
Doh! Yer right. I knew that. Good catch.
Prisoner: There is no AIR in SPACE Homer: There's an Air-In-Space MUSEUM.
WhatEVER forever downvoter....that's the full quote (of Homer's) "USA! USA! Number One! Number One!"
(Homer's attempt to get a fee waived on an airline ticket) "Waive it." *Shakes fist in air* "WAIVE IT!"
HOMER: Doh! MARGE: A dear! LISA: A female dear!
BART: Why are you always trying to get me to take a potato to school for Show-And-Tell? MARGE: I just think they're neat.
Dr. Nick: Inflammable means flammable? What a country!
No he "bent" his Wookie. Bent.
May/may not have gotten a *little* too excited about this on my twitter feed today. Hard to say. Who can judge? Fine line.
Okay I just watched it again. If anyone one involved in making it reads these comments: Thank you so much for this! It made my day. And thanks to my 2 favorite sites VG and (SG by proxy) for being the venue for it's world premiere! Today you have struck a major blow (nullus) for the AARP Monster chapter. Also, that is Yale's joke. The AARP joke. Don't want her to read this and think I'm biting her style. Because old people like us value things like not jacking ppl's style and they also value things like "Not fronting" and "keeping it real real even under stressful conditions like waiting all weekend for a video to post to the Internet." Things that YOUNG KIDS (except Yael...and maybe Kiri Mack) don't seem to value as much! How do you like us now bbs?! Not so great is it? Being pushed off the Interned Freeway/Highway thing for walking too slow and spilling ovaltine all over the front of your Formal Cardigan. Not so funny huh! Oh man....I need a nap. Someone help me to my room.
My band's first song was "100,00 Fireflies." I ADORE the Magnetic Fields version of course, but we were inspired more by the Superchunk version. In fact I sometimes liked to introduce our version as "our cover of Sprchnks's cover of a Mag Fields song!"
I sang "Shallow End" all while waiting all morning for this post! Let's hear it for OLDIES!
Fantastic job! Though, in the interest of fairness, I confess, I may have decided I loved it before I seeing it. I've been waiting for this to post all morning. Actually, I've been waiting for it to post ever since I heard S. Jacobson was working on it. YEAH!
I was in a movie with Art Linklater once. It was one of those "How To Be More Assertive" videos that I imagine they show at sad Learning Annex type places. I was a waitress at a cafe when I was in high school and a camera crew came in and asked if they could film there and my boss said yes. Then they asked if I'd play the waitress. And the Art Linklater narrated the scenes as they happened. I'm pretty sure Meryl Streep started the same way. Goodbye Art Linklater, you were only slightly creepy!
I hate myself for this but, Drive Shaft should do the soundtrack I guess. (I don't even WATCH lost!) Ugh.
The 5-year old fashion blogger from Racked.
But how is that a big secret? I mean, she doesn't really come off as a really down-to-Earth person or anything. Or does she? Am I missing something here? Is she known for being really nice?
I agree with this 100%. Gervais is confusing to me on this poll.
I think it's impossible for Paul Rudd to be a secret jerk because of that funny dance he does on talk shows.
The winner will be crowned by Tom Hanks and Ron Howard right?
"There's no crying in MLB®!"
"Yo, Ambian?!"
If George Clooney had just played this video on a loop instead of letting The Rat Pack, The Brat Pack and The Rat Pack Part 2 ruin things, then Help For Haiti would have raised $700,000,000,000..
Looks like I'm getting called out on my remix collection. You know what I think? I think that's classic fronting. That's all that is. That is straight up and down, old-fashion fronting. But whatever. I won this week! YAY! Um, I'd like to thank my agent and Pilates instructor. Couldn't have done this without Bjorn. But mostly I'd like to thank bingo gas station for making my avatar which we all know is the Internet equivalent of wearing someone's letterman jacket around the quad. Thanks Bingo! You're the worst. Wait don't play the music....I'm not finished yet.....
That one IS good. mos def in my top 5 favs. do you have the 2Many DJ's remix? I have it, but the file is corrupted so it only plays half of it and then is freezes.
Not gonna front. Straight up love this stupid song. I know all the words (in ORDER) and I have every re-mix.
Hi, My name is Kelly and I make my living as a dancer in Los Angeles. Now, I know what you're thinking....but not THAT kind of dancer. Ew! Get real. I mean dance is my life! I work in the theater. Broadway stuff! I'm a real class act. I live with my parents in the same house they used in the Drew Barrymore/Shelly Long/Ryan O'Neill movie, Irreconcilable differences, in a never-referred-to-by-name neighborhood but probably Brentwood. But sometimes I hang out with my friends from East LA. I was trained formally but my friends teach an more, um, unconventional style of dance at the local community center, Miracles (so named because of how awesome it is that the white people of LA don't have to look at the poors since they're inside boxing and dancing.) ANYS--this evil white, male from City Hall wants to shut us down because Miracles owes $200,000 in repairs. OH! And if that weren't enough, there's this gang, Electrorock, is, like always messing with us. Challenging us to dance-offs under the freeway. But, I mean, one time my exboyfriend did this snake move with his hands so DON'T EVEN WORRY ABOUT IT! But still....tense, you know? AND GET THIS! Some girl (a poor) is all up in my ex-boyfriends face about him hanging out with me. WHAT-EVER! Am I right? I mean I don't even remember us breaking up. Last I checked, we were still together. ALMOST FORGOT--sometimes Ice-T shows up. Okay so I actually have 2 questions. 1) Should Ozone and Turbo and I all have a three-some AND 2) what do you think? Pop-lock-uprock for that last 8 count? Or should we do Coin Drops and Zulu Spins? So confused.
Maybe I'm just a little sensitive today, but it freaks me out a little bit when Videogum works blue. Anyway, I nominate Sweet November or Confessions Of A Shopoholic for WMOAT. They are both the worst and I wish they would just die.
You know, I never though about it like that before Oliver Stone. Poor Hitler.
Totally untrue. Did you see how divided we all were over Team Edward/Team Jacob?
Totally untrue. Did you see how divided we all were over Team Edward/Team Jacob?
Is this like for one of those "I Used To Be Mildly Famous - Get Me Outta Here" tv shows? This is all very strange to me. Except for Emile. I love Emile. Totally want to listen to the new Beach House album with Emile really hard. ALL. NIGHT. LONG.
Wait. So are you saying that your family DIDN'T set up a video camera to record all of your Beta movies like we did? Poooooooor.
We also had Caddyshack and Breakin: 1 & 2. But we actually wore those out from watching them so much. Our Betamax had a remote control.....that was attached to the machine with a cord. My life was pretty much exactly like Paris Hilton's.
You know it gurrrrrl! Ugh. He made Just Jack look a closeted, married Republican father of 3.
When I was little my brother and I used to watch this over and over on our Betamax. It was in constant rotation with Brewster's Millions, The Toy, and Fletch. I'm not sue why the movie captivated us so much. Probably because my brother was in love with Kim Catrall and I was studying to be gay dude's DREAM GURRRL because I knew James Spader/Mesach Taylor/Estelle Getty trivia.