
he's talking about "David's Situation" on the website. the show he's referring to in the interview is a different show they developed afterwards.
Mr. Show, the Simpsons, MST3K (sort of). videogum is channeling my DVD shelf. i do like like Rifftrax (not as much as Cinematic Titanic), but unless the movie is straight up old timey B-grade magic, you should probably watch the movie without commentary the first time. i'm waiting to see The Room in NYC in July. super excited.
Mr. Show was the best... i don't know if they could do the same sort of thing justice a second time around, though lightning in a bottle and all that. this point those guys should have as many shows as they want. they've earned it. I used the phrase "Taint Misbehavin'" earlier today, actually. :)
Alia disappeared half way through that. i need more Alia.
but Brad...Keyboard Cat is only $15 this week!!! heh.
HAHAHA. oops. too funny. nice favorite so far because of (obviously) Hall and Oates.
"JOHN BROWN IS 10 FEET TALL!" that's what i scream in my head when ii walk by that painting at the capital building. happens like 3 times a week. :)
i was going to make a joke about Bernard Kerik (really!?) getting his SAG card (clearly what he's been angling for the entire time)...but i supposed people on reality shows aren't TECHNICALLY actors...even though they're mostly acting all the time...and therefore can't be a SAG member. my intensive 3 minute google search backs this up.
Linday...these touching recaps of Obsessed are throwing me off. WHERE IS THE SARCASM??? WHAT SITE AM I ON??? WE'RE GONNA NEED A BIGGER KLEENEX BOX!!! these Obsessed write-ups are weirdly becoming one of my favorite weekly bits on here.
i have a hard time believing that a BALDWIN could retire from the public's eye. even the best Baldwin.
you know how they say "the journey is it's own reward"? the next time i hear that i'm going to refer them to this post.
i like how there are girls just chatting in the kitchen while this asshat-ery goes on in the living room. the girls are not even phased by it they're so used to those tools acting up.
i had to watch the clip a couple of times because i thought the dog owner was saying that the dog was smiling at her trying to make her "feel reassured" about being stoned. which would have put an entirely different spin on this story. too many meetings this morning...
i don't feel like reading everything that's been written thus far, so if this has been mentioned i second the previous commenters statement: In Larry Charles I trust. I'm sure there's more to this movie than what everyone is expecting...
i would put money on Leonardo DiCaprio. too much, too soon. kid's a goner.
all signs point to 2009 as being Bruce Boxleitner's year! plus...Norm is the best.
Scenes from inside the focus group showing of Kutcher's "Spread".
i've never watched more than a handful of Real World episodes...but if this turns into "Dunken Sexfest with Political Talking Points" i will watch every episdoe. it could be the funniest show of all time. "EPISODE 2: a drunken argument about Roe v. Wade results in a late night hook-up!"
somebody's emotionally scarred, drug-addled daughter.
"Ghost foils Murders" is right up there with "Jaws in Space" as a pitch. not really...but i can't wait to see this...
as someone who owns Transmorphers, i cannot wait for this to wrap up some of the lingering questions. also check out the fantastic Aliens VS. Hunter...released a week before Aliens VS. Predators. filmed entirely in a basement, from what i can tell.